All the Methods to Self-Healing Are Now Available
Never in history has there been a more meaningful time to heal or improve yourself. Everything you need to heal or change your life is accessible. The solutions to your life’s problems are available, and they are in the “energetic field” (or source energy) that surrounds you, and there is a unique criterion to access this “field.”
My ongoing chronic pain pushed me to find answers and access the “field” for answers. The doctors told me that I would live with pain for the rest of my life, which was ultimately masking emotional distress. I thought that feeling depressed and unhappy was a natural state of being. It took me decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars to unravel what was necessary to heal myself. I had tried even Western medicine, but in my case, it didn’t help.
Be Still and Listen – You are Guided
The very first time I tried alternative healing, I heard a voice distinctly say, “This is the road to healing yourself.” Finally, I found the answers after an arduous journey down the alternative therapy road. I chose not to settle for mediocrity, as much more freedom is available than we are told.
Checklist for Removing Negative Energy
There are commonalities in those who transform themselves. Many of these people receive powerful results from alternative and energy healing. However, the people who get the best results from energy healing (which would be a critical aspect of how much their life flows) are those who show respect, are spiritually awakened, and make a concerted effort to follow their instinctual gut feelings.
These people hold themselves accountable, take steps to heal their past, find self-worth, and educate themselves. They strive to make consistent changes and recognise that they are in control of their destiny.
Build Your Good Karma of Energy
When you develop these positive traits, you open yourself to the powerful energy available to restore, progress, and free yourself. It’s as if you have a thousand angels on your side, protecting, guiding, advancing, and healing.
Every person who has a positive thought about you turns into a power source for you to access. Their thoughts are energy, and they penetrate your energy field, providing an excellent power source for you to heal and progress your life.
Thick Skins are Counterproductive
Some people develop “thick skins” to avoid being affected by negativity. You can see the disconnect from the “thick skins” of some leaders and politicians. They seem almost soulless.
The problem with having a thick skin is that it’s counterproductive to your life. It blocks your ability to connect with the “field,” or source energy, that lets you feel alive and access vital information. Disconnected people then try to control people and situations, to get the feeling of power they cannot feel within.
Pain Turned into Power
Life disasters and problems cause some people to change and seek answers in many different places. But their problems can’t be solved by looking for external solutions. It’s often a case of “How bad does it have to get for you to change?”
Everything Begins Energetically
The journey of searching inside yourself gives you a unique understanding of why everything happens in your life, from past experiences and conditioning to your present experiences.
I am always the first to say that your negative/abusive childhood events are not your fault. You can, however, do something about changing your life now. When you make the appropriate changes, your problems can turn into a blessing—freeing your mind, heart, and soul.
Spiritually Disconnected People
Disconnected and unaware people look for answers to their problems with a “one-stop fix,” or they look for someone else to solve their issues. As a result, they avoid doing the “inner” work and connecting to themselves first, which would open them to receiving the energy from their practitioner.
When they don’t get the desired results, they blame the practitioner. If they were connected, they would be open to the information the practitioner/mentor gives them to make necessary changes.
Being disconnected blocks people from being open to other possibilities and receiving life-changing messages. This concept never registers, as they don’t know any other way of being.
They fail to see their problem stays the same because they remain the same.
When you develop an outlook of being open, learning new things, and changing how you look at yourself and the world, you open yourself to all possibilities and the answers to improve your life.
12 Ways to Access Life Solutions
1.Spiritual Awareness and Knowledge
There is a greater acceptance that we are energetic beings that attract similar vibrations to match our energy. The fundamental concept of “law of attraction” is now more widely known. Knowledge is power, so understanding the “laws” of how energy functions allows you to use it to your advantage. It’s the same concept as learning the road rules when driving. If you don’t know and don’t obey the laws, you will be penalised and cause accidents that impede—or even stop—your journey and others.
2.Physical Cleansing from Toxins and Heavy Metals
You are what you eat. If your foods/environment contain toxins, they will physically block your connection to your spirit or soul. It’s like trying to drive a car with contaminated petrol. It will damage the engine and cause a breakdown. Heavy metals are dangerous neurotoxins and a common reason people disconnect from their spirit and intuition. Fluoride is another neurotoxin added to water supplies to keep us unaware that we are being manipulated, controlled and disconnected.
3. Energy Can Be Seen
Women in South Africa often trick the health authorities so they don’t have to vaccinate their children. For example, the mothers clairvoyantly see their children’s third eye (intuition) close when they get vaccinated, so they put a blister mark on their child’s arm and tell the authorities they have already vaccinated them. Physically detoxing yourself will give you a greater connection to your spirit and soul. This will advance your awakening and connection to your “energy field,” bringing answers and information you need.
4. Alternative Therapies
Alternative therapies and energy healing are the most potent methods for connecting to your energy field. It’s like breathing life into your spirit and soul. Sexual and physical abuse inflicts profound destruction on people’s souls. It takes every ounce of a person’s life force to overcome the damage. The best results to overcome this type of injury is to attend ongoing healing workshops. Unfortunately, it can take decades to heal the unseen damage and restore shattered souls.
5. Removing Religion and Negative Conditioning
Whatever you experienced in childhood has become your truth. Religious dogma is in the global consciousness and is full of disempowering beliefs. It teaches that your power is outside of you, you’re born in sin, women are evil and guilty, war is good, man is the ruler of women, gays are an abomination, etc. Need I go on?
You also have negative conditioning learned from your parents and peers that still affects you. Therefore, investing time and resources in analysing your core beliefs and changing them is paramount to opening yourself to more possibilities.
6. Childhood
Your childhood experiences cannot be underestimated. Everything you experience becomes the blueprint and foundation for your life. You’ve probably noticed that you have similarities and behaviours like your mother or father (even though you secretly swore you would never be like them!)
It takes courage to reverse destructive childhood experiences and conditioning to change your current situation. However, with perseverance, commitment, and consistency—you will move through the invisible forces that appear to sabotage your life. Some people spend a lifetime working through their issues. Programming is embedded not only during this lifetime but also seared into your soul from past lives (that’s why you attract the same circumstances in this lifetime). When you commit to doing everything possible to heal your life, you experience faster changes in your circumstances.
7. Think and Ask Questions
Question everything, especially your behaviour. When you become more self-aware, you realise that you have blindly done things without question or logic. Many people have woken up to the destructiveness of the old, controlled systems that cause dysfunction to individuals, families, communities, and the planet. When you’re aware of the dysfunction, you can make informed choices that support better solutions.
8. Intention on Solutions
When you ask the right question, the Universe responds accordingly. Therefore, focusing on solutions rather than problems opens the pathway for the answers to appear. Keeping an open mind then allows you to see the answers. Since I have learned this concept, solutions to my life’s problems have come much faster. This is because I have spent my entire life building a connection to Source and the rewards pay off (and I use the same technique to help others).
I keep myself open to “see” and “feel” what the Universe is telling me. I am always in awe of how I solve the most obscure problems and situations. This way of being takes patience and a lot of deep thought, and the more you practice it, the easier it becomes.
9. Believe You Will Get Answers
Cultivating a belief that you will be guided to solve your problems will allow the answers to come to you. Be open to the many ways the Universe might answer you. The best confirmation comes in “feeling” the right answers.
10. Start with Yourself
The solutions are available to you. The easiest way to change anything in your life is to hold yourself accountable for everything you attract. Responding to any situation with the question, “Why did I attract that?” will keep you on the right track. After your question, open your eyes and be still. The answer will be right in front of you. This will give you the information and understanding to change yourself and create something better. Your DNA can change with energy or E-motion. Small continual changes will eventually give you dramatic changes. Once you recognise the power within you, the sky’s the limit.
11. Unity and Connectedness
You have been conditioned to think you are separate from others, which has diminished your power to heal and advance yourself. When you unite with others, it gives you a dominant force of energy. Use it to create the things you want. You need to positively connect with others, as the collective energy creates solutions for the things you want.
12. Environment
Your environment and the people who surround you feed you energetically. Consistently surround yourself with the right energy to help you get your desired outcomes. Your environment needs to offer peace and stillness. This will provide easy access to “incoming” information and spiritual guidance.
23 Reasons Why You Attract Negative Energy
1. Being unconscious in your thinking and behaviours
2. Not monitoring your self-talk
3. Not protecting your energy
4. Not following feelings
5. Not spiritually/physically evolving
6. Not being self-aware
7. Lack of consistency
8. Not holding yourself and others accountable
9. Victim mentality
10. Not reading the signs of the Universe
11. Not removing programming and implants
12. Not building good karma or being grateful
13. Not recognising that everything begins with energy
14. Fail to find stillness
15. Fail to set up the right environment
16. Fail to set personal boundaries
17. Being too optimistic, ignore, excuse and overlook essential details
18. Assume that everyone should think and behave like them
19. Fail to ask questions to go deeper into a person’s thinking or agenda
20. Fail to admit wrongdoings and apologise – I am sorry, and how do I make it right?
21. Fail to show who you are
22. Lack of commitment when things get tough
23. Not detoxing physically and taking care of personal health

Your Soul Holds Your Blueprint for Your Life
Your soul holds the blueprint for your life and past lives. When you heal shattered souls, you heal the world. The world is a reflection of ourselves. The planet is undergoing drastic changes, and the old structures are collapsing. As a result, your “old” emotional and energetic structure is also changing. The increased level of consciousness on the planet now allows the laws of attraction to work faster and manifest instantly.
Law of Attraction is more than just talking and thinking about the things you want. It is based on science and is an essential step that is often overlooked when trying to manifest your desired things.
Blessings and love always,
Marisa ♥
Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”
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