How to solve any problem with affirmations

Many years ago, I was attending an Anthony Robbins seminar. The team leaders instructed us to walk along the grassy outdoor area of the venue for our evening session. We were each given a lit candle, and for over two hours, we repeated the mantra “All I need is within me now.” It was a mesmerizing sight as I viewed the thousands of people following each other, walking over green hills in the moonlight. We held our flickering candles, repeating the same affirmation. Even though it felt like a spiritual moment, I was unaware the exercise was changing my negative belief systems to something much more powerful. As I was walking, I asked myself, “Our time is limited with Anthony Robbins, why have they devoted two hours of the seminar for us to hold a candle and repeat an affirmation I don’t know its meaning?”

Weird and Different

I was a Mormon at the time, and they taught me the “power” was outside of me – that I could only find it in God, Jesus and the priesthood. At the time, I was also suffering from long-term chronic neck pain. The pain was very intense, so I regularly visited a traditional physical therapist to get relief. Shortly after the confusing candlelight mantra, my sister’s boyfriend suggested I visit his energy therapist who was “weird and different”. I was in so much pain; I was desperate to try anything. I gave it a go despite my hesitations. My upbringing had conditioned me to be fearful of “alternative” therapies and prior; I never ventured outside my comfort zone of chiropractors, massage therapists, doctors, and osteopaths. However, the “norm” was clearly not working, and I had nothing to lose.

Flowing with Energy

The therapist, my sister’s boyfriend, recommended, was a kinesiologist. He applied the flow of energy and biofeedback to read energy fields. In this strange new treatment, the therapist touched various points on my body. When the session finished, I felt unusually energised. He had connected channels of energy that had been stagnant in my body my entire life. The moment I walked out the door, a little voice in my head said: “this is the path to heal yourself”.

My introduction to spiritual and energy healing

This was my introduction to energy healing – the pivotal moment that set me on my life-long mission and purpose.In hindsight, the mantra I repeated, “All I need is within me now,” was inferring I have the power in me to solve any issue or problem in my life. Kinesiology methods are based on the theory that the body will tell you what it needs to heal. It was the very next day after repeating this mantra that I discovered the therapist who opened up an entirely new and different world of interpreting and understanding energy. If it wasn’t for that opening, I am sure I wouldn’t be here today, as the emotional and physical pain I had endured was unbearable.

Solving Problems

I prefer to know that I have the power within myself to solve any problem. Everything was divinely orchestrated for me to meet the right person at the right time. The moment I changed my belief system was the moment I regained my ability to guide myself through any challenge that would come my way. I still repeat the mantra and feel guided to solve my problems, along with the challenges faced by many others who seek my help. Wishing you all the guidance and power for you to live your life in happiness and freedom. Blessings and love, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.