Every day, you wake up knowing that atrocities occur every minute of the day. There is overwhelming evidence of the unnecessary pain and suffering inflicted on humanity. You only need to turn on the TV, read a Facebook post, or dive into your family’s history for living proof.
Do You Have Internal Conflict?

Being an Empath and Sensitive
Getting Off the Matrix
You Can Feel Empowered with an Action Plan
5 Steps to Shift Earth's Consciousness and Advance Humanity
#1. Remove Pain Inside Yourself
The pain and suffering of your past are carried inside you. Even though your intention isn’t to create more pain and suffering for others or yourself, until you heal, you will continue to be part of the creation process of suffering.

This concept is a Universal Law – like attracts like. I often notice that the people who feel compelled to help others are really avoiding their own inner pain and suffering. If they continue to search outside of themselves, trying to heal others, they will continue to be part of the problem until their own inner pain and conflicts are addressed.
Some people become warriors for others who have been victimized. When they “fight” for a cause, they cause resistance, which then creates more of what they don’t want. When you look more deeply at why a person has so much passion for something, it is because they are “fighting” for themselves, especially when nobody protected or saved them when they were in need. This, again, continues a cycle of focusing energy on an unwanted creation. This is a cycle that continues to attract and create victims for others to save.
The Verdict
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein
#2. Be Part of the Solution

The Power of the Ho'oponopono Method
He would ask the Divinity to erase memories in his subconscious mind as he looked over each individual patients file, and as he did this, the patients improved. He applied the Ho’oponopono cleaning statements which are: “I’m sorry”, “please forgive me”, “thank you”, and “I love you”. During this time, many of the recovered patients were released which led to the ward closing down.
#3. Action To Take Now

Positive Rituals
Curses performed with rituals are a dark form of spiritual abuse that can manifest into physical abuse and trauma. Rituals use the law of attraction, witchcraft, and embedded spells that form a powerful energy which can destroy lives. You can create powerful, positive rituals of love and protection for anyone, situation, or place, including your loved ones. These rituals should never be underestimated and used sacredly with good intentions to get powerful results.
Create a Mantel
You can create a mantel with a picture of who/what you want to protect or heal, then surround the picture with ornaments of angels and good omen figurines. The other method is to create a crystal grid with the person/situation listed in the centre. These methods place powerful, protective energy on the intended recipient.
#4. Boundaries and Protection

#5. Find Your Purpose for World Change

Summary: Breathe in Gratitude, Breathe out Love
If you forget anything in this blog post, remember to do this one exercise as often as you can, as every breath you take can transform you in a positive way for yourself and others. If you continuously perform this simple exercise, your life will completely transform.
Breathe In Gratitude
Be conscious when you breathe in and breathe in gratitude for anything you can think of. Anything that surrounds you such as the grass, butterflies, trees, or any that has touched your heart.
Breathe Out Love
On the out-breath, breathe out love, the love you have for your family, friends, home, children, or animals. This breath of love will remain in the Universe and travel to someone who then breathes in your air of love, and without knowing it, they will connect to your love.
Blessings and love always,
Marisa ♥
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Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”