Use the new energy of 2020 with 10 top tips to get what you want

It has been an exciting year for global, energetic changes and the revealing of Universal truths over the past year. Nothing is staying the same, and the changes come fast and swift. This has caused some people to experience many challenges while others have moved forward in leaps and bounds. Hopefully, you have seen your obstacles as a message that leads you to your greatness.  Following are ten concepts to align your energy to the year 2020. The 2020 year will deliver powerful energy to manifest what you are feeling and thinking instantly. Fast track your success by using these steps to plant the right energetic seeds.

10 Steps to Create the Best 2020 

1. Make a habit of counting five blessings every day

Gratitude is one of the most powerful secrets of the Universe. Create good karma by feeling grateful to attract more of the same. 

2. Let go of judging others

Let everyone be who they want to be, so you are not judged. Judgments align the energy to the things you don’t want and excuses you from taking responsibility for your creation.

3. Maximise your power

When you feel negative or disempowered, repeat the affirmation “I choose to focus on (insert the opposite of what you are feeling).”  Refocussing your thoughts will shift you from your situation and awaken to your negative self-talk.

4. Create relationships with positive and supportive people

Other people’s energy penetrates your energy, and you become like them.  You always have a choice when connecting with friends, family and peers. Set healthy boundaries and let go of the people who don’t inspire you. Choose friends you admire and support you.

5. Act on your intuition and show integrity

You have been trained to ignore your instincts which can cost you enormously. Grow your guidance system by tuning into your feelings. When you follow your instincts, it will create integrity and lead you to your greatness without fail. 

6. Speak of success stories

We are all connected through thoughts and intentions. Describe the things you want for yourself and others. Focus on the attributes and achievements of others that you want for yourself.  

7. Take responsibility for what you attract

What you attract is a vibration embedded in your energy field. There is always a message in the activity of your life. Show gratitude for the lessons that are pushing you to become more.

8. Be proactive and welcome change 

Seek out a mentor to empower you. Get sound advice, healing or mentoring that will take you to your goals ten times faster than trying to work it out yourself.

9. Create a list of your goals

When you write something down, you expand the creative forces, and this energetic fuel will realise your dreams. You are commanding the Universe to deliver your desires.

10. Use pictures and visualise your goals and desires

Pictures on a vision board activate your subconscious mind to attract similar feelings and creations. Always keep you mind and dreams focussed on the outcome you want. Wishing you blessings to create an amazing free year. Blessings and love, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.