Top Up Your Self-Worth with Energy Healing

Discover the “Self-Love Potion” so you can do anything you put your mind to and fulfil your life purpose. You would never doubt yourself again. If it were truly possible to create a magic “Self-Love Potion,” almost every woman on the planet would buy it. When it comes to creating a happy, free and rewarding life, self-love is the most underrated emotional state there is. Most women admit to being deficient in this crucial life ingredient. Developing good self-worth should supersede any other form of education for children as it becomes the foundation for every decision they make in adulthood. It determines if their life leads to happiness or not, despite a PhD they may earn.

You Can Change Reality

The reality is, life can program you to dislike yourself. Society gives you hundreds of reasons why you’re not good enough—especially if you are a woman. It isn’t your fault if you struggle to find your worth, or even feel comfortable in your skin. This can change, but you need to become aware of any negative self-talk and belief systems. Enduring an abusive childhood programmed me for self-hatred. My internal dialogue repeatedly echoed ways I was worthless. I struggled to find my self-worth as it remained in the gutter for decades. Looking back, I wasted most of my time and energy feeling bad about myself, as I didn’t know any other way to be or think. Learning to love yourself begins during childhood. Your early conditioning will follow you for the rest of your life unless you change the destructive programming that may have occurred.

Programmed for Greatness

Bo Eason is a former professional American football player, who played safety for the Houston Oilers. He was an unlikely candidate for professional football, being smaller than the average player, but he achieved his goal nevertheless. A few years ago, I attended one of his events and personally interacted with him. His passion and drive felt very tangible, which reflected in his outstanding achievements. Bo tells his childhood story of how his father would wake him up every morning by patting him on the back as he lay in bed. While he rubbed his back, he said, “You’re the Goddamn best Bo, you’re the best there is.” He added a few more expletives, but always told his son he could do and be anything he wanted. Bo’s father performed this ritual every morning for each son their entire childhood. It’s no wonder they all went on to achieve greatness in their personal and professional lives.

Self-Love Potion and Ritual

Bo Eason engaged in a daily ritual that assured him of his greatness and self-worth. It’s not too late for you to create your daily routine to reverse any negative conditioning and boost your self-esteem and love. If you didn’t get it in childhood, you’d need to give it to yourself. If everyone felt greater self-love, people around them would benefit. They could offer more love to each person they interacted. When someone truly loves themselves, they can give genuine love to others.  You can’t give what you don’t have. There is nothing I’d like more than to offer you a self-love ritual and potion. It would restore your self-worth and love that gives you the foundation to live an empowering life. If you feel deserving of love and kindness, you would require others to be accountable for their actions and respect you. When you receive love and respect, it frees your mind and supports you to make constructive choices that offer more peace, happiness, and love. Good self-worth removes self-doubt. It over-rides negative thoughts and insecurities. Positive belief systems let you find reasons why you’re so awesome and lovable! I mean, really people—what’s not to love?

Create Your Self-Love Ritual

So, indulge my wishes and imagine this amazing potion exists. But instead of paying money for it, you only need to invest your energy and thoughts. You can create this magic potion and place your personal “Self-Love Potion” label from this post, on the water you drink.

Dr Emoto’s Research

The words and thoughts on the “Self-Love Potion” label will shift your energy. Through photographing water crystals, Dr. Emoto’s scientific research proves that words and thoughts have the power to affect your body and mind. His research involved taking photographs of frozen water (this was done in the freezer) that had positive words on its container, or positive thoughts directed at it. It showed the water changed to coherent and beautifully structured crystals. Placing negative emotions and thoughts on the water, created chaotic, distorted and non-uniform crystals.

Most of your Body Contains Water

The fact is, your body contains an average of 75% water. That’s a lot of water in your body, moving around your organs and cells. Why not program it to be a positive and coherent water structure, to give you inner peace and self-love. While spending years researching and creating the Forensic Healing system, I discovered words could be coded to heal or harm. In one of my recent posts, I described how the Fibonacci code is used in the scriptures to program people. The label for your “Self-Love Potion” has embedded words and energy to enhance your DNA and shift your beliefs to create more love.

Self-Worth Potion Product Analysis Sheet:

Ingredients: Infused with words, thoughts and healing words of power to attract: encouragement, support, admiration, happiness, self-belief, self-worth, empowerment, expression, self-respect, appreciation, success, abundance, positive energy, DNA coding and restoration of your right to freedom and humanity. Directions for use: Print and cut “Self-Love Potion” label, and attach to any water or drink container or cup. Wait three minutes before drinking to allow the infusion and restructuring of the water molecules towards “Self-Love.” While drinking, repeat the affirmation: “I choose to love and nurture myself.” Warning: Your mindset may change to “What’s not to love about me?” It may cause over givers to cease over giving, sacrificers to require their needs to be met, the ending of bad relationships, increased finances, urges for healthy eating habits, weight loss, smiling and leaving your day job to live your passions.

Rate Your Self-Worth

You can gauge your level of self-worth by analysing your responses to the ten questions listed below. The higher the number of “Yes” answers, the lower your self-worth. If your self-worth score is low (higher than 5 yes’s), dedicate more time repeating the daily affirmations, and make choices/decisions that demonstrate your love and value yourself.
  1. Do you compare yourself to others?
  2. Do you have negative self-talk?
  3. Do you criticise yourself when you make mistakes?
  4. Do you find fault with yourself?
  5. Do you avoid expressing your needs?
  6. Do you give more to others and ignore your own needs?
  7. Do you try to control situations or other people?
  8. Do you care more about what other people think?
  9. Do you give away your time, money, energy when you don’t have it to give?
  10. Do you want others to see you as being good or doing the right thing?
  11. Do you feel disrespected and undervalued by those around you?
“If we love ourselves, everything in our life works.” — Louise L. Hay

Turn Your Pain into Power

Crawling out of the gutter to find self-worth is no easy feat. Once you’re up and walking around with self-worth, you will get challenged daily about your worthiness. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, or getting upset, remind yourself to turn your pain into your power, hydrate your body with the “Self-Love Potion” and repeat the affirmation, “I choose to love and nurture myself.” Blessing and love for amazing self-worth Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”

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