How to stay on track to your life purpose and destiny

Have you watched Idol or a reality show and notice that the winners always have a great support system. Most of them give credit to their families for helping them live their dreams or for believing and supporting them. On the other hand, when people give up their dreams or feel drained of energy, I see evidence of the opposite; the people surrounding them are often negative and tend to pull them down. This is where the saying “you are your relationships” originates. All your relationships leave energy and imprints on you. You become your environment and the people you surround yourself with – and this can either heal or harm a person.

Good Apples Please

Often, the women I have worked with lack a good support system or a place they can feel safe and accepted. I also experienced a lack of support and witnessed how devastating one negative person can affect your life. For this reason, I created the “Good Apple Policy” in Forensic Healing and my personal life. The policy refers to the fact that we only want good energies or “apples” to be part of Forensic Healing. I want like-minded people who support each other and want the best for others. This creates good karma for all those who participate as what you wish for another you wish for yourself.

Everything Exists In Your Energy Field

Forensic Healing is about finding the cause of any condition or situation that comes into your life by analysing your energy field. For example, an effective alternative therapist understands this concept and chooses not to blame another person. Instead, they look inwards to work out their issues and realise they are the creator of their life. Since I created the “Good Apple Policy” for my business and my personal life, I have experienced much more support, love, power, and flow in every aspect. The Forensic Healing Facebook group shows evidence of this as the women in the group continuously support and inspire each other. The aim is to ensure the group keeps focused on the things they want instead of posting the things they don’t want. I want women to feel safe, appreciated and empowered. What could be better than that?

Good Choices Create More Power

The Facebook group offers women a constructive influence in their lives, as it is sometimes the only positive support system they have. It provides empowerment through interaction with other amazing women who want nothing but the best for each other – a collective support system that provides you with a much needed positive outlook and the energy to deal with all of life’s trials and tribulations. The choices you make today affect your tomorrow, so start building your power by making positive connections, welcome support and love where it is given to you – don’t be afraid to seek it out and cut out any unnecessary negativity. If you do this, an invisible energetic force will encase you and give you more peace, protection, and empowerment in your life. As you build positive relationships, you develop your power. Wishing you blessings and empowerment always, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.