How to get help and support from the Universe

Have you got friends whom you love to help and others you aren’t so keen on helping (the ones you roll your eyes at hoping it would end soon?) There are similarities in the way the Universe works and why it helps some, rather than others. These same concepts apply to why some people heal more readily. If you analyse the characteristics and habits of yourself and others, it gives you the answers and clues to get more of what you want.

Learn the science and formula of the Universe

The journey of healing myself and now others have given me the insights to create Forensic Healing which uncovers that life is a science and has a formula to create success or failure. In the process of traveling the world presenting live demonstrations, I had to find the answer as to why some people heal. I needed to know why some people get their prayers answered, and some don’t. I needed to know the answer to this vital question to ensure my demonstrations were successful. I discovered the patterns of what made someone a good conduit to receive the “source energy” and what actions would block it. why people don't heal These concepts are the same for finances, relationships, health and a general flow in life. Just as you witness in your daily life, there are those who attract more people who are willing to assist, while there are others who people steer clear of or only assist under severe duress! These people are the ones you label “hard work,” and they will interact with others in the same difficult manner as they do with you. They carry the energy of all their difficult relationships which feels dense and draining when you are around them.

People love helping nice people

Alternately, the people you feel good about helping, are those who are kind, grateful, supportive, those who see the good in others and take responsibility for their actions. These people have “good energy” and are open to change and feel pleasant to be around. It feels effortless and an uplifting experience when you help them. The Universe works in the same way. People with these traits have great energy,  “source energy” or “healing energy.” This makes the energy easily absorbed by the person who can assist them to heal or release their blocks so they can move forward in life and attract more of what they want. The negative people who choose to blame others, find fault in everything or refuse to change, block the “source energy” which is trying to heal them. It becomes difficult for these people to manifest what they want. It is fundamental laws of karma or attraction. Gaining an understanding of this concept would reveal patterns for yourself, your friends or your clients and why they can attract good things or not. Just analyse the common denominator – it will be either them, you or worse – both! You can be a powerful creator of the things you want. Make sure you are good “friends” with the universe who is just waiting with open arms to help you!! Blessings and love for great creations Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.