The secret, Mayans, the world and you in 2013

With the Mayan calendar ending December 21, 2012, and rumours of Armageddon, Jesus Christ appearing, and rogue planets smashing into the Earth who can blame the inhabitants of the planet feeling uncertain and stressed. Let me put your mind at ease with my view as to why this is all happening… with a gift and solution.

Is ‘The Secret’ responsible for the world shake up?

Remember when The Secret movie and books launched in 2006. It enlightened masses of people that we have the power within us to create our dreams and desires. Around the same time Esther Hicks who channels enlightened beings was awakening us to truths of the laws of attraction. The popularity of these ideals changed people’s thinking forever. Then Gregg Braden released The Divine Matrix book in 2007. Gregg used his scientific background to prove that our thoughts and beliefs create our inner and outer world and that the world is a holographic representation of ourselves. Many more thought leaders came before and after this time, enlightening us, awakening us and empowering us to be our creator. Never have these techniques been practiced globally more than now! Those who were not open to the laws of attraction have got off the fence and moved to the side of the believers. There has been a massive shift in people applying The Secret methodologies. Proof of which is their Facebook page, currently with over 41,000,000 likes! It’s influence has been at the heart of this global ‘creation’ phenomenon.

The Intention Experiment lowered crime rates by 72%

In 2008, Lynne McTaggart’s book, The Intention Experiment showed the influence of energy, thought and feeling. Lynne makes reference to a global group conducting a Peace Intention Experiment in the 1990’s. 7,000 people gathered together three times in various countries and over a two-year period meditated with thoughts of peace and love. Over this period, there was a 72 per cent reduction in terrorism worldwide.

If we cite the impact of the Peace Intention Experiment conducted with 7,000 people, what do you think the outcome of millions of people consistently applying the laws of attraction, using their intention to create a better life would be?

People are focusing their thoughts and emotions on having more freedom, abundance and happiness. If you read my last article on why your life may be in a crisis you will remember the focus on changing to create a better life. The greatest changes seem to occur when we hurt enough. The same principle apply here. For the universe to answer these worldwide desires, the world must change.

Is the light over-powering the dark forces?

Life for most people is not a life of integrity, equality, compassion, respect and empowerment. To live in a different world where freedom is valued; corruption, patriarchal systems, greed and cruelty need to be replaced. There is a fight going on with those in power at any level who do not want change. Whether it is someone controlling at home, a controlling boss or a controlling and corrupt government. If they don’t change, they will be forced to. The desires of millions creating this contrast will make it too uncomfortable for the status quo to continue.

Ask, and you shall receive!

The combination of social media transparency and the increase of energy desiring something better has triggered the speed of change and collapsing of the world systems. There is now an increase in women regaining their power so compassion, spiritual guidance and healing is becoming more of a priority in the healing of the planet. There is a rejection of corruption and the sinister characters behind these activities. An awakening has occurred on a global scale. People are feeling more compelled to care about their actions and the consequences to others and the planet. There is a growing number of spiritually awakened people who feel the emotions of others and their connection to the planet. We are beginning to see what ‘we are all connected’, ‘we are all one’ really means. The underlying message is a movement away from competition and towards working together.

The illusion is over; we can allow our power back

We are experiencing a great awakening. The illusion we have been living is dissolving. We are now becoming aware of the toxicity that has dulled our senses, made us sick and destroyed our planet. The fear we have exposed to is losing its power. Women are regaining momentum to reverse the damage and torment they have suffered over the centuries to reclaim their spiritual and healing powers. They are finding their voices and regaining their divinity.

When women heal, the earth will heal.

We are awakening faster than ever and this has been catapulted with the revolution that we have the power within us. The masses have spoken, people need freedom, the animals and earth need more respect and your pleas are being answered. It is now your time to live in your power. We can move forward together to create a world where each person is valued for their uniqueness, encouraged to use their power and creativity so that freedom, respect and love is encoded in every human’s heart and soul.

You are invited to join me… On Friday, December 21 we are releasing an intention-filled video healing conducted by me. Video now released…

We want this video to be filled with your intentions, for all of us to launch our desires, to heal our souls so the transition that is occurring will be a peaceful and happy time for everyone. The purpose is to create 2013 as the year where power is returned to each individual. Hearts and souls are healed, relationships strengthened, unity, integrity and love abounds. Join me in this powerful transformation with our energies of love, healing and abundance united. Blessings and love, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.