What is Kinesiology and How Does it Work?

What is Kinesiology?

Your body persistently communicates with you, sending vital health signals through a harmony of energy in your physical and biological makeup. This dialogue can be decoded using a technique known as ‘Applied Kinesiology.’ Kinesiology guides you in comprehending your body’s energy status, offering ‘Kinesiology therapy’ insights to help achieve and maintain a robust energy equilibrium.

It seeks to understand the ways our muscles and body movement interact, looking at how physical activity, especially muscle movement, impacts the health and functioning of the human body.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a therapy that studies the movement and anatomy of humans to determine what is responsible for imbalances in the body system.

Kinesiology mainly involves muscle testing to access energy flow and body functions. It reads the body’s imbalances through bio-feedback called muscle testing. It also helps to detect the required healing needed for the body.

Whether it’s through a ‘Kinesiology degree’ program or a professional ‘Kinesiologist,’ muscle testing techniques are a constant. Yet, the incorporation of these methods can vary significantly across different healing practices. The unifying thread amongst them is the use of ‘Biofeedback system’ or ‘Kinesiology’ as a means to interpret the body’s signals. Leveraging this holistic approach, they decode the body’s energy states for optimal health outcomes.

Conceptual osteopathic healing with light glow.

Understanding Kinesiology; An Overview of Its Functioning and Benefits

Natural therapies bring forward benefits that can supplement or even substitute traditional treatments. ‘Holistic Kinesiology’, specifically, offers numerous therapeutic advantages by addressing the root causes of health issues. It paves the way for a comprehensive approach to health, focusing on resolution rather than mere symptom management.

In kinesiology, muscle monitoring is used to check imbalances that are responsible for disease in the body. The imbalance is usually due to stress, nutrition, or injuries.

How Forensic Healing Uses Biofeedback Methods to Read Energy Fields

Forensic Healing uses a similar form of Kinesiology to get the necessary information to heal someone. However, it has a signature technique to read energy fields called an “energy shift” abbreviated to ES.

The Kinesiology systems or modalities use this bio-feedback mechanism (muscle testing) to find information in the body. This method doesn’t necessarily need intuition or gut feelings to provide the answers. It works on a mechanical response from the body.

Forensic Healing Reads Information in Energy Fields

Forensic Healing allows you to use any bio-feedback method that resonates with you to read energy fields. One of the options you can use is muscle testing. We, however, encourage you to become spiritually connected so you can read energy fields by using your body to feel the answers.

This technique is taught in Forensic Healing as it personally tunes and connects the user/practitioner to the Universal Matrix.

what is muscle testing and kinesiology

Kinesiology fosters a unique connection with your inner self, allowing you to ‘feel’ answers that guide you on a path aligned with your personal journey and those around you. As you tap into this technique, you morph into a ‘human polygraph’, sensing the vast data within the Universal Matrix. This approach offers both a mechanical and intuitive pathway to unearth the requisite information for optimal well-being.

Your body is always talking to you, so the Forensic Healing system attunes your body so information and answers are easily felt. This opens your access to the secrets of the Universe!

Every piece of information you seek resides in the Universal Matrix. As you activate your spiritual pathways and harness your innate gifts, you transform into a potent channel for Source energy. ‘Kinesiology techniques’ assist in the elimination of undesirable conditions, amplifying your capacity for manifestation, solution-finding, and receiving divine guidance. This holistic approach paves the way for a harmonious alignment with your true potential and purpose
The following video shows you how Forensic Healing uses the Body Movement Technique to read the body for answers.

Kinesiology is important for the following reasons:

How Kinesiology Works

Kinesiology takes a holistic view of the human body. It neither diagnoses nor heals specific diseases. It is based on the principle of balance and energy flow in the body. When your body is balanced, diseases and their symptoms are absent.

There is an innate healing system in the body that can self-correct problems. But the system’s integrity has to be maintained for it to do its job. This is where kinesiology comes in.

Kinesiology does not disrupt the body system. It works within the body’s own natural healing process.

The flow of energy within the body is related to muscle functions and can be determined via muscle testing. Muscle function is evaluated to determine the overall health of a person. This means that any imbalance in any part of the body will affect other parts.

Muscle Testing

Muscle testing techniques help to identify and correct the blockage of energy flow in the body.

When the body’s energy is out of balance, the regulatory mechanism can be overwhelmed and lose the ability to correct system malfunctions. The result may be physical pains, mental stress, allergies, depression, and other conditions.

Blockage and stress disrupt energy flow and physiological function. Muscle testing is a means of listening to the unconscious messages that your body is sending out.

These messages are received through the nerve pathway that links the brain and body. Messages below the conscious level help to isolate causal factors of physical, emotional, and psychological problems.

Many muscles cannot be observed directly but through the measurement of generated electrical signals in a process known as biofeedback.

Biofeedback can help you discover the inner working of your body and take charge of it.

Muscle Biofeedback Gives Access to the Body’s Secret Information Which Reveals Its State of Health.

Some other techniques used in kinesiology include:

What to Expect in a Kinesiology Session?

The following video shows what information can be found when healing others.

Learn Kinesiology Courses

If you want to learn a simplified form of kinesiology, Forensic Healing has courses designed to help you heal yourself or become a competent practitioner of kinesiology (read the summary on the Forensic Healing Brochure here. Sign up today to get started.

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo, and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts, etc.”

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