Warning: This Blog Post Contains Information That May Shock and Challenge Your Beliefs
You Have Been Lied to
Lies, secrets, omissions, and facades only exist to create control. If you desire true freedom, then it’s time to get real and be open to disclosure, cover-ups, and corruption that has been taking place right under your nose.
We Are Programmed to Program Each Other
The programming becomes “normalised” so it’s acceptable even though it’s inhumane behaviour. The unsuspecting programmers have been your parents, teachers, religion, peers, institutions, governments, and the media.
The “programmed” unconsciously program their offspring, and the cycle continues. This is evident in cycles of abuse, poverty, and obesity. I touched on this concept in my previous blogpost-Top 3 Reasons It’s Hard to be Spiritual.
I revealed more about my childhood in my book Freeing the Unloved Girl.
Awaken to the Truth to Set You Free
It’s no different when I questioned a Spanish girl who claimed that she loved the “Spanish Running of the Bulls” festivals. The festivals reminded her of her happy childhood as her family assembled to watch what I call a barbaric, cruel treatment of the animals. For her, this was “normal” and something she considered “a good tradition”.
Denial is the Mechanism to Avoid the Reality of Pain
People believe the Media to be Truth

My mother, who has never researched any “conspiracy theories”, like most, is programmed to believe what the media reports and scoff at any unconventional or alternative views. Her beliefs are consistent with people from her generation and beyond.
It’s Not Your Fault, but No Longer an Excuse
When truths are kept from you, you’re not questioning your actions or consequences. I am still waking up to my own conditioning. I now question every action, process, and behaviour that does not benefit the planet or humanity.
Basic Concept: Everything Begins As “Energy”
People who are true to themselves are less controlled and manipulated. They have overcome the fear of rejection, found their self-worth, and connected spiritually (which is a power within themselves).
This is a time of reckoning, and the universal laws of karma are playing out. It’s not a person or thing who will save you from your misery. Help is available if you work on yourself first which will give you access to the higher, angelic, spiritual sources.

Disclosing Hidden Truths
The following list is a compilation of facts and intel about the world we live in. Twenty years ago, I researched some of these disclosures, and now I’m coming full circle. The proof exists, thanks to some very brave insiders. And this list only scratches the surface.
- Our planet operates by a sadistic dark force called the Cabal, often referred to as the Jesuits, Illuminati, Satanists, Annunaki, etc. These groups use satanic rituals and believe they are the elite race. Many crimes against humanity are committed to keeping their secrets hidden.
- The Dracos are a reptilian alien race controlling the Cabal. They feed off the energy from fear, sadness, selfishness, narcissism, hatred, anger, jealousy, and depression. They use mind control technology to manipulate and control their subjects. This includes an onset of tiredness whenever you attempt to advance your spirituality.
- Another negative force controlling the Cabal are the Orion Confederation. They are part of the spiritual, unseen war taking place in our solar system.
- The Cabal uses the “Voice of God” to project thoughts into people’s minds to commit violent and disturbing crimes.
- Corrupt, psychopathic people are recruited and promoted in positions of power, so they preserve the Cabal's dark agenda. The Cabal controls and influences the banks, governments, religions, pharmaceutical industry, police, military, schools, Hollywood, and the media, who “feed” you misinformation for manipulation purposes.
- The Cabal has created systems to target the youth and make them vulnerable to drugs and alcohol addictions.
- The Cabal practice black magic on a global level. They use the collective consciousness to manifest horrors, suffering, and evil.
- All wars are deliberately created by governments to create fear, control, and suffering with an agenda of making money.
- 911 was orchestrated by the US government (along with many other terrorist attacks).
- Hitler and his SS had contact with negative aliens. Hitler’s military created an alliance with them to develop and duplicate advanced technology hidden from the population.
- The Ford Motor company built Hitler's war tanks, and Boeing supplied Hitler bomber warplanes to fight their enemies (documented in history books).
- Big Pharma is designed to make money, to keep you sick and disempowered.
- There is an underground pedophile ring that operates at the highest of levels; governments, politicians, military, police, etc.
- There are negative extraterrestrials (ETs) who abduct humans and operate human slave programs.
- In 2014, an energetic wall appeared in our solar system. This wall was to protect our solar system from the Cabal, who were attempting to fire a superweapon at the positive spheres that arrived in our solar system in 2012 to help protect us.
- Aliens and humans live on the “dark side” of the moon (they are camouflaged.) The Earth contains underground cities and US/NATO military bases which are inhabited by humans and ETs.
- Free energy exists which would collapse the global financial system if it was available to the public.
- Instant healing methods are available to heal any disease. This includes cancer cures.
- Wormholes and stargate systems exist. Humans and ETs use them to teleport to other planets and solar systems.
- The SSP is a secret space program where advanced military personnel is recruited and do a 20-year service called 20 and back. This entails serving 20 years on a different planet. After 20 years of service, they return to their original age and their memories erased (blank slated). Corey Goode is one of the insiders who had his memories return.
- If the population of the planet had peaceful, loving thoughts for one day, the negative ETs would cease to exist, and the global consciousness would heal the planet.
Are You Still With Me?
This information may be difficult to assimilate and comprehend even though I have only scratched the surface. If this information and Intel is new to you at least, the seeds have been sown, and sources are available for you to verify the facts.
Corey Goode, who worked for the Secret Space Program (SSP) admits that part of his work entailed setting up government computer software for recruited internet trolls. The hired trolls sit at computer stations observing computer screens that flag people who expose any corruption from the media or government.
These government officials are hired to release campaigns called DDT – Decoy, Distract, and Trash. They disseminate disinformation to block and discredit the whistleblowers.
David Icke is a British author who exposes the reptilian bloodline that rules the world. He has been ridiculed and attacked for years but withstood the test of time. David Wilcock is another insider I follow. He has also endured the hard yards of being heavily targeted while divulging truths to the masses.
Humanity has been conditioned to be asleep and to act robotic. Even so, there have been many well-intended, awakened people who have attempted to change the corrupted systems, but to no avail. The good news is that the planet is going through a crucial, positive transition. Initially, there will be a partial disclosure of the corruption and truths that kept hidden. This is because if everything was disclosed, most people would be traumatised, panicked and shocked.
The message for humanity is to live more harmoniously and lovingly. Take ownership to find your joy, live authentically, and bring love and service to the planet. When you raise your vibration and recognise the power of your emotions and energy, you can assist with the new, loving world that is created.
There are many positive, angelic forces assisting in this process. They are called the Guardians or the Blue Avians. They live in a “sixth density plane,” which is a higher vibrational plane than the “third density” plane we live in. Our purpose is to transition from the third to the fourth plane which is a massive vibrational change even though it may not appear to be.
Research and Educate Yourself

Marisa ♥
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