Critical to Know; The Law of Getting Help from Angelic Realms

I was recently reminded how often I was helped when I desperately needed it. In my twenties, I was far more spontaneous and reckless, as I did things without thinking about the consequences. For example, there was a time I met up with a friend in Europe, and we decided to travel to Greece.

I was expecting some money to come through from some agency work, but I left for Greece ahead of my friend. The plan was that she would collect my money and meet up at a location we picked out on a map of the Greek Island Crete.

The Old Days Were Different

In those days, credit cards were not a thing, and neither was the internet. So we discovered the location by selecting it on a map. But, unfortunately, we didn’t realise it was a tiny little Greek village with limited transport, and it took over a couple of days to get there.

On my route there, I met some Australian girls on a bus, and we chatted for a bit and parted ways. Later that day, I was walking on the beach, the halfway mark of my travels to the little Greek village, searching for a place to stay for the night.

I Slept On The Beach

I sat on the white sand, feeling scared and lonely at the thought of spending an entire night alone on the beach. I pleaded to God for help and then got up to walk further along the beach when I spotted the Australian girls I had met on the bus. They also decided to camp on the beach and welcomed me to spend the night with them.

When I finally arrived at the location, I waited until my friend arrived with my money. There were no mobile phones, so I trusted she would find her way despite the village’s remote location and limited transport options.

A lovely Old Greek Lady

Again, I was taken care of, and a lovely old Greek lady who didn’t speak a word of English offered me a small hut to stay in. I promised her I would pay when my friend arrived with my money which she did around 4 days later.

So many times, I got help when asked. This concept leads me to a recent video of Rev Michael Beckwith. He clarifies the laws of getting help. He tells it in a story that goes like this:

Rev Michael Beckwith: “I remember a few years ago; I was in Costa Rica. I got caught in a double riptide, and I couldn’t get out of it. I was exhausted, and I drifted way out into the ocean.

how to ask for help from the angels

My daughter and I were the only ones on the beach; there was no one to ask for help. So as I drifted out to sea, she became like a little ant on the beach.

Was This My Last Day?

I remember going underwater, swallowing a lot of water. I wondered if this was my last day on the planet as I hadn’t had any prophetic dreams about this.

I didn’t feel that it was my last day. Then I suddenly popped up from the water, and the words that came were not even a conscious thought. It just came out of my mouth that I needed some help. I needed some help.

Asking for Help

I asked for help out loud in the ocean, then programmed my mind. I said regardless of how tired the body gets; I won’t give up.

So I started swimming into the sides of the waves. It took me a long time, but I finally got in. So, obviously, I’m here with you.

Back In LA

When I arrived back in Los Angeles, I talked to a friend who is a medium. I told her about the experience, and she asked if she could “see” what happened.

I said go right ahead. Then she said, “Oh, you asked for help”. I said I did and that it just popped out of my mouth. She said the moment you asked for help, an archangel gave you three waves, and that’s what happened.

Free Will

I had three waves that gave me momentum and saved me. Finally, she said,
how to ask for help from the angels
“You know the Archangel couldn’t have helped unless you asked for help because they can’t intervene.”
So there is the law of asking because free will comes into play. The angelic beings cannot force anything onto us, so we must ask them.

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