Almost every NDE (near-death experience) person states that they felt unconditional love when they passed through the veil and were in the presence of Source/God, Christ Consciousness, or white light. When they are brought back to life, most return with similar accounts that convey a message – that we must learn to love ourselves and each other unconditionally to progress to a better world.
One NDE woman said she experienced being in the presence of Jesus and felt the indescribable, unconditional love He had for her. She didn’t want to return to earth and instead began telling Jesus how good of a person she was.
During this time, Jesus questioned her about the last time she felt the type of love she felt with Him. She answered that it had never happened, so Jesus said she had to go back and do better (loving unconditionally); so she was sent back to earth.
6:30 am Mass
When I was around eight, my brother served as an altar boy in the local parish for the weekly morning mass at 6:30 am. I decided to go to mass at the same time. The church was approximately three kilometres from our house, and, in those days, kids walked everywhere; therefore, your parents didn’t always know where you were.
When I was around eight, my brother served as an altar boy in the local parish for the weekly morning mass at 6:30 am. I decided to go to mass at the same time. The church was approximately three kilometres from our house, and, in those days, kids walked everywhere; therefore, your parents didn’t always know where you were.
On this day, I didn’t tell my parents I was going. I walked alone to the church as my brother didn’t care to walk with me as we didn’t have a close relationship. After mass, I went to a confessional booth at the back of the church. Even at such a young age, I felt a moral obligation—as you were encouraged—to go regularly as we were classified as sinners.

I felt very inadequate as I sat in the small, dark booth scanning the list of pre-scripted sins I could choose from as a prompt. I picked the sins that said I disobeyed my parents and argued with my siblings, so the priest gave me ten ‘Hail Marys’ and five ‘Our Father’ prayers for penance.
I said rote prayers and exited the church; however, I still felt guilty as I didn’t confess how bad of a child I thought I was. As I walked to the end of the church driveway, a profound spiritual feeling came over me as I was suddenly transported to heaven. I felt pure joy and immediately thought I was in a heavenly cloud with Jesus or a pure presence lasting around 20 seconds.
My brother, who was leaving the chapel, also passed me. I was feeling so ecstatic, and I wanted to tell him what had happened. As he walked by, I said, “I don’t know what happened, but I was in heaven’s clouds,” but he ignored me and kept walking. I never mentioned it again, but the feeling stayed in my heart, and I spent my later years searching for that feeling.
Since researching NDE experiences, I can confirm that my experience at age eight was similar to God’s unconditional love or a glimpse of an NDE. It’s something you never forget, is difficult to explain, feels like home, and you never want to leave.
Unconditional Love
The term ‘unconditional love’ has been thrown around as a condition we must achieve to experience true happiness. It is an easy throwaway line that everything gets resolved once you love yourself unconditionally. But how does one know what that feels like, or how do you achieve unconditional love for yourself? How do you love others unconditionally?
It has been said that unconditional love is a state of consciousness. It doesn’t mean suppressing all your emotions and forcing yourself to love others; instead, it is a loving, natural state of being that produces an unforgettable experience of feeling ‘at one’ or home. When you give someone else this feeling, you give them unconditional love.
InBetween Lives: Jim Bruton
A pilot and war correspondent, Jim Bruton, experienced an NDE that took him to a place called the InBetween. After his plane crashed, he died and ended up on the other side in a war-torn place that looked depressing and grey. He stated that what stood out to him was a nearby egg-shaped sculpture with gears.
He touched one of the gears and felt nauseous, so he threw the gear part away and was told the gears represented his future. So, he asked the question:

“Why do some of these gears-these futures that I touch-make me sick and not others?” The voice replied: “All choices have unintended consequences, some unfortunate and some not. The pain each brings is your guide. You can’t change the past. But you can make better choices in the future. Everything is interconnected. And pay more attention to your relationships. Be gentle with everyone, as I am gentle with you.”
Jim spent much time throwing away the gears (future choices) that made him feel unwell and learned that moral choices lead to positive results. Otherwise, he was creating pain for others and himself.
Bill Letson, Firefighter - NDE
Bill Letson had an NDE after contracting the flu. He was taken to the hospital, where he received the wrong medication that killed him, resulting in his NDE. He said he flew through a star-filled realm, met three beings, God and experienced indescribable unconditional love.
After his interactions with the beings and feeling of indescribable unconditional love, he brought back knowledge on how to live this life. He said, “Make them proud on the other side that you gave your best and you made the highest vibrational choices in this life.
It’s up to us to create our vibration. When we live out our lives, our vibration decreases from being selfish, self-centred, and mean-spirited. When we leave our bodies and die, our vibration will match that low vibration of those lower places. And that’s where we’ll be stuck. It’s not forever, though; it’s just until we sort out where we went wrong in this life.”
What is Unconditional Love?
You give unconditional love to another person when you first give it to yourself. Therefore, being in a state of Unconditional Love is the best way to connect to God/Universe, who is the source of this love. When you make a positive, loving choice of thought, action, intention, and behaviour for yourself, you grow your unconditional love for yourself. When you give this to another, you give them the gift of unconditional love.
When you achieve this state of love:
- You want the best for the person, regardless of your desires.
- You are non-judgmental and accept the person just the way they are.
- You are honest and open with them.
- You allow them to grow and become more.
- You understand them and see the big picture of their purpose.
- You think positive, kind thoughts about them.
- You don't require them to say, give, do or be anything to make you happy.

How to Experience Unconditional Love?
To experience unconditional love, you must embark on a journey of healing your past and becoming whole. This means investing in yourself, being aware of the necessary changes so you become more than your conditioning and programs. You recognise you are ONE with everything and your journey expands and connects to source which is a place of pure love.
Life is not set up for this to be an easy process. But the more truth you uncover, the easier it is to choose the right path and make empowered choices that elevate your vibration.
You can change your state to experience unconditional love and offer this love to others. Getting to a stable or permanent higher state takes time and includes cleaning up the past. Free choice is what makes it interesting as each moment in time you are choosing. You have all the power within you to experience what you want by all your moment-to-moment choices! Reading this blog is one of those great choices!
You Are Light
We are human; ‘hu’ means light, and ‘man’ means being, so we project as light or photons at an energetic level. If you have a desire to expand your consciousness and awaken your spiritual abilities check out our Forensic Healing Advanced Online Courses here
Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”