The End of a 20 Year Curse

Straight from Frank Sinatra’s lips, “Regrets, I’ve had a few, But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do. And saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway. And more, much more than this, I did it my way.” What a great song, and I wish I had done it my way, but I didn’t, and my regrets were my lessons – too many to mention.

The Curse Carried Over From a Past Life

My twenty-year curse was triggered in the courting stages of my relationship with my ex-partner, whom I’ll name Jamie. Those times were very stressful, and instead of being filled with joy like most people supposedly in love, I remember the focus was on the chaos I had suddenly stepped into. The curse that got triggered originated from a past life event which became evident on our European trip many years ago. But to keep this story on track, I’ll save that for another time.

When We Met

I was a Mormon when we first met, and they had strict church laws such as zero alcohol, smoking, coffee, tea and upholding the law of chastity etc, which was not engaging in premarital relations. These laws were my saving grace as my life changed for the better. I lived a cleaner life, saving me from a path of determined self-destruction.

Mud Slinging

It was a bitter experience with my ex as mud was slung every which way but loose with his ex-wife. We spent three years in the courts, and Jamie’s children became pawns on a chess board and lost a big part of their childhood, being persuaded not to visit their dad and take sides.


I was in a lot of physical pain, suffered chronic fatigue, and felt stuck and depressed. It soon became apparent that the man I married came with unwanted baggage, debts and an inability to solve problems, be self-accountable, or show compassion. This is not to mention the sacrificial, martyrdom patterns I carried that created an amazing cocktail of mess and disaster. The relationship created more ties and bonds that put me deeper on the matrix than my childhood had already done. As each year progressed, it began to wake me up to my suffering and how my choices showed what little respect I had for myself.

I Wished I Never Met Him

I began wishing I’d never met Jamie a couple of years into the marriage. I thought my life was fine before I met him. Looking back, Jamie was more like a pretend friend who would say they were on your side. But as soon as someone comes for you, they step aside for the attacker to get a clear aim. His favourite thing to do was when I was vulnerable or ill; he would attack me again as he knew I couldn’t stand up to him.

Childhood Conditioning

Jamie always blamed me for anything that went wrong. It didn’t take long to see why he was like this, as his mother trained him to be that way. She protected her sons and blamed anyone else but them for their problems. Jamie couldn’t see how he could be part of the problem as he was never held accountable from the day he was born.

Side Effects of Negative Energy

The blame and anger continued, and when we travelled together, it became clear that I experienced adverse effects from being with him. I would have accidents, get sick, go to emergency, get targeted, or experience harmful effects from things like operations, dentists, and anything that was meant to help me was torturous. For example, on one trip, I got severely attacked by midgies (nothing happened to him) my hands and head were swollen, yet he was mad that I inconvenienced him even though I had a full day of teaching students in my condition. And, surprisingly through all this, I still experienced some amazing miracles and highlights during our time together, like Michael Beckwith calling me on stage etc.

It’s Difficult to See Our Own Behaviour

Being objective about ourselves is difficult because our only perspective comes from past experiences and conditioning. I couldn’t see myself as I can now, but hindsight is a beautiful thing and now I view my past relationship with a new perspective.

Toxins Cause Low Vibrational Energy

I was already struggling with extreme neck pain from three whiplash injuries in my thirties, and when I was 18 years of age, I was accidentally given arsenic in a meal. Unfortunately, this toxin stayed in my body for decades, and I have spent many detox procedures attempting to undo the damage. So, getting back to this 20-year curse and to keep the story shorter than what it would be if I explained everything, the arsenic acted as a low vibrational substance that kept the curse in my energy field.

Asking For Answers

A year ago, while travelling to my dentist, I questioned why I always suffered in any medical procedure. The answer came loud and clear that it came from Jamie as a curse. So I asked the Universe to confirm this information, and as I looked up from my car to the street sign, there was his name on it. So I removed the curse and noticed how much more flow returned, and all the pain from things like going to the dentist/having procedures completely stopped.

Final Trip to the UK

Since my commitment to write my next book, I began reading other books in the same genre to get some ideas. In addition, I began practicing the Sedona Method to raise my vibration as some issues started to show up before I went to the UK. Little did I know that the final part of this 20-year curse was about to come off. The precursor to negative energy being removed can be that things turn negative and crazy. This would occur during my healing career, as I saw the signs and could anticipate what was about to come, and it always proved me correct. This time I didn’t know what was about to happen. I returned from the UK in a bad way after the 30-hour flight there and back. Plus, bizarre stuff was going down in the UK, and I was targeted with negative energy that caused physical pain. I came back feeling badly damaged and low energy.

Plant Medicine

Even when I participated in plant medicine, I bounced off the walls from the effects, as it seemed I was too sensitive. Any plant medicine I took caused me a lot of pain, and I was the only person who reacted severely. I never really experienced any tangible long-term improvements either. Despite this, I decided to have some plant medicine to put me back together after my UK trip. The plant medicine session was amazing, and I knew I had purged the final part of the arsenic and curse. The session was different; I didn’t experience an adverse reaction like I normally do. I left feeling like a dark veil had lifted, and I could reach for the stars. The extreme sensitivity that was heightened when I met Jamie is now gone. Before, I couldn’t even drink a cup of my favourite high-quality coffee without it draining my energy, but now that doesn’t happen. Instead, everything is different, the 20-year curse is removed, and my life begins again.


All these experiences offer knowledge and content for the book I am now writing. Most of the time, we don’t look at the people in our lives or people from our past and ask ourselves if they have affected our energy. All this and more will be in my book The Universe Decoded to help those who may not have looked in places they need to and offer a guide to reverse the effects.
Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”