Vows and contracts to suffer and how to remove suffering

Have you ever heard of the notion that you come into this life with personal karmic agreements and contracts? It is explained that you undergo pain and suffering for your good. I was recommended a book that interviewed mediums and psychics who connect with people’s souls. This was to determine their soul’s contracted trials, suffering and reason for agreeing to them.

As I was reading it, I started to feel depressed. This concept implies that our fate for this life is pre-determined and we have no power or choice in changing it. I believe that we have all suffered enough. The most potent form of influence and healing is to experience love, not hate, anger or suffering. To change the cycle of life to be more empowering, I created a way to cancel the “personal karmic contracts” to find your freedom and happiness if did agree to this type of contract.

Past Incarnations

I’ve heard many stories about children who can describe their previous incarnations. They claim that they chose their parents. The concept that we made agreements before entering this life is a common belief amongst new age thinkers. Many past life regression therapists claim that we can review our life after we die in between our earthly lives. We then agree to our next life’s conditions and sometimes even consent to unimaginable pain and suffering. This is so we can allegedly grow and learn to be better than we were in our previous lives. I already know two of my former incarnations. Both were spent sacrificing and suffering for the good of others. They were past lives when I was very religious, and one of them, I lived my entire life in service to others. I endured suffering and made choices to deprive myself of luxury or pleasure.

Your soul carries imprints of suffering.

I chose to be as Christ-like as possible and to follow His ways as best I could. In that lifetime, I Iost a large part of my soul by praying to God. This was so he would allow me to take on my father’s sins so he could go directly to heaven. I then suffered from physical pain for the remainder of that life. Little did I know all this until it played out in this life. Getting back the soul fragment that I had lost was a profoundly painful process. Since I retrieved it, my life has become whole in every way. I had been longing for this completeness for many lifetimes, and now, it has finally occurred.

Sacrifice and suffering cause you to lose parts of yourself.

This disruptive experience which made me feel suicidal (and not to mention the fact that I made a complete idiot of myself) could’ve been avoided if I had not been so sacrificial in my past life. The entire experience served no purpose for either of us. The only thing I gained was the message that when you suffer and sacrifice yourself, you lose soul fragments or parts of yourself. This leaves you feeling shattered, empty and struggling in life.

Suffering needs to go

My whole life was based on suffering. I have unconsciously and consciously made decisions to make it more difficult as I thought that would make me a better person or more spiritual in this life. I now believe I had the same thinking when I was reviewing my life before moving on to my next life. I can easily see myself agreeing to choose a painful next life, thinking it would help me and others, just as I was conditioned to think this way in my past lives and this life. I now believe the consciousness between lives is at the same level as your own and the universal consciousness at the time of your passing.

Karmic contracts

When I speak about personal karmic contracts, I am not referring to bad karma or other divine agreements and contracts that must play out. I am referring to good people who agreed to endure more hardship, thinking it was necessary for progress and the sake of humanity during their reviewing stage between lives. This way of thinking is outdated; martyrdom is so five minutes ago!

We have been conditioned to think suffering is a good thing

History is full of suffering, hardship, and disempowerment. This suffering still plays out today. It is a universal law that what you carry in your energy field, you attract and create more of the same. People who suffer are more likely to inflict suffering, so how does that help the planet? If you want a life of freedom and happiness, you must remove the suffering imprints in your energy field. This helps the planet heal because what you energetically vibrate, you also create for others. You need to feel happy and empowered so that your energy positively affects others.

Women Suffer More

Women often suffer more yet still have kind hearts, nurture and give love freely. In the Forensic Healing System, I created healing pathways to help women to become whole and remove contracts from many sources. I also know that the energy needs to be directed at what you want to be healed or removed for it to have a powerful, life-changing effect. For this reason, I created the following Personal Suffering Contract Cancellation pathway for healers. If you are not a healer, you can say the affirmations and release the energy by shaking out your body in any way you can. The Forensic Healers will know how to use the following pathway. You can locate one in our directory if you would like to experience it first-hand. Personal Suffering Contract Cancellation Healing Pathway The ES signifies an energy shift, and you can learn how to use it in the free startup course I now request access to:
  •         Enlightened beings  ES
  •         Elevated consciousness ES
  •         Divine protection ES
  •         DNA codings ES
  •         Divine birthright blessings ES
  •         Akashic Records ES
  •         Permissions ES
I (your name), without interfering with Divine Karma or Laws, I now cancel, release and void all agreements, contracts, bondage, manipulations, imposed enslavement rituals and vows that I contracted and agreed upon before entering this life, to endure pain, suffering, and hardship that does not divinely progress my soul to:
  •         Freedom ES
  •         Abundance ES
  •         Happiness ES
  •         Greatness ES
I am sovereign, and I choose to be free to allow empowerment and choice in my life. I choose to reach my full potential and freedom I was destined to live. I make this declaration that I choose peace, harmony, love, freedom, and compassion for my soul’s progression from this point forward. It is my gift and birthright to have choice, freedom and live in my power and sovereignty.  ES

Keep In Touch

I would love to know how you are feeling after using this pathway on yourself, others or by affirming the statements. Sending you love, happiness, and freedom. Blessings and love, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.