9 Steps to find your life purpose, calling and destiny

Are you challenged finding your life purpose? It’s because you’ve been conditioned to follow a path that’s directed by other’s expectations and your fear of failure. You’ve been influenced, misguided and led away from your true feelings, instincts, and alignment to your passions. Today, I’ll lead you through an authentic approach to finding your life purpose…but it’s not what you’re thinking…

Let me get one thing clear first… The whole ‘destiny’ thing that you were ‘meant to be’ a specific character in this life is rooted in religion. It’s simply not true and doesn’t help you know your purpose. Finding your life purpose is a process from within, not something directed by God or the Universe. It’s all about understanding your skills and preferences, taking action (experiencing), and confirming with your feelings and flow. Use your logic, then feel and follow.

I had no idea about my life purpose. I longed to exit what I felt was an empty, suffering life. Now I wake up every morning with drive, passion, and excitement that I am living my life on purpose. You too can find your gifts, talents and live your best, passionate and rewarding life. I’m sure my mother had a lot to do with me finding my purpose. When I had a bright idea to do something, my mother would reply, “As long as you’re happy!” I clearly remember the time I made a long distance call from Florence, Italy to inform her I had joined the Mormon Church. Without a reaction, she said, “Oh, ok, that’s nice dear”. I was sure she was alarmed that I had joined a religious cult (which I did!). She let me do my thing and learn from my mistakes as I stumbled through my life search. I’ll explain why you’re not following your purpose and then I’ll share my nine steps to finding your purpose.

Two Big Mistakes Why You’re Not Living Your Purpose[

1. Ignoring the lessons from failure and experiences

Misunderstanding that all your failed/hated jobs, education, partnerships, relationships or businesses are the education and experience you need to hone in on your purpose. All of your past experiences build and mold you. They give you the skills to align with your purpose. It can be like friendships. They serve a purpose before you move on to better things. Trust that the lessons are taking you to something more, transitioning you from the frustrations of thinking you’ve wasted time, money and energy. The more you have failed, the more knowledge you have so you don’t fail when you get on your ‘right’ path.[

2. Heavily influenced by the expectations of others

Do you make decisions based on what you want or what is expected of you?  If you felt pressured to please others, fit into society or use your mind instead of your feelings, then the decisions you make will never lead to ultimate freedom. It’s time to show the world who you are. Express what you want. Follow your feelings (Your personal GPS) and don’t compromise. If people can’t see who you are, then how can you be aligned with your purpose? Hiding your talents, skills, desires, passions, opinions, leadership and ideas keeps you hidden from your ultimate purpose. The world needs to see you so it can choose you. Whether it’s a mother, cleaner, organiser, waiter, director, healer, leader, artist, friend, or helper – it doesn’t matter. Only you matter. Living life without purpose can lead to an unrewarding life, leaving you searching for that something else to make you feel fulfilled. Knowing who you are will lead to an exciting life of freedom.

Expectations Begin When You Are Born

Let’s suppose you weren’t born a child prodigy who sang Mariah Carey songs coming out of the womb or played piano as if Beethoven tutored you at the age of two. Most children come into the world saying they want to be superman or a fireman if they’re a boy; or a nurse or a mother if they’re a girl. The shock occurs when you grow up and attempt to become Superman, a fireman, nurse, or mother and it’s not everything you thought. Your level of passion and happiness is missing. This is your first sign that you have gone off track to living your life purpose. If your happiness level is consistently low, then you’ve missed the mark. If happiness is relatively high, you will identify with the following nine steps that guide you to your life purpose.

Gauge how you’re living on purpose with this equation:

Life Purpose = Genuine Passion + Happiness

Let’s first get clear what living your life purpose means as it’s not all glitz and glamour. It will include hard work, sacrifice and doing some things that you don’t want to do. Anything worthwhile comes with unwanted tasks that are necessary. The difference is that doing them will be less of a burden when you have meaning and purpose. The rewards outweigh the sacrifices.

9 Steps To Find Your Purpose and Calling

1: Heal Yourself

If you carry suppressed emotions, pain or suffering from your past, then your emotional compass will be off target. Invest in resources to heal the wounds of your past. Those wounds cloud your future.

2: Show Yourself

Be transparent about who you are. Don’t be persuaded to be someone you are not. If other people have controlled you or made decisions for you, it diminishes your ability to know what you want. Think for yourself and make your own choices so you can uncover who you are and what you enjoy. That’s how you make an impact.

3: Choose Happiness

Use your intuition to guide you to your happiness. Like the navigator in your car, you have a personal GPS that’s programmed to take you to your greatness and happiness. Feel and follow it

4: Allow Yourself to Search

Let go of time frames and find enjoyment in the journey of life. Do the things that advance you to become more.

5: Find Supporters

Remove people from your life who want to control or suppress your feelings and stop you from growing. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you to extend yourself.

6: Stop Caring What Others Think

Decide you can be free to be, do and say what you want. Decide that you’re not affected by other’s judgments or what society expects of you. Realise that not everybody will like you. Some people find reasons to knock anything and anyone. The best version of yourself is a gift and blessing to people.

7: Stop Making Excuses

Give up finding reasons why you can’t do something. If you think you can, then you can. If you think you can’t, you are right too. No more excuses for living half a life!

8: Find Reasons Why You Want Success

Analyse the ‘why’ behind your motivation to become successful. Clarify and document the reasons. When you have good reasons underlying the things you do, it fuels you – and others will support you.

9: Dream

Think about what you would do if you had an unlimited supply of money but limited time to use it. What legacy do you want to leave? Decide what that would be. Dream, feel, and ponder those thoughts and ideas. Make it part of who you are.

This Is The Time to Make Your Journey Count

We are eternal souls. After many lifetimes, we are here with ‘unfinished business.’ You can heal from the trauma and stress that your being has carried. You can leverage the gifts and talents you already possess to achieve your greatness. The freedom to be all that you want to be is now possible. Let me know your questions about life purpose in the comments below. Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”

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