Keeping Safe and Away from Danger using intuition

Do you feel the need to barricade yourself inside, hire the SAS as security guards, recruit German Shepherd police dogs, install high tech security cameras, build an air raid bunker, or enclose your house within an electric fence–just to keep yourself safe? These extreme security measures might seem necessary to keep you safe from stalkers, thieves, psychopaths, serial killers, pedophiles, rapists, and maybe even terrorists. The scary thing is, these dangerous people are in any corner of the globe–your community, the house next door, or worse, your Saturday night date off Tinder!

Measures to keep yourself safe

The only problem is that you might go crazy. You’ll feel like you live in solitary confinement, having no interaction with others. As you stay indoors to feel safe, you’ll be tempted to browse the Internet, to interact with the outside world. This exposes you to all the hazards of the cyber world. And staying at home isn’t going to stop the natural disasters that could wipe you off the grid–just like that. Then, if you take your chances and leave the house, maybe hiring a bodyguard (you’ll need to mortgage your home, as they cost around $1,000 per day!), there’s no one protecting your bodyguard while he protects you.

Are There Any Guarantees?

Are there any guarantees that can keep you safe? Even the Government is struggling to deal with escalating worldwide crises occurring right now, and every day. But don’t go reaching for your valium pill just yet! My aim isn’t to depress you any further than you already are, but to offer peace and freedom, despite this worldly chaos. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and ramp up some safety measures of your own. If you want to feel a sense of security every time you leave your house, you need to switch on your built-in “alarm system,” which is underutilised. This isn’t an actual, physical alarm–it’s your personal, internal GPS, or your gut instinct. You can dial it up to the maximum volume of 10, instead of volume of two or three that people tend to use. High-level volume lets you hear clear signals of dangers, to return some control and safety to your life. In saying that, you also need to be aware that some people know how to disarm you; get you to turn off your “personal alarm system.” They create a false sense of security, so you’ll enter their trap. There is a need to be sharper than ever because there are so many ways you can fall prey to others. You could do nothing, and hope the government or police will protect you. Or, you could get back some power! Use your natural protection methods (no guns involved!) Read on as I help you navigate your internal safety measures, and reveal ways to avoid snares which highly skilled manipulators set to catch you off guard.

What to Do

Your body never lies. It’s continually giving you messages, but you’re not hearing or acting on them. Through years of making sense of my difficulties, and finding the cause of other’s conditions and situations, I have improved my intuitive ability to read signs and messages from people and situations. I now live my life with an inbuilt, A-grade alarm system that rings warning bells loud and clear. This allows me to feel protected, no matter what I do, or where I go. I have experienced the consequences of ignoring the warning signals, but also the reliability of following them for decades. I want the same for you. You can experience this freedom, of feeling peace in all the places you go, and knowing who you can trust.

5 Steps to Attune Yourself to the Message

Your GPS (gut instinct) is always guiding you to safety, freedom, and greatness. To use it properly you need high volume and consistent practice at hearing and following it. Clean out your body emotionally and physically. If your mind and body are clean from physical toxins (i.e., heavy metals, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and emotional baggage (heal past stress and traumas,) you become a clear “conduit” that allows guidance to channel through. If there is interference when the messages are coming in, it’s harder to decipher what they’re telling you.

1. Good Karma

Nothing blocks these messages more than negativity. Good relationships and kindness will create good karma. Build a bank account of this stuff, and you’ll attract good energy from others, for protection, power, and happiness.

2. Create a Daily Practice of Feeling

Practice identifying your “feelings.” Make it a daily practice to question yourself. For example, ask, “How am I feeling?” Avoid distractions, and focus on creating an environment of calmness. When your “feelings” become more easily identified, you’ll understand what your messages are telling with greater clarity.

3. Give Up Caring What Others Think

Caring about what others think is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, regarding guidance and messages. Women are especially conditioned to take care of everyone else and ignore their own needs and wants. They brush aside or override their feelings. Consequently, they don’t receive messages that are trying to guide and warn them. In all my research, personal experience, and time with the thousands of women I have helped, I’ve noticed that consistently putting other’s needs first causes vulnerability and will cost you in more ways than one. When someone’s desire is always to please others, they miss incoming messages that may be warning them. The more attention you place on pleasing others, the more vulnerable and easy to manipulate you become.

I am so committed to instilling this concept that I believe it should be one of the ten commandments: “Thou shalt not care more about others than thine own feelings.”

4. Be Honest – Seek Truth – Ask Questions

What you are is what you get. When you hold yourself, and others, accountable for their words and actions–the same will be returned. If you ignore important matters or actions of others that affect you, you’re not adhering to universal laws. You must practice what you want to be shown to you–truth, honesty, and accountability!

5. The Warning Signs to Run

I can distinctly recall the time, many years ago, when I was serving a Mormon Mission (I’m not a Mormon now though) with two other female missionary companions. We stayed in a tiny apartment in Ladispoli, a remote place in Rome. There, we followed a strict regimen of rising early and going to be bed early. We began each morning with scripture study, and we prayed many times during the day. There were no worldly distractions for us, such as TV or newspapers, and we abstained from smoking and drinking alcohol, tea, coffee, etc. We were walking the streets, looking for people who might be open to our message from the scriptures (yes, I was one of those annoying people who went door knocking!). There was a moment when one of my companions said, “Do you feel weird?” It made us stop in our tracks and take note of how we were feeling. We then noticed that we felt low energy, depression and a bad feeling, like a dark cloud hanging over us. Looking at each other, we agreed that we needed to leave the area. We quickly returned home stayed there until we felt a change in the energy. When we thought it had cleared, we wanted to know if anything had occurred in the area. After asking around, we found out there had been a stabbing where we’d felt the strange energy.

6 Tactics Used to Turn Off Your “Personal Alarm”

Dr Mary Ellen O’Toole, FBI expert profiler and author of “Dangerous Instincts,” research shows the main reasons people ignore their gut instincts: 1. Dangerous people know how to manipulate your gut feelings. For instance, Bernie Madoff disarmed potential investors with his charm. He impressed them with his career accomplishments and lulled them with glowing recommendations from other investors who were also unknowingly conned. 2. Dangerous people can be much better at reading you than you are at reading them. If you are lonely, for instance, they will listen and offer their companionship. If you suffer from low self-esteem, they will compliment you and make you feel good about yourself. They know how to get you to feel good about them, even when you shouldn’t. 3. Crime victims never see it coming. I’ve yet to interview a crime victim who tells me, “I saw it coming ahead of time.” They may have a bad feeling, but they choose to ignore it. Or they had other sensations that told them everything would be okay. At best, their messages were mixed. At the worst, they completely misread the situations based on their feelings or lack of insight into people who posed a threat to them. 4. Our gut causes us to let down our guard for the wrong reasons. Our guts, for instance, often cause us to trust people based on superficial details—details that generally have little to do with true normalcy. We trust people who look and dress like us, who share our opinions, and who fit in. Dangerous people know this, so they are often masters at appearing normal and likable and at mirroring our values, likes, and dislikes. They dress nicely and keep their houses presentable. Their behavior doesn’t cause internal bells and whistles to go off. They don’t seem threatening, and our underlying belief is if we are nice to them they will be nice to us. 5. Our gut leads us to distrust people for the wrong reasons. We generally distrust people based on superficial details, too. This is why we often assume that straggly-haired strangers—especially the ones who are socially inept, off-putting and shifty-eyed—pose the greatest threat to us. In reality, some of the oddest-looking people pose little to no harm at all. 6. Our gut encourages us to overlook signs of danger. Even when the rational signs of danger are evident, it’s our natural inclination to rationalize them away. For instance, you might see a small child screaming in the middle of an airport. You might ignore the child because your gut tells you, “His mother must be somewhere.” Everyone wants a greater sense of safety and security for themselves and their family so don’t give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove they are trustworthy. Living in continual fear of what might will elevate your stress levels–and shorten your lifespan. Seek calmness with the knowledge that you have your GPS that can bring more peace and increase protection levels for you and your family. Sending you blessings, peace, and protection always. Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”