Science reveals… some people are bad for you

Do you think that it’s nobler to send love and blessings to those who get angry and attack you? Do you feel part of your purpose is to tolerate people who lack empathy?  Do you wonder if these people have any effect on your emotions, energy, or life situations, or do you think your love will combat their negativity?

People Are Like Food

People’s ability to affect you is the same concept that you are what you eat.  You become the same energy as those you spend time with.  People can be similar to foods; rancid, junk, toxic, fatty, fresh, balanced, healthy, super, natural, healing, or organic. Eating certain types of foods will make you feel a certain way. If you continually eat healthy, organic superfoods, then you feel physically energised and alive. Those who surround themselves with people who are supportive and positive will feel-good vibes of happiness and acceptance. It feels great to have this type of energy continually supporting you.

The opposite is also true. Bad food or bad energy can leave you feeling sluggish and depressed as it physically and energetically causes decay. This energy then manifests into unwanted outcomes. Eating bad, unhealthy foods long term, has the same effect as having long-term negative people around you. It takes a lot more effort and resources to undo the side effects as the consequences can become chronic and sometimes fatal.

Science Proves Emotions Affect You

Science Proves Emotions Affect You

I’ve mentioned in Freeing the Unloved Girl book the science that shows we live in a world of tangible energy. Lynne McTaggart is an author and researcher who investigates ways to change social behaviours and consciousness. In 2008, Lynne conducted a “Peace Intention Experiment” consisting of 12,000 participants who focused peaceful thoughts on Sri Lanka. The result? Lynne found a 74% reduction in violence after the experiment.

Currently, there are more than 25 scientifically controlled, web-based experiments to test the power of thought to change the physical world. They have measured how group thought affects the growth of plants, polluted water, and the lowering of violence in war-torn areas. These experiments demonstrate that people with focused intentions can create or change conditions merely by their thinking.

Beliefs Create Outcomes

Beliefs Create Outcomes

Lynne’s book, The Field, supports this theory when she refers to the Observer Effect Experiment, when quantum physicists demonstrated the “observer’s bias,” or how the beliefs about an experiment affect the outcome. They described how an experiment with atoms was changed when the scientists observed the experiment with an expectation of what the result would be. This was shown to have altered the outcome when compared to the controlled test with no observers.

McTaggart states, “To think is to affect.” She says discoveries in quantum physics are indicating that everything is connected: “At one time, we believed there was one system of ‘large’ physics, and another system of physics the ‘small’. We’re now understanding that there is only one system of physics—the laws of the quantum world which apply to the world at large, the great big world of visible matter. Those laws suggest that the observer affects reality. And there is evidence that our thoughts can change physical matter. That being the case, we have to rethink almost everything, because we’ve perceived a world based on separation, but the world that we’re discovering now is a world of unity.”

Emotion Changes DNA...

Emotion Changes DNA…

David Wilcock’s book, The Source Field Connection, referred to the DNA phantom effect experiment where photons in a container stay in the same pattern as the DNA when the DNA strand is removed. From this, we may conclude that our DNA leaves an imprint and attracts particles to it that become a physical form. We leave a trail of ourselves everywhere we go, which would explain why places and objects could arouse certain emotions and feelings in us.

Further explanation of this phenomenon in Wilcock’s book shows that people with the most coherent brainwaves (feeling love) and incoherent brainwaves (anger) have a substantial effect on changing the DNA. This experiment was conducted by Dr. Glen Rein, who revealed that DNA behaves in direct response to human consciousness. DNA unwinds when a cell is about to divide or is damaged. It rewinds again when it is working to repair and heal itself.

Are you realising the amount of power others have over you and how much your thoughts and feelings affect your own life and others?

So What Does This Mean For Me?

What Does This Mean For You?

I’ve witnessed time and time again the incredible power of others’ thoughts, beliefs, emotions and intentions and how it affects a person’s life. The positive energy heals and creates powerful transformations while the negative energy turns into curses, blocks, financial struggles, diseases, pain, panic attacks, depression, and stress.

Value and give your positive energy to those who reciprocate it. You are a creator and set intentions to increase positive energy to advance and connect to your life’s purpose. Choose not to live in a past where women were devalued, turned against each other, disempowered, persecuted, burned, drowned or tortured for having intuitive or healing abilities.

If you give away your time, thoughts, good wishes and love which is in essence, your energy, to those who abuse or devalue it, then you are not constructive with your energy. Your energy is given in vain, and you lose your power. You will always feel more empowered when you give your energy to those who appreciate and value it. Don’t waste another ounce of your energy or a minute of your time!

My question to you is this: how efficient are you with your energy? Are you using it to the best of your ability? Let me know your thoughts and a plan of action that will help you grow and create more positivity in your life.

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”

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