Can you recall a time when you navigated your daily life without acknowledging your emotions or recognizing your spiritual needs? In those days, life felt simpler and emotionally more stable, but now the landscape has shifted.
You might be among those embracing unconventional choices, embarking on a unique journey to address a spiritual emptiness stemming from countless experiences of an oppressed and confined spirit.
Reversing Spiritual Bondage
Your Soul Wants to Break Free
The awakening you are experiencing may feel like you have been living in an inescapable matrix, or starring in your own “Truman Show”. When you start searching for truth, you realise this concept is not that far from the truth.
As you awaken and begin to connect yourself, you will realise you’ve been spiritually deprived, living in a spiritual famine. This has left you craving for “soul food” to satisfy a deep hunger within.

Investing in your spiritual growth will change your life, break the invisible bonds holding you captive and return humanity to the planet.
#1. Rituals are Programmed into Your Soul
So-called “troublemakers” are carefully monitored and targeted, which I will elaborate on in my next blog post.
Religions Are Ritualistic
Members enter their temples and surrogate for people who have passed away for “sacred ordinances”. Mormon perform rituals on unconsenting, dead souls such as baptism, eternal marriage, initiations, etc.
The Church of Scientology forces their members from the age of eight to sign contracts that bind their souls to their faith for a billion years. The contracted person’s soul is bound lifetime after lifetime and causes great hardship for the person who reincarnates. I wrote a blog post on how to cancel this contract here.
Muslims use loudspeakers to disperse prayers over their cities to remind the people that Allah their omniscient God needs to be obeyed at all costs. These prayers are broadcast in the stillness of the night in Muslim countries. It codes the subconscious mind, and the worse part is, it programs the vulnerable minds of children.
Most people are unaware they are programmed … even you .. yes you. You would have cultivated many belief systems from your life experiences that have imprinted in your energy field. Your life is your benchmark and feedback to what they are!
You Are Programmed Not to Think or Ask Questions
Christian religions perform rituals that bind your soul to their faith in baptism. This restricts (and blinds) you to live a life exactly like Christ’s: obedience, suffering, poverty, sacrifice, hardship, and service. It binds you to think you are sinful, that you have no power in your life, to not question authority, and that you have to be saved by another person.
I wrote about my own experience of removing a sacrifice vow through energy healing in my book, Freeing the Unloved Girl. When the vow was removed, it changed my thinking and actions, from being a victim to feeling and acting empowered. It was as if I had woken from a coma and could see things with complete transparency.
Normalisation Allows Inhumanity to Continue
There are many other barbaric rituals performed in the name of religion such as female genital mutilation, self-flagellation, animal and human sacrifice, impaling and taking on the name of a saint to energetically bind your life to live as they did.
All these rituals place an energetic program on your soul for suffering, struggle, and disempowerment. It causes scars on your soul, leaving you disconnected and ignoring your instincts which are there to protect and empower you.
You are unaware there is more to your life as you have never known any different. The worst part of this is, we program each other, as these rituals become “normalised.”
#2. The Media Spreads Fear and Distracts You
Mass media, insurance companies, Big Pharma, advocacy groups, lawyers, politicians and so many more, know that your fear is worth billions. These groups have been laughing all the way to the bank.
They have withheld the truth, fed you fear and caused stress and illnesses, so you are easily manipulated and controlled. The media have hijacked your amygdala which is the home of your emotional responses, specifically fear.
The fear stored in your psyche blocks your spiritual growth as you automatically shut down your senses from the perceived and real threats and stresses around you.
Addictions are Deliberately Created
This has also caused you to have an addiction to drama, so you unconsciously seek more of it. Your environment is your spiritual food and you have been trained to allow the media to feed your spirit, which feeds your cells. It’s time to change your “cell food” diet!
The following excerpt is from a subliminal message quoted in David Wilcock’s book, The Ascension Mysteries, which he sourced from YouTube.
The following subliminal text was discovered on TV while the American national anthem played in the 1960s. David refers to the names “Ultra” and “Naomi” as alleged mind control programs. The mainstream media also ensures that any “spiritual healing methods” are discredited, undermined, and devalued so, you avoid acknowledging them.
They have discredited those who don’t comply with the dictated “norm” which causes people to become polarised when you take a spiritual path.
Time to turn off the “idiot box” and start watching programs that contain uplifting truths. I personally now spend most of my time watching Gaia TV, Youtube, Netflix etc as truth is far more interesting than the propaganda found on TV, once you get a taste of it.
#3. When You Attempt to Exit the Matrix, You Are Targeted
It’s a well-known fact that whistleblowers are targeted and those who buck the system pay for it. They don’t want you to spiritually advance as you would then see through their lies and manipulations.
The “system” you have been living in was built to meticulously and thoroughly program and control you. They recognise that sexual, physical and emotional abuse, especially experienced in childhood, makes you easy prey.
They take control of institutions, including education, to monitor what you learn and teach you the rules to comply with authority.

Poisoning your food and water, prescribing medicinal drugs, and manufacturing wars, disasters and crises all work to keep you right where they want you.
The Ascension Process Is Now Taking Place
So, if you feel a little depressed with all of this, don’t worry. The good news is that you can now free yourself from the power that keeps you spiritually bound.
The way has been paved for you to gain your spiritual connection and be part of the Ascension process to transform yourself.
Begin healing yourself and looking inward. There is a much more powerful force now assisting this process – use the universal laws to gain access to it.
3 Steps to Spiritually Evolve
#1. Meditate, Heal Yourself, and Look Inward
Looking inward (everything is stored in your energy field) and changing yourself is the key to progressing. Changing destructive behaviours and finding your self-worth is imperative to becoming more spiritual.
Energy healing is a powerful method of transforming the negative energy that has accumulated in your energy field and soul.
Forensic Healing’s Role in the Ascension Process
#2. Vegetarian Diet and Body Detox
Eat Consciously
Vegetarianism is also a way to eliminate the cruelty of farming and killing animals, which is stored in your energy field as a vibration when you eat them. Build some good karma and opt to eat consciously.
#3. Detox From Heavy Metals
Heavy metals can have serious effects on your mind and body. The effects include reduced growth and development, cancer, organ damage, nervous system damage, and in extreme cases, death.
A common side effect is a poor memory, emotional instability, indecisiveness, chronic fatigue, and disconnectedness.
Children are more vulnerable to the toxic effects of heavy metals as the rapidly developing systems in prenatal, infantile and all young human are far more sensitive.
Exposure can result in learning difficulties, memory impairment, damage to the nervous system, and behavioural problems such as aggressiveness and hyperactivity.
Heavy Metals Are Conduits
Heavy metals then act as a conduit for cell tower signals, radiation, negative energies and other ways for your body to be coded, manipulated, controlled and diseased.
When heavy metals are present in your body keep, it creates a low and dense energetic frequency, therefore you will attract situations that energetically match it. It can physically block your attempt to connect and become more spiritual.
Soul Upgrade

You Won’t Want to Miss the Next Blog Post
The more people who unite in this spiritual awakening, the more power is returned to us.
Blessing and love always,
Marisa ♥
Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”