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awakening and ascension 2020

Great Awakening, Earth Changes and the Coronavirus Meaning.

The changes on the planet are now coming fast and furious. Get ready for the new world and great awakening. Fast change can cause grief as it produces a feeling of loss and stress. It’s not too late however to shift your energy so you can deal with the earth changes and challenges.

The Ascension Process: Getting Off the Matrix Video

For decades I have tried to make sense of the human experience and how the law of attraction can be the most powerful tool to create an amazing and free life. Making sense of how the world operates and why there is so much heartache can be daunting and complex to understand.

What to do about the USA Donald Trump Election

Disclaimer: This post was written in 2016 when Trump got elected. All I knew about him was what the media purported. Even so, I didn’t see him as being president of the USA a bad thing. And after all I know now,

9 Steps to find your life purpose, calling and destiny

Are you challenged finding your life purpose? It’s because you’ve been conditioned to follow a path that’s directed by other’s expectations and your fear of failure. You’ve been influenced, misguided and led away from your true feelings, instincts, and alignment to your passions.

How childhood conditioning and abuse affects your life

Your childhood plays a huge part in how your life pans out in adulthood. Watch as I explain in the video below:


Video Script

Today I am going to explain the concepts of energy exchange and how your childhood plays out in adulthood.

How to respond to pain and suffering

Do you ever feel sorry for people or situations in a way that causes you to spend hours worrying and recounting the story to others? When you connect to the pain and stress of others, it can leave you feeling disempowered and distraught. In fact, there is so much media access to the unimaginable suffering in the world today that it can constantly leave you feeling overwhelmed and depressed. Did you know that this learned behaviour of feeling sorry and connecting to other people’s pain can actually cause more harm than good?

How to get help and support from the Universe

Have you got friends whom you just love to help and others you aren’t so keen to lend a hand to (the ones you roll your eyes at hoping it would end soon)? There are similarities in the way the universe works and why it responds more so to some, rather than others. These same concepts applies to why some people heal more readily, which will make sense when you analyse yourself and your own friends’ attractions.

Finding Mr. Right – Your Soul Mate

Are you still waiting for your fairy godmother to wave her magic wand so your worn out Target jeans and t-shirt can turn into a beautiful silk ball gown and Prince Charming will magically appear to save you from your misery? You probably need a reality check as all those fairy tale stories have given you the wrong idea. They have left you moping around, waiting for a phone call from a tall dark handsome man. Let’s be real, all the “Knights in Shining Armour” (and yes girls, they are out there) are not looking in messy kitchens for a woman who sits by the phone. However, you do have a soul mate and I’ve got some great ideas on how to attract him into your life, so listen real close …

When to stay and when to leave in relationships

Have you found yourself asking “Should I leave or should I stay in a relationship?” The same could be said with a friendship that leaves you questioning “Is this good for me?”. When you have an unbalanced relationship that leaves you feeling devalued and disrespected, do you fear being the one to end it by telling them they are no longer welcome in your life? This can be difficult to do, especially if they are a family member. The answer to this is …