4 steps to overcome chaos when the “shit” hits the fan

Have you had times when you think you can’t go on a moment longer? You throw your hands in the air and wonder if the Universe has a warped sense of humour, piling the odds against you? You feel so close to throwing in the towel! Does it seem that everything goes wrong all at once when it’s clearly impossible for a normal human being not to lose it? Believe it or not, there is always something great that follows those moments to make enduring those challenges worth your while. Don’t give up just yet – there’s some good news coming! Even though you have been working hard to create better things for yourself, it is in those moments where you are stretched beyond what you ever imagined you could handle, that the universe presents you with an opportunity to grow yourself – a valuable message to carry you onward and upward in life. I have a formula to get you through your testing times without having to jump off a cliff… the following simple steps will get you through and give you a sense of satisfaction and reward for sticking it out.

1 . CSI Time: Be your Detective

It’s a good idea to take a look at what has caused the downhill slide in the first place and use your CSI skills to see how you should do things differently. Think about what you could have said and done to create a different outcome. Did you ignore your gut feelings or advice from others? When you keep doing the same things, you will keep getting the same results. When your life isn’t working the way you want, don’t blame someone else or the universe – very often, a lot of your own choices help lead you to challenging situations time and time again, so backtrack and think about what you can change now that you are moving forward.

2. Hope that it will Get Better

Hope is an expectation that your desires and wishes will come to fruition and it is necessary to alleviate feelings of gloom and doom. Hope is a way for you to hold on to your dreams for better things to come. It also sends a message that you are expecting everything will work out and the universe will respond to those messages. Hope is what so many people have. It is used to get through the worst times in their lives successfully. Feeling hope costs you nothing – you need to choose it. When things are going down the gurgler, focus on the things you want and visualise a positive ending.

3 . Let it Go

We all have a habit of living in fear and worrying about the things that could go wrong. Putting your energy on negative emotions is wasting time and resources, and blocks the universe in assisting you. I can name many times where I did everything I could to improve a situation, and when I let go of control, the universe always came through for me. It has now become a way of life to let go of stress and worry, and to simply trust the universe. This relationship of trust needs to be built just as you would do with a person – over time. The more you believe the universe, the more it can prove to you it is trustworthy.

The Plan: When you have negative or painful experiences…

1. Analyze what went wrong 2. Work out how you will Change 3. Trust it will work for the best 4. Let go of the rest

Hindsight is a Beautiful Thing

Soon, you will realise, that in your difficult times, when it all got too much, you changed and became wiser. You learned how to handle situations and life in a more constructive way. Life is teaching you to get more from it just as you have launched many rockets of desires into the ethers asking for more. It may feel like you’re running a marathon and you want to give up but persevere – when you get to the finish line, you will feel a great sense of satisfaction. Once you are over the hill with your struggles, you will realise that you have changed yourself to become something greater. Flow and ease will return, and you will sense the relief that things are back on track, working even better than before, and this will be part of the reward for your efforts; the fruits of your labour will no doubt manifest in ways that may even surprise you. So remember to keep connected with positive people and energy when you’re at your tipping point; you don’t need extra burdens to push you over – you need support and good vibes to keep you above water, sending you that extra lift you need to get to the other side. Blessings always, Marisa Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.