How to Remove the Scientology Billion year Contract

The influence of Scientology might be impacting you and your loved ones without you being aware of it. My ignorance of the Billion Year Scientology contract persisted until I began seeking solutions to some peculiar and chronic ailments that a few of my clients were experiencing.

These clients were faced with conditions that were challenging to address. When I exhausted all options to find the solutions, I turned to the Universe for assistance. I maintain a belief that the answers will eventually emerge, and therefore they do. One client had spent decades in pursuit of relief for her persistent fatigue. Another had spent years attempting to escape from an abusive relationship, yet repeatedly found herself returning. A mother, over a six-year span, tried everything she could to alleviate her child’s severe fears. This journey in recent weeks led me to develop three new Forensic Healing pathways, which include the following…

Billion-Year Contract Reversal

As I delved deeper into my search for answers, I was drawn to the contract instituted by L Ron Hubbard, the originator of The Church of Scientology and Dianetics. He concocted an agreement that his employees, adherents, and their offspring were pressured into signing. This contract essentially pledged their soul and existence to the service of Scientology or the Sea Org (a unit within Scientology) for an astronomical term of one billion years.

This contract is still enforced today. If an adherent fails to uphold the terms of the contract, they will face consequences in every subsequent life until the contract reaches its expiration… a billion years into the future! It can be likened to servicing an unending debt.

Since its inception in the 1950s, Scientology has gained a reputation as one of the most contentious religions in the modern world. Former members have reported experiences akin to slavery, endured frequent punishments, and been subjected to mind control techniques.

It operates much like an exclusive ‘club,’ where your influence determines the quality of treatment you receive. For instance, Tom Cruise, an enthusiastic advocate and recruiter for Scientology, may have pledged his allegiance to L Ron Hubbard in a previous life. I am of the opinion that anyone who so passionately recruits people into this enigmatic cult, while turning a blind eye to the unequivocal evidence of manipulation and abuse, must be under the sway of a soul contract.

The contract was ingeniously designed to ensure the continuity of Scientology’s power, from one decade to the next, from one lifetime to another. As believers in reincarnation, Scientologists expect that upon death, the contracted member will be reborn and continue to serve as a Scientologist.

Being Held Hostage by a Contract

The clients I previously highlighted had committed their souls, and after reincarnation, remained oblivious to the fact that they were still bound by this contract. Interestingly, one of them even noted their family’s ‘cult-like’ dynamics, which indeed serves as a telltale sign.

Upon the nullification of this billion-year contract, individuals experience a shift in their lives. Their negative emotions and anger dissipate, and their vitality is restored. I’ve been witnessing profound transformations among my clients and other practitioners of Forensic Healing.

If this Scientology contract is allowed to persist, the implications are unending. It ensures the continuous return of souls to Earth, bound to serve Scientology, and if they fail to do so, they find themselves entrapped in unrelenting suffering. Thankfully, the effects of this contract can be overturned.

Contracts, vows, commitments, and obligations form energetic connections with yourself, other individuals, and organisations. It can manifest as an unshakeable feeling that something or someone has a firm grip on your life, from which you’re unable to liberate yourself.

How To Cancel The Contract

I suggest you seek professional help to cancel your contract if you;

– Have or are attempting to escape and leave Scientology,
– Feel you have connected with L. Ron Hubbard and one of his schemes in a past life, or
– Feel you have signed (younger people) the billion-year contract in your past life.

Practitioners of Forensic Healing possess the requisite skills to effectively eliminate these contracts. I have designed a cancellation contract (available for download below). You might consider utilising this in order to regain control over your life and soul. It’s the right moment to cast off your bindings and liberate yourself!

Blessings and gratitude

Marisa ♥

Instructions to Remove the Billion-Year Contract

1. Read the contract
2. As with the original contract, get witnesses to sign with you
3. Keep the contract in a safe place

Click here: Scientology Sea Organisation Billion Year Contract CANCELLATION

Recommended Reading

Book – Jenna Miscavige Hill: Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology
Book – Nancy Many: My Billion Year Contract: Memoir of a Former Scientologist

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.