This information will allow you to take back your control. You cannot leave answers to your life’s problems entirely in someone else’s hands. If you follow this process, it will lead you to find the answers for yourself or direct you to the person who has the answers. There is a reason and a solution for everything. You need to have the right mindset and look in the right places.
Disconnected people struggle to find solutions to their life
I recently attended a funeral where the deceased man’s wife said: “why did this happen?” She could not make sense of why her husband suddenly died. He had regular medical checkups, took control of his life and had a successful business and family life. He seemed invincible.
We learned along the way that he was not a spiritual person, nor was his wife. They did not rely on any “spiritual powers” or “inner guidance”. They controlled aspects of their life by doing what they had been told to do. They made their connection with others through regular social drinking.
I believe if they had been more spiritually connected, their lives may have progressed differently. We are accountable for our choices. All choices have consequences. We have free will and more power over our life’s journey than we give ourselves credit. Freedom and peace come from accessing this power.

When you are aligned and connected you are led to be in the right place at the right time.
You are directed to the correct information and prompted to follow your hunches or gut feelings. Your inner guidance system is the most powerful system that gives you personal knowledge and wisdom. It needs to be accessed and utilszed daily to gain the maximum advantage in life.
I spent decades of my life trying to remove the daily emotional and physical pain I endured. It took me years to find the answers to solve my problems against my doctor’s diagnosis that I would have to live in pain forever. I am now pain-free. This seems remarkable when I look back at how hopeless it once all seemed.
Find alternative healing solutions
Trying to find the answers to some of the most complex life conditions has led me along a path of solving the seemingly unsolvable. Life consists of detective work, and constant change is necessary if you want to alter outcomes. If there is something in your life right now that is not working for you; the answer is to change. What to change is the loaded question. This article will lead you to find answers and solving problems faster than ever before.
The first thing to understand is Henry Ford’s statement, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.
And Einstein’s quote, “One cannot alter a condition with the same mind that created it in the first place.”
This means your mindset and actions need to change to get different results. If you apply the following 11 steps, you will shift your mindset and find solutions to daily questions or long-standing problems. It is true that if you ask, you will receive.
These 11 steps prepare you to receive
1. Set daily intentions on the things you want
Ask to be shown or led to information that will resolve your questions or problems. Be clear and specific about the things you are seeking. Resist focusing on the issue or what you don’t want. Keep focused on what you do want.2. Allow your mind to be open to any answers that come
Stop all judgments and criticizing, as you will only get more of the same. If your mind is limited, you will create a limited life. Just believe that anything is possible and anything can be true. Your mind has been programmed to think in a limited way. We are only now realizing our true potential is much greater than what we are living. It’s time to re-educate yourself to become your true unlimited self!
3. Look at your limiting beliefs
Did your parents struggle in life? Did you have a religious upbringing based on guilt and fear? Do you believe yourself to be unworthy? Do you have limiting beliefs that hold you back? Do you believe you can be healed? If you have spent years searching for answers, you will need to erase this history and look at the problem with new eyes. Start with the basics – it is usually where the answers lie.
4. Break patterns in your brain by changing your daily routine
Eat something different, take a different route, call somebody out of the blue, pick up a book you would not usually read. Scramble your brain so that it gets used to change and used to the unpredictable. Your thinking is stuck, so it’s time to give yourself a shakeup. It opens you to other possibilities.
5. Trust and surrender
If you are controlling aspects of your life or the people around you, then you are not trusting the messages that are coming to you. The universe will prove you correct that you cannot trust life (remember what Ford and Einstein said). Give out a different message and let go of all control. Say the affirmation “I choose to trust and surrender”.
6. Wake up and listen
If you ask for the answers to come, then listen for the answers. Listen to what others are saying or the stories they are telling, even if you think it has nothing to do with you. Your answers are staring you in the face. Take note of newspaper headlines or what pops up on the TV. The universe is trying to give you a message. You need to be alert, listen and take note and “feel” if it is right for you. Messages can be confirmed through feelings, an inner knowing, that small voice inside or a peaceful feeling.
7. Feel and follow
Stop and be still. For every decision you make, practice feeling and asking yourself “does this feel right?” Make a habit of connoecting to your inner guidance. Heighten your senses to the feel the energy of places, people and things. Keep asking yourself “How does this feel?” and make choices that give you feelings of peace and calm.
8. Resolve negative emotions
If you harbor resentment or ill wishes towards another, it will come back to bite you. It is a seed of negativity in your energy field that multiplies and acts as a magnet to attract other negativity. Transform it by changing your focus. Do what you need to do to change negativity in your life. Don’t maintain a vibration that attracts negativity or blaming others. Find the message and reasons you invited it into your life.
9. Create intentions to bless others
Bless people in your mind and heart, and that will build great karma and energy for you to receive your answers and desires. When you wish others blessings, you wish blessings for yourself. We are all connected.
10. Cleanse your body of toxicity and eat well
Drink lots of water and refresh yourself in nature. If your body contains toxins, it will attract toxic emotions and situations in your life. Eliminate smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Eat well and cleanse your body with suitable foods to remove heavy metals and other substances that negatively impact your well being and energy. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy physical body.
11. Feel gratitude
Be thankful and appreciative of your daily blessings and for others in your life. The universe wants to answer you and give you more of the same. What motivates you to help someone? It’s a person who is appreciative, grateful and genuinely sincere. You want people on your side, desiring to assist you in any way possible.
Start with your intention to solve one specific life problem you have. Practice the 11 steps daily and keep a journal of your messages and impressions that come to you until you feel you have your solution. The more you incorporate these 11 steps into your life, the easier and faster your answers will come. Keep me posted on what happens in this process, as I always love an inspiring story.
Blessings and love,
Marisa ♥
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