Hate to love: An alternative energy healing success story

Eight years ago I was introduced to a client Susan (not her real name) who hated every aspect of her life. Susan held a high ranking corporate position which felt overwhelming as she was sensitive to others energy and to the political agendas that played out in her office environment. Susan hated her life so much she said felt the desire to shoot herself for these reasons…
  • Her boss was a jerk
  • She was underpaid
  • Her unemployed boyfriend was unappreciative
  • They lived in a rental apartment
  • Her family relationship was filled with judgment and leached her of her life force.
  • Life was such a struggle, she couldn’t to find one reason to live.

Finding the truth

As I progressed in her healing session, I analysed her mindset. It revealed that Susan allowed people to disempower her. She had low self-worth, which would baffle anyone that met her. She was a very beautiful woman with a wicked sense of humour. Any half decent man would have been honoured to call her his ‘girlfriend.’ Susan was hiding and suppressing her true self to fit in at work, home and family life. She was not expressing her real self or giving herself ownership in creating a successful life. Over the years Susan would return to see me. She would get constant reminders to recognise her power and use her talents such as her humour to express her needs. Consistent with her expression, I suggested she use her wit to ask for a pay rise. Using the excuse that her long work hours was driving her to therapy and her therapist had raised her rates! True story. Levity aside, Susan started to change her disempowered, low self-worth state to feeling powerful and worthy of receiving the things she wanted to make her happy.

The changes

As a result of her changed state, all the original, dissatisfying aspects of her life disappeared.
  • Susan focused on things she wanted instead of negativity.
  • She began expressing herself more and taking responsibility for empowering herself.
  • Her boyfriend got a job.
  • Her jerky boss got replaced with someone who respected her.
  • Susan and her boyfriend bought their dream home.
  • Her yearning to be married was fulfilled when her boyfriend proposed 🙂
Susan is now happily married, living in her own home, working for a boss who respects her and her family relationships improved. Life feels right to her. Now Susan tells me she wants more… her next dream is to have a baby… and why not. Go for gold I say!! Today I send her lots of energy (including in the bedroom!!) to help bring to her family a little angel that will give her more joy than she has ever experienced. I’m so excited for Susan. You too can have it all. You can create the life you want, it all begins with you! As you look back on your life. Can you see how life has changed as you changed your mindset and reclaimed your power? I would love to hear your story. Please share your comments below. Blessings and love, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.