Top 5 life problems and resolutions

Are you aware of your life patterns? Your life patterns and beliefs show up in your world, your community and inside your relationships. When times are hard, you see what you are made of.

Today I highlight the top five life problems my clients presented during 2012 and 2013.

Your life patterns embed in your energy field from your parents, genetics, DNA  and past lives. They seep into our psyche and subconscious mind. They show up in your beliefs and how your life plays out. Sometimes causing real-life problems. It is true that ‘You are your relationships’: The energy of all your relationships become you.

  • Our patterns and beliefs need to be shaken up to make way for new thoughts and feelings.
  • Ponder your life.
  • Be honest with yourself.
  • Become the Forensic Investigator of yourself.
  • Find where your beliefs originate.
  • Replace them with new beliefs which will shift your energy field and your attraction.

Here are the top five life problems and some brief ideas to turn them around

1. Financial Stress

“I am stressed about my financial situation, and I fear poverty.”

There would have been a time in your childhood where your parents (or similar) struggled financially. You may be conditioned that being wealthy is not spiritual or that you have to struggle to make money. If you have a habit of putting yourself last, then you have a sacrifice pattern which means that you believe life should be hard for you and so it is.

Solution: Start making different choices not based on feeling poor or disempowered. Get comfortable being around wealth. Go and order a drink in the most exclusive hotel you know.  Mix with people who enjoy making money. When you are stressed about your financial situation, repeat this statement, “I choose to value myself and know I am worthy of abundance.”

2. Relationship & Marriage Problems

“I have serious relationship problems. I don’t feel respected or appreciated.”

In your childhood, you may have witnessed a parent (or similar) mistreat another loved one.  You may have felt unappreciated or disrespected as a child. There may have been favouritism. You have learned to allow others to mistreat you and you make choices that confirm your unworthiness.

Solution: Commit that you will make choices that nurture and support you. Choose more supportive friends, foods, environments, etc.. When you feel disrespected, repeat this statement, “I choose to make choices that love and nurture myself.”

3. Lack of Energy

“I have no energy and my health does not improve.”

Assess the people around you. Who are you giving your energy to? Is there negativity? Negative people drain energy. If you have a significant health issue, there is an energetic imprint stored in your energy field.

Solution: Clean your body of toxins such as heavy metals. Cleanse the liver and bowel. Clean up your relationships, thoughts, harmful behaviours and your environment. When you feel low of energy, repeat this statement, “I choose to make choices that give me a healthy, energetic life and body.”

4. Can’t Be Yourself

“I am fearful to speak up or be myself.”

You have felt judged, and the love you received was conditional. You have been pressured to conform and not stand out for fear of negative consequences. Playing small holds you back from being in your potential.

Solution: Now is the time to permit yourself to be you. Celebrate your uniqueness. Love yourself unconditionally and make your own needs a priority. Don’t seek approval from others. Make choices to be around people who celebrate and encourage others. When you feel down about yourself, look in the mirror and repeat this statement, “I choose to give myself permission to live in my integrity, love my uniqueness and move into my full potential.”

5. Hate Your Job

“I hate my job; I want to feel passionate about my work.”

Did your parents (or similar) work hard and struggle in their work? Did they do a job to pay the bills and feed the family?  Did one of them fail to pursue their dreams to please someone else? Have you done jobs that you did not enjoy consistently?

Solution: Begin changing your energy field by starting to find your passion in what you’re currently doing – it may be just a few tasks. Start a part-time project that makes you feel passionate. Your life purpose will become entwined with your full-time vocation. Value your gifts and talents, connect with people who love their work. When you feel bored and overwhelmed by your work, repeat this statement, “I choose to attract activities that give me passion and excitement in life.”

I hope you found this insightful.

Leave a comment below about how you are going to turn your pain into power this year…

Blessings and love,

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.


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