How to be sensitive in an insensitive world

When you are highly sensitive, achieving your potential can be a difficult process. The world can feel harsh and disempowering, especially when you feel the emotions of others and you are easily affected by negative energies. Shopping centres, computers, and phones can drain your energy. Does this sound like you?

Too many rules, restrictions, and manipulations can overwhelm you when you long to be accepted for your individuality. You see the big picture of how things should be, yet experience people who are stuck in archaic traditions. You read people like a book, discern truth and value honesty more than most other traits. You easily manifest the things you need, however, when you are distracted, your abilities waver.

There is a deep innate calling within you, a connection to nature, children and animals … in fact you prefer animals to people sometimes. You yearn for like-minded people to support your creativity and unique abilities. You long to be free, safe and your soul fed with goodness.

Overcoming feeling sensitive and fragile

Getting assistance from enlightened beings

Your mission is awakening the world to become more caring and nurturing. You interact with angels and guides from the unseen world that most don’t know. You bless others as you utilise your precious, spiritual gifts that can make you feel isolated. As you do this, you pave the way for others who are similar and need to feel valued, respected and embraced.

In the past, I had completely shut down from the years of childhood abuse I endured. I felt too sensitive, and the pain was too much to bear. I kept searching for a solution to heal myself and make my life feel free of the burden I was carrying. Your sensitivity can also be a gift to yourself and humanity once you learn to value your energy and use it to advance your life.

Life if a smorgasbord of energies, attract the good ones!

There can be a smorgasbord of energies when dealing with people in general. I have attended many healing courses, joined groups, and attended family occasions that depleted my energy. I experienced how negative people can be detrimental and overpowering. I have also experienced how powerful the right people in your life can be – healing, liberating and strengthening your life force.

There is a formula to navigate your uniqueness and turn your sensitivity into a gift. The following seven steps include concepts that are essentials to staying sensitive yet remaining powerful.  You can apply these principles to feel protected, safe and empowered so you can stay true to yourself.

7 steps to living your potential with sensitivity:

  1. Acknowledge

    You create everything – the power is in your hands. Focus on what you want, talk about what you want, find solutions to problems and move forward quickly. Celebrate other’s achievements and progress with enthusiasm. What you wish for in others – you wish for yourself. Recognise that you have the power inside to change your life and circumstances. Refrain from blaming others as everything you attract has a message or resides in your energy field.

  2. Make Choices

    Connect with uplifting, supportive and balanced people. Respond and connect to people who are emotionally balanced and disconnect from people who impose their problems on you. Refrain from engaging in negative responses. Delete all negative online connections with people twitter, Facebook etc. Refuse to compromise or sacrifice your energy to please others.

  3. Value Yourself

    Take note of how others treat you. Look closely at friends and family members as they have the most influence on your energy field.  Avoid gatherings, people, groups or events that do not feel right. Refuse to take responsibility for other people’s bad behaviour. If you succumb to other’s control or manipulations, you become an enabler of their bad behaviour. Ensure your self-talk is positive and supportive. Learn to love yourself completely and require others to treat you with respect!

  4. Give Yourself Permission

    Let go of guilt, blame, sorrow, low self-worth, anger or any emotion that depletes you. Feeling negative emotions attracts more negativity in your life. Choose to let go of the past and move on to a brighter future.

  5. Create Cleansing Rituals

    Light candles and cleanse your home physically and spiritually. Remove items that have negative emotions attached to them. Play uplifting music, watch positive shows, spend time with nature, animals, and children. Cleanse yourself with meditation, chanting, music, dance etc. Discipline yourself to pay attention to what feels good and move away from what doesn’t.

  6. Trust and Surrender

    Everything will work out. Learn to trust the universe will provide. Embrace your uniqueness and creative abilities by developing them further. Live in your integrity.

  7. Use Universal Laws

    Empower yourself. You are a magnet – emit the vibration you want to attract. Build good Karma. Thank those who are negative towards you as they are reminding you to change and love yourself more. Turn your pain into your power.

With these seven techniques, you can turn your sensitivities into your blessings, attract those who are respectful and live an empowered life. Your power is sourced from the relationships you create so ensure every relationship you pursue is positive, supportive and empowering.

Blessings and Love

Marisa Russo

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.

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