Are You Blocked?
You know what it feels like when you’re blocked! You get stuck behind traffic jams, accidents and diversions as you get blocked at every turn. The same kind of blocks occurs in achieving your life goals. It can feel as if a black cloud is hanging over you and you can’t move in a positive direction. Self-Awareness Increases Knowledge and Flow Taking note of how you are feeling is an essential step to creating flow. Self-awareness is part of the natural flow that leads to a greater understanding of others. I haven’t met a person who doesn’t admit to having some ability to “feel” someone’s energy or know if someone is lying, or get a general sense about a situation. You have this ability to “read” or “feel” situations, however, these feelings may not be convincing enough to act on, or your negative self-talk persuades you to ignore them. The flow in your life is enhanced when you are feeling more “connected” to something more significant or a deeper connection to something spiritual.Clean Your “Pipes” To Access Your Flow
Just as a drain pipe may get blocked, or a garden hose gets kinks or knots, the result is that only a trickle of water can pass through. For maximum water flow, the pipe needs to be unblocked, and the hose needs straightening. If you represent the “pipe” and the water is symbolic of your power, gut instincts, personal GPS, source energy, universal power or what you call God, the more access or open you are to receiving this energy, the more power, and assistance you will get to creating flow. Removing the blocks and kinks in your body and mind is essential to get the maximum flow available to you. Don’t accept only a trickle of your energy when you can have access to it all. Envisage having access to the flow of water that is coming from a fireman’s hose as he extinguishes a fire. That’s full throttle energy! Yeah, Baby!Why Blocks Occur
You may have been conditioned to ignore this internal feeling as it’s not generally valued or encouraged by society. Facts show that those who ignore or underutilize their gut instincts are more likely to be victimised, betrayed, abused, and blocked. It’s the number one reason people’s lives become a train wreck and disasters occur.Teaching Children
Children who have been taught by their parents to follow their feelings, or act on gut instincts, generally experience more flow and have more success in relationships, work, and life. Teaching children when they’re growing, conditions them to tune into their feelings when making decisions. So if something doesn’t feel right, they naturally don’t choose it. Instead of making decisions for your children, you can encourage them to act on their gut instincts, so they develop this ability. It’s one way a parent can find peace of mind, knowing their children have some extra skills to protect themselves if they’re not around.Analyse Your Upbringing
Reflect on the ways you were either encouraged or discouraged to follow your feelings in childhood. This will show why you rely on others to make decisions or highlight reasons you ignore your feelings and put yourself last. It is essential to understand where your behaviour is stemming from so you can change or build on it.7 Steps to Accessing Flow
1. Healing Yourself Stress, trauma, and pain, or anger will block your access to source energy to create flow. Spend time to address and heal your past hurts and wounds. 2. Create Silence and Remove Distractions Make room for flow to occur. Stillness and meditation cleanse your mind, body, and balances your energy. It can open your energy channels to the subtle signals to create flow and guide you to your desires. 3. Remove Sabotages Your subconscious mind will devise ways to stop your progress, i.e., finances, health, relationships, career, etc. Sabotages are programmed in childhood as they instill safety measures not to experience the pain again, i.e., if you witnessed a tumultuous divorce as a child, then unconscious programs are created to avoid or sabotage relationships or commitment. 4. Clean Up Similar to a river that flows down the stream, the rocks, debris, branches, etc., reduce its flow. Remove rubbish, clutter, or connections with negative people (including Social Media), or anything that has non-supportive energy. Start a juice cleanse, engage in physical exercise and repeat positive affirmations. This will change the energy and create room for the flow to occur. 5. Ask the Question “How am I feeling? Remind yourself to practice using your senses and “feel.” If you continually ask yourself the question “How am I feeling?” then you will gradually train yourself to use your gift of intuition and develop it. Over time, as you feel more, you will receive stronger guidance which will validate your feelings to trust them more. 6. Trust and Surrender If you are trying to control people and situations, then you are blocking the flow. Letting go of control allows the universe to do its thing and guide you to where you should be. When you let go and become aware of what is happening around you, you will see what is working and what is not. Then you can choose the path of least resistance, as our dear friend Abraham Hicks is always reminding us to do. 7. Choose Happiness Feeling good opens you to more flow. Think of the times you first fell in love. It’s like the world turned on bright lights, sounds were clearer, emotions more intense, and nothing bothered you. Every cell in your body was happy. It was during those times that flow and magic happened. This is the best state to create and increase flow. Start loving yourself crazy (and everyone else!).Forensic Healing Flow Activation
Increase the power of the Forensic Healing Flow Activation by adding a crystal, photo, jewelry or anything that represents your energy. Next, to this item, place a small bowl of water on the right side and a small bowl of salt on the left side. The water represents source/energy, and the salt represents cleansing the blocks. Add 4 green candles and place on the outside corners of your items. 2 on the right side and 2 on the left side and light the candles (square shape.) Green represents the flow (green for go.) Light the candles and repeat the following activation statements:“I (name) call upon all source energy, all universal powers, enlightened and elevated consciousness, and enlightened beings.
I request the removal of all physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual blocks originating from:
Trauma, stress, blocks, and abuse Past lives and soul disconnection Negative cords, relationships, and attachments Negative beliefs, conditioning, curses, jealousy and sabotages Opposition, guilt and low self-worth
I (name) now choose to attract, create, allow and feel gratitude for the abundance of flow and power through me, to progress to my full potential and power from this point forward.
It is my gift to be and live in my power.”
Leave the candles to burn for 1 hour; then extinguish the candles and repeat the following statement:
“Thank you for the abundance of flow that I now have. I am in deep gratitude for all that I receive. Thank you Thank you Thank you.”
Then empty the water in the garden to enhance the connection with source/earth.
Intentionally Create Flow
I have experienced some great moments of flow when unexpected magic has happened. In 2012, Michael Beckwith invited me to join him on stage at the Agape Center. Just prior, I had received a spiritual healing that left me feeling very peaceful. When I arrived, I watched Rickie Beckwith sing which brought me to tears. It was a moment I felt very connected and the next minute; I was on stage with Michael. Meeting Oprah in Uluru also contained similar steps before meeting her. The more flow you create on the physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual levels, the more flow you will attract in your life. Life is your message, and the blocks are indicating that changes are necessary for you to move forward. Let me know your “flow” moments and what helped you achieve it? Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”-
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