What is Distance Healing?
You can’t see your mother’s love but you can feel it. You feel it when you go through hard times and you know she wishes you well, even when she is not physically present. This love, which is energy, helps you overcome your difficulties. Distance or remote healings work in a similar manner using intention and positive, coherent energy.
Dr. Emoto proved this theory when he examined ice crystals that were sent specific words or intentions. He examined the crystals after thoughts or words were directed to the water. The water was then frozen and analysed under a microscope. This revealed patterns and shapes that had formed from the specific vibrations.
The positive thoughts and words created beautiful, unified patterns. Negative thoughts and words formed disruptive and chaotic patterns in the crystals.

Your Body is Made of Atoms
Your body is made up of atoms and one percent of every atom is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. The other 99% is empty space which is referred to as “wave.” Your atoms are consistently releasing and absorbing light and energy.
Every cell is like a tiny battery. The atoms line up to create a negative and a positive voltage, inside and outside. Each of these 50 trillion cells in your body creates 1.4 volts of energy. This amounts to 700 trillion volts of electricity in your body.
Each atom has its own distinct frequency or vibration and when two atomic waves meet, they either meet in sync, creating a constructive or harmonious effect, or they meet out of sync, creating an adverse effect in which they cancel out each other. This is why you can feel in sync with some people or completely out of sync.
Heal Your Cells to Heal Your Life
Bruce Lipton says “There is not one function in the human body that is not already present in every single cell. For example, you have various systems: digestive, respiratory, excretory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, reproductive, a nervous system and an immune system but every one of those functions exists in every one of your cells. In fact, we are made in the image of a cell. This is very helpful for biologists because we can do research on cells and then apply that information to understand the nature of the human body.”
How Distance/Distant or Remote Healings Work
Distance or remote healings use energy that can take place across any distance that is sent to a recipient since energy can be sent via thought, emotion, and intention. The healing energy directed has intentions to heal so it will positively affect the recipient. The distance can be small or vast. Stretching beyond the limits of time and space, distance healing sends energy healing to reach you no matter where you are. Distance healing comes in many forms but what they have in common is their ability to be completed over any distance.
You Must Address Your "Energy" to Heal
The Hindus call life force energy “prana,” the Hebrews call it “ruah” and the Chinese define it as “chi.” This energy is channelled for hands-on healing or sent remotely to reach your “energy, cells, atoms etc.” which is fundamental to healing the root cause of your conditions. Distant healings can be just as effective as in-person healings.

What is Reiki and Reiki Symbols?
Reiki healing is a form of alternative therapy that may be completed through distance healing. Reiki is also referred to as energy healing that focuses on the energy fields around the body. It was founded by Dr Usui in 1922 when he fasted, meditated, and prayed. On the twenty-first day, he saw ancient Sanskrit symbols. This helped him develop the system of healing he had been struggling to invent which is now known as Reiki.
How Healing Energy is Sent and Received
All matter is broken down into atoms and waves of energy. This means that everyone you know, yourself included, is comprised of waves upon waves of energy. Harnessing this psychic energy and using it is something that psychic healers have been practising for years.
If you suffer from a psychic or energy block, all your energy centres will be out of alignment. There are many factors that can cause an imbalance or blockage that require healing which can be just as effective via distance healings.
Distant healing sessions can address any issues. Negative experience such as abuse or trauma, negative thinking and feeling, and an excess of emotions, good or bad. Even things like not getting enough sleep, eating right, or taking care of your physical body.

Negative thinking can affect your life and it is difficult to change. You may not be aware you have negative thoughts or feelings, especially if you are unaware of your behaviours and personality. Your negative thoughts affect your energy, therefore creating your unwanted conditions. As energy healing changes energy, it will very quickly help you change your thoughts.
Psychic and Energy Healers
A psychic healer is a person who has learned to locate your blockages and energy disruptions and remove them. Psychic healers use psychic, intuitive abilities to locate, analyse, and treat not only the person but their energy field. Psychic healers will focus on spiritual healings which addresses everything in the esoteric world of energy healing.
Why Problems Occur in Your Energy
These experiences will create imbalances and blockages that if left untreated can cause illness and disease within the physical body. It also extends to relationships, finances, and mental states. Healing through energy has been around for eons of time. It is now making a resurgence to work in tandem with modern medicine as people realise that physical ailments are often manifestations of spiritual ailments.

What is Forensic Healing?
Forensic Healing is renowned for its powerful distance healing sessions. Forensic healing uses your body’s intelligence, your life experience, logic, intuition, scientific methods, and higher powers to backtrack through your past and current life experiences to find the energetic cause of your conditions.Forensic Healing begins with aligning the energy so you can release your past and the energetic imprints of your physical, emotional pain, spiritual and mental blocks. It will heal your disruptive energy waves to bring calm and peace to your life.
Some people might get confused by the name “Forensic” which usually refers to the scientific study and resolution of a crime. You could think of Forensic Healing using intelligence and intuition to find the clues and truth to your issues. The same details at a crime scene, the who, what, when energetic imprints and an understanding of lessons. Once the truth is revealed, a healing pathway is applied to heal your condition.
Who Benefits from Distance Healings?
Everyone does! Every person, no matter how big, small, old or young, benefits from distance healing. Whether spiritual healing, healing through energy, or distance healing of other types, everyone can experience improvements through these healings. The ability to affect another person from miles away can be positively used at any time, and from any place. Distance healing can also be used on anything.

Everything is Energy so Everything and Everyone Benefits
Environments may flourish through distance healing. Imagine for a moment the potential effects that distance healing could have upon an environment, possibly war-torn, ravished by human destructive behaviour, areas where plants no longer grow or something like after a nuclear meltdown, the healing of the earth, its resources, and everything in it can be greatly changed and positively affected by such healing energies. Animals, children, and adults will benefit from distance healing.

Who Can Offer Healing Treatments?
Healing treatments are offered by distance healers, psychic healers, spiritual healers, and other people trained in the art of healing. When looking for a distance healer, the best healer will be someone who has demonstrated their ability and willingness to maintain compassion over a distance. Distance healing works the same as an in-person session with an energy healing practitioner.
What to Expect with Online Spiritual Counselling or Distance Healing Sessions
Set your intentions of what you would like addressed and the outcome you want. Place yourself in a quiet, undisturbed place for your session, remaining open to receive the healing energy. Everyone’s experience varies depending on your sensitivity to energy. Most commonly, people report feeling warmth, waves of energy, tingling sensations, deep feelings of relaxation, peace, lightness, clarity and a release of burdens. Your practitioner taps into your energy field and removes any unwanted negative energy and imprints.
5 Methods that Can Be Used for Distance Healings
One of the major benefits of distance healing is that it can be done remotely. Remote, distant healing can be accomplished through several mediums.
#1. Visualisation: Seeing photos or videos of the person you wish to heal
#2. Skype: Skype calls allow people to see and hear those they wish to connect with

#3. Phone: A phone call is enough to open the connection with a person, as an audio connection
#4. Surrogate: A person can act as a surrogate for the intended person/animal/child
#5. Thought/Meditation: Distance healing can be carried out through the energy waves of thought. A person can meditate with the intention to create well being for another person
How Do You Begin?
Commencing a distance healing is your first step, and it should be approached with an open heart and mind. Trust that you will get everything you need to heal yourself. Acceptance and belief in what exists but cannot be seen may be challenging, therefore, start with yourself by taking ownership of what you have been thinking and feeling in the past that has caused your conditions.
Whichever method you choose, the benefits to your mind, body, heart, and spirit are as unending as the universe. For more information, begin your search on Forensic Healing here. The first step to healing your mental, physical, and spiritual being is only one click away on the Forensic Healing Practitioner Directory
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Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”