Steps to Overcome Childhood Trauma; Forensic Healing

When a child’s brain is not fully developed, they can retain hurtful events throughout their lives. Childhood trauma is a scary, violent or life-threatening event that happened in childhood. The event may be accompanied by a serious injury to the body.

Childhood trauma may also occur as a result of witnessing violent events happening to another person. When this happens, a child may feel helpless or overwhelmed and experience strong negative emotions such as fear and distress. Not all adverse events lead to trauma, but experiencing negative occurrences increases the risk.

 Causes of Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma may result from abuse suffered during childhood, which includes the following: 

  1. Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is a form of violence against a child that may lead to injuries such as cuts and bruises. Physical abuse also includes acts that parents or guardians may consider helpful, including hitting a child. This makes the child feel helpless and scared of the world around them. School bullies may also be responsible for this form of abuse. 

  1. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse occurs when a child is subjected to sexual acts by adults and people in a position of authority. It often leads to childhood trauma. 

  1. Psychological Abuse

Subjecting children to constant fear and acts that erodes their self-esteem and dignity constitutes psychological abuse. Children living in such a toxic environment may develop life-long trauma. 

  1. Neglect

In this case, it is the inaction of the parents or guardian that harm the children and negatively influence their development. Neglect threatens a child’s sense of survival and creates perpetual fear in them. Neglect includes an extended period of parental absence, lack of food and medical care.

5. Spiritual Trauma

Spiritual trauma can occur from cultural or religious rituals performed over a child. These rituals bind a child’s soul as their vulnerable energy has no protection or choice to the ritual. These rituals will bind their souls eternally. Baptism is one of the many rituals that binds a child’s soul to Christ so they live martyrdom life.

Consequences of Not Healing Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma impressed into the brain must be released for you to lead a healthy and happy life. Suppressing it will only worsen your condition over time. Below are some consequences of unhealed childhood trauma. 

  1. Loss of Safety and Trust

People who experienced childhood trauma finds it hard to trust others and may not feel safe around them. This can make a person’s professional life to become difficult to manage. 

  1. Victimhood Thinking

People who experienced childhood trauma often engage in negative self-talk and self-blame for their predicament. This sets up a feedback loop where negative thoughts attract more negative energy and outcomes.

It can be difficult to snap out of this cycle because you are disempowered and feel like you are not in control of your life. 

  1. Poor Long-Term Health

Traumatic events can affect a child’s developmental process and increase their risk for various diseases, including asthma, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 

  1. Poor Relationships

Children’s most important relationship is with their parents or caretakers. It is essential for normal physical and psychological health. If this primary relationship is compromised or faulty in any way, it may influence how children relate with others later in life. 

Children may come to believe that the world is a scary place and resort to withdrawal as a coping strategy. Childhood trauma may also cause a person to struggle with romantic relationships in adulthood. 

  1. Living the False Self

If you suffer from childhood trauma, you are likely to bury your emotions and lose touch with your real self. This means that you may create a mask to shield yourself and present a different person to others. This mask will stay in place until you heal from the trauma. 

13 Steps to Heal from Childhood Trauma 

  1. Determine the best approach and therapy
  2. Relax and recall the event
  3. Grieve if necessary
  4. Resist unhealthy coping mechanisms
  5. Name your negative emotions
  6. Feel and experience your trauma-associated emotions
  7. Practice self-love
  8. Share your experience by writing to yourself and those involved
  9. Get advice from others who have overcome similar trauma
  10. Use your spiritual belief to find meaning and attract positive energy
  11. Associate with supportive people
  12. Forgive those who wronged you
  13. Reflect and try out new things.

 Childhood trauma is hard to face alone, reach out to a practitioner to guide you on the best way forward or join the Forensic Healing 14-Day online course to heal your childhood trauma.

Marisa’s story

Marisa speaks from personal experience, both as a victim and a healer. It takes extraordinary qualities to overcome childhood abuse, addictions, and chronic illnesses. She teaches women to live their full potential and find their greatness.

It’s a cliché that every therapist or healer has from an early age felt spiritually guided, or sensed they had a special gift to share. This wasn’t how Marisa’s story began. She was born in Melbourne, Australia. Her father was the last of nine Italian immigrant children, and her mother was born of Irish descent. She grew up in an average neighbourhood, and on the surface, it seemed like an ordinary life.

Trauma blocks your memories

But only on the surface. Marisa remembers bits and pieces of her childhood: The glint of brass from the buckle of her father’s army belt just before he beat her in fits of rage and anger. The fear and disgust at the sight of him, the man who sexually and emotionally abused her. The sound he used to make as he chewed on a toothpick and sucked air between his teeth with a slow, purposeful stare that made her hate the ground he walked on.

Marisa felt poison running through her veins from all the abuse and negativity. Like many victims, she learned to “shut down” or disconnect from her feelings to survive the ongoing abuse. She felt numb from the pain and tried to escape her father’s intent to ensure she grew up thinking she had no purpose and was worthless. She thought he wanted to dominate, control, and suck the life out of her childlike innocence.

Childhood innocence

Although she struggled throughout her school years with dyslexia and learning difficulties, no matter what her father did or how much he abused her, she decided she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of thinking he had won the fight to have power over her.

Her defiance cost her more abuse, which left her spending years wanting to escape the hell that was raging inside her body—and even longing to die. She felt alone, shameful, and disconnected, living a robotic life, trying to fill an insatiable void inside her.

Masking Pain with Substance Abuse.

After a childhood of extreme physical and emotional pain, she suffered three whiplash injuries in her twenties. Marisa then developed self-destructive and addictive behaviours, falling for every addictive substance under the sun.

It was only decades later that she began to heal. On her journey to heal herself from a body riddled with pain, she invested her own money in treatment after treatment, spending most of her days counting down the minutes to each one. She planned her whole life around them (chiropractic, osteopathic, naturopathic, massage, etc.) as her pain dominated her thoughts.

Anthony Robbins Event

One day she attended an Anthony Robbins seminar in Brisbane, Australia. She was experiencing acute pain as she struggled to participate in the five-day workshop. Her sister’s boyfriend suggested she visit his kinesiologist, who he described as “weird and different.”

After the first treatment, she felt energy reconnect parts of her that were blocked for decades. She knew she had begun to find answers to years of struggle.

Searching for Answers Leads to Finding the Truth

During the following years, Marisa devoted her time to research, studies and treatments, which included one particularly powerful healing treatment that changed her life forever. Following the treatment, she sensed energy surging throughout her body and cells. It was a process where her body was finally strong enough to release the trauma and reconnect her to her spirit. It uncovered her gift of feeling and knowing “truth.” From that moment, her body physically responds to energy, even people’s thoughts.

Reading and healing with energy

Marisa now can connect with the intangible “energy field” and make sense of it. Over time, Marisa has attuned her abilities. With years of experience working with energy, this gift has developed and assisted her to “read” the energy of a client’s body—regardless of their gender, age, or culture—with great accuracy to get to the bottom of people’s problems. It’s the assisted, investigative style along with magnifying her intuition and reading of the body that allows her to relate to the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges her client’s experience.

Marisa’s mission is to leverage her life experience to change lives. When Marisa created the Forensic Healing System, she discovered healing secrets that made further changes in her life that created wholeness she had been searching. Years prior, when she was seeking answers, she was told by traditional practitioners that she would have to live with chronic pain for the rest of her life. Now pain and stress-free. Marisa knows if she can change her life from such chronic conditions, others can too.

Pain and trauma can leave you wanting to die

“I know what it’s like to want to take your own life,” says Marisa. “There are women out there who are struggling with deep wounds, and it’s my mission to help them heal.”

Part of her mission is to heal and reconnect women to their innate abilities. She travels the world to offer personal transformation to women, and release trauma, abuse, and low self-worth through practical self-healing processes and a practitioner therapy system called Forensic Healing and her book “Freeing the Unloved Girl“.

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”