An excerpt from my upcoming book REVƎRSED
ThE Laws of EvErything EnErgy
Can you imagine a world where you live in peace, void of all fears? That amazing world is the upcoming fifth dimension. The world is transitioning into something wonderful, and with all things, there is an opposing force attempting to stop its progression. Inflicting fear and chaos on the planet is an attempt to sabotage the transition.
Fear will paralyse you and keep you stuck in the old world of stress and suppression. It can be difficult to escape the feelings of fear when the world appears to be in constant turmoil and insecurity. These outside fears only compound your daily, inner fears.
You can then fall victim and adopt these fears in every area of your life. Fear of the future, fear of poverty, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of ridicule, fear of being seen, fear of dying, fear of cancer, fear of being attacked, fear of judgment, fear of loneliness, fear of loss, etc., etc.
These fears produce strong emotions (which is energy in motion) that accumulate and work against you. This will perpetuate your fears and keep you imprisoned. Fear is a counterproductive emotion. It attracts the very thing you are trying to avoid.
Are You Waking Up?
Do you remember 911 and how image after image of the falling towers was plastered over the media? The images were inescapable. What purpose do such images serve? One example I encountered while on a flight to Los Angeles I met a bright, young girl experiencing a severe panic attack. After speaking with her, she explained how her anxiety with planes only occurred after she witnessed the 911 attacks on TV as a child.
Who was Behind 911?
There are now some prominent media channels revealing the truth of lies we have been fed. The BBC news scripted this headline in February 2018 “The people who think 9/11 may have been an ‘inside job.”
Even if you’re just waking up to the fact that things aren’t as they seem. Or, maybe you’ve done research that reveals the agenda’s and covert operations to suppress and control humanity.
Knowing the truth can set you free of your fears. It empowers you to choose what information you feed your mind and how you want to feel.
When you live in fear, you are easily manipulated and controlled. You will give away your power to someone else. Fear causes poor judgement and poor decision making for yourself and others.
Fear creates a control system as fearful people submit to power structures without question or requiring accountability of actions. This programming creates a guard system to suppress and contain anyone who questions the system.
Are You Programmed to Perpetuate Fear?
The world is programmed to live in fear. Just sit in front of the TV for ten hours straight and see how much “fear, violence and suffering” is downloaded to your energy field. Then, the more you feel the disempowering, fearful energy, the more you attract and create that very same reality.
It’s not rocket science to know that images and information are used as manifestation techniques. It’s a powerful form of programming and conditioning, especially in childhood.

Life is Reversed. Solutions Are Available
To improve the world we live in wouldn’t take much common sense. One method could be that schools implement a fifteen-minute daily affirmation program. Imagine the long-term effects if every child began their day rehearsing the following affirmations;
- I am divine worth.
- I am pure, innocent and free.
- I am an amazing, loving soul.
- I have the power to create what I want.
- I choose to treat everyone and everything with respect, compassion and love.
- I live in a free, safe, abundant and loving world.
- What I do to another, I do to myself.
- I choose truth and integrity.
- I choose to follow my inner guidance.
- We are all connected and one.
These affirmations, program a child in the most impressionable years of their life for a future of peace and freedom. We all could be living in a different world if we stopped consenting to other’s agendas.
Where is Your Focus and Attention?
People who avoid taking responsibility for their thoughts and actions will become vulnerable to their mind being overtaken by external perceptions and fears of others’ dark agendas.
If you believe and subject yourself to “what is” or “how things appear to be” that cause fear, you give your consent to someone else’s agenda. You give up your free will by not choosing to care about your peace and freedom. The adage that “you are what you eat” is no different than “you are your environment.”
How Fear Affects Your Energy
The byproduct of fear creates toxic energetic waveforms. It has a very low vibrational resonance and is pronounced when maintained for long periods. Long-standing fear turns into negative thought forms, and negative thought forms transform into physical forms and attract negative situations.
The emotion of fear will then deplete your life force. The first place that becomes vulnerable is any area of your life or body, that is susceptible to illnesses or personal challenges.
For example, if you have a history of heart disease, this can easily manifest if you allow your life force to be converted into the energy of fear. The longer your fears reside in your mind and body, the more negative entities it attracts which produces more pain and suffering.
Fears can attract embedded false memories into your subconscious mind which causes unwarranted traumatic responses to situations. I have witnessed students experiencing fearful emotions that were not theirs when embedded false memories were released.
The Natural Laws
When you apply the law of attraction, which is in essence, like attracts like, a fear vibration can attract demonic or dark spirits. This causes energetic blockages and cords in your energy body or aura.
Fear blocks and limits your connection to :
- Source/God/Universal Energy/Light
- Your intuition and guidance
- Your innate healing and personal power
- Your creative abilities and openness
- Your spiritual assistance and guides
- Hope, trust, love and inner peace
- Your sovereignty and independence
- Spiritual protection from negative entities
- Feeling of oneness
- Integrity, safety and truth
- Humility and non-judgment
- Your inner strength, growth and power
- Your soul’s purpose and mission
- Your energy and life force
Are You Conditioned to Avoid/Deny Your Fears?
Your body holds the memories of your soul’s journey, and its ancestor’s experiences. Your ancestral history is coded in your DNA. This can reveal why you have unexplained and common fears with your family or relatives.

You are conditioned to hide from your fears to avoid seeing the horrors, pain and darkness that have been recorded in your ancestral history, and DNA. Facing your fears can cause overwhelm and paralyse you from looking within. It may seem easier to keep your emotions buried and suppressed rather than face them.
Facing Your Fears Releases Them
The consciousness of the planet is rising which will causes you to match the same vibration. This can result in your suppressed fears being pushed to the surface. Your life can turn into chaos if you don’t heal and address the fearful memories, imprints, and thoughtforms contained within you.
As the consciousness of the planet evolves, your purpose is to be part of the solution and complete your inner soul work, evolve spiritually and become free.
Your Purpose and Mission
Your soul advances and evolves spiritually with the energy of love and peace. When you allow fear to enter your soul, it depletes your life force and you provide fuel (loosh) for the dark forces to feed on. You become a slave to someone/something else.
To grow spiritually is when you move from feeling fear into a new place where fear does not exist. This takes commitment and consistent work on your spiritual evolution.
At Breaking Point or Do You Choose Your Soul’s Evolution?
At some point, “fear” can push you to a pivotal point in your life. It can act as a game-changer to shift your perceptions. You can choose to change or continue living in fear until it causes physical, emotional or spiritual symptoms that force you to change.
Often when you choose the latter, your fear has created so much disempowerment that you again, give away your power to a system that is designed to keep you helpless and bound. This can lead to an unfortunate ending where your soul is recycled until you find the hidden purpose and truths of your life.
Your Purpose is Not What You have been Led to Think
What is your soul’s purpose and your purpose on this planet? When you reflect on what you were taught by your parents, peers, teachers and media you will find very little information to find your soul’s true purpose. You will most likely find that what you were told about living a successful life is quite the reverse.
Most advice given is based on a physical construct. Your school, career advisor wouldn’t have included advice such as; follow your inner guidance, evolve your soul and spirituality, become a better human and help humanity raise its collective consciousness.
They didn’t tell you that if you work on the energetic or spiritual part of yourself, you become a powerful creator of your life. The information you received was all physically based information. It’s more along the lines of; find a suitable, socially acceptable career path, work hard to climb to the top and pay your taxes!

Physical Symptoms of Fear
Fear is an emotion that arises out of a real or perceived threat. It is a chain reaction that starts from a stimulus to the brain. It promotes stress and releases chemicals that induce a faster heart rate, shallow breathing, and primes the muscles for action.
What Causes Fear?
Some fears are based on painful experience or trauma which the brain records as dangerous. It can trigger physical discomfort such as dizziness, anxiety or nausea etc. When the fight or flight response is triggered, it shuts down the organs to provide an immediate increase of energy for the person to flee danger.
When a person perceives a life-threatening situation, their body automatically becomes anaesthetised and immobilised to minimise the suffering. During this time, a soul can fragment or leave its body and dissociate from it. This is called “Soul Fragmentation.” Very severe fragmentation is evident when a person’s eyes are vacant, and their body is lifeless and disconnected.
You Store Traumatic Memories on Your Brain’s Hard Drive
People who are traumatised, create cellular memories of the event which can trigger the fight or flight responses. An example can be demonstrated in a person who experienced childhood abuse from a parent who yelled at them.
When the abused person hears another person yelling, it can trigger the same fight or flight response by the survival brain. All these memories are stored on the hard drive of the brain.
Until the trauma is cleared, the triggers impinge on a person’s life which keeps them living in fear. Then there is the catch 22 situation as the suppressed memories keep the person attracting people who yell until the traumatic event is healed and cleared.
How Fear Affects Your Body and Life
Fear helps when you are facing real danger. It helps you to react quickly to escape or deal with the threat. But when it has no real basis or if it is from a past trigger that can no longer harm you, fear becomes an impediment to living optimally.
The Physical Effects of Fear
1. Impairs Physical Health
Prolonged fear can damage your immune system. It can also induce heart-related problems. Not even your gut is safe from fear as ulcers and IBS are common with fear. An apparent effect of fear is premature aging.
2. Fear Limits Your Potential
You need continual personal growth and development to improve your life. With fear in the picture, it becomes difficult to focus on self-improvement. Fear holds you back from working towards acceptance, love, and enlightenment.
3. Harms Mental Health
Fear prevents your brain from forming long-term memory which is necessary for learning and fully enjoying life experience. Long-standing fear is also associated with fatigue and depression.
4. Fear Demotivates
All the time and energy you spend on your fear could be spent on positive thinking and actions. Focusing on fear reinforces its power, drains you of energy, and hijacks your thought process at crucial moments.
Remedies for Fear
1. Focus on Now
A seed of fear in your mind will generate a lot of hypothetical threat scenarios that are unlikely to happen. A way to stop this is to face your current situation and proportionally address the fear. Resolving fear is easier when you engage the fear itself and not dwell on “what ifs”.
2. Plan Ahead
Fear often creeps into the mind when contemplating. Have a plan on how to handle potential threat scenarios so you can respond appropriately when the time comes.
3. Analyse your Fears
List every fear you have experienced. Rate the amount of fear on each item out of 10. Every week work on one fear with the intention to clear it from your mind, body and soul or work on an existing fear.
When you acknowledge and highlight your fears, this truth sets them free. It helps diminish their impact as they have been hidden in a dark, scary place until this point. Your fears have been an illusion that binds you on the matrix. Apply love and safety vibrations to the timeline of your fears to transmute them from your being.
4. Go to the Worst Case Scenario and Let Go
Your fears can be based in deceptions, misinterpretations, and what others have told you that is not true. Think of the worst-case scenario of your fears manifesting, then come to terms with it. When you accept the worst-case scenario, you have overcome the fear and removed the possibility of creating your worst-case scenario as it holds no energetic charge.
5. Confront Your Fears Energetically
Overcoming your fears is an important spiritual lesson in higher consciousness development. The first step is understanding their origin and why they are residing in your consciousness. Reflect on your upbringing, family genetic conditions and life patterns. Your fears are also revealing lessons you need to learn to bring about internal change.
The second step is to approach them on the energetic level and not the physical level. When you become conscious that you are experiencing fearful feelings, acknowledge their presence then supersede their vibration. It takes self-awareness to acknowledge and identify these fears and consistency to dissolve and heal them.

Everyone experiences fear which can have a purpose in your spiritual journey of learning soul growth and attaining freedom.
Remember the number one reason to remove fear: It attracts the very thing you are trying to avoid.
It is paramount that you invest in yourself to change your energy. Once you release the fears that block your soul’s progression to realising you are a spiritual being, on a mission to live in freedom and help humanity do the same. This journey will take you to your greatness and sovereignty.
I know there is nothing more liberating than freeing yourself of the fears that have plagued your life. Wishing you a courageous and fearless journey to setting yourself free and finding your sovereignty!
Feel free to join an upcoming Event or on our Online Courses
Blessings always,
Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”
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