Remove Satanic  Crucifixion Implants and Forces. Cancel the Martyr and Suffering Spell.

Remove Satanic  Crucifixion Implants and Forces. Cancel the Martyr and Suffering Spell.

Why would the everyday person condone an organisation, system, institution or person who inflicts global suffering? Daily, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial atrocities are committed, yet most of humanity supports these systems and organisations that execute them.

When I was four years of age, I wondered why anyone would want to live in a world of so much pain and suffering. This belief reflected the emotional, sexual and physical abuse I encountered as a child. the law “as above so below” will explain this.

Suffering plagued my life until I invested years of research and healing that finally freed me from my past. I created the Forensic Healing system using these same energy laws and discovered how humanity is coded to experience suffering.

Crucifixion and Suffering Implants Removal Healing Video at the end of the blog

The Root Cause of Anything has an Energetic Source.

Humanity becomes free when people awaken to the knowledge that every major organisation, institution, or system is infiltrated by evil. For permanent change to occur, the energy or consciousness must change first.

Therefore, if you remove an evil structure, organisation or system without changing the energy or consciousness, another evil structure will replace it.

It’s like a pattern of bad relationships. Nothing changes if you run from one bad relationship to the next and blame the other without making inner changes.

Religion is Compromised

I was born and bred a Catholic. However, from age 26, I served 18 years in the Mormon Church. I had both good and bad experiences, which gave me a solid foundation for this topic.

For the record, I am not against religion or anything. I am merely applying science, laws of energy and logic instead of belief systems and traditions. NB: The following information is generalized and doesn’t apply in every case or to every person.

Sign of the Cross and Martyr/Crucifixion/Suffering Implants

Religion has an underlying connection when analysing the struggles and suffering people experience. Europeans are predominantly programmed for suffering as Europe is steeped in religion.

Sign of the Cross Ritual

The sign of the cross ritual and the crucifixion cross symbol enable martyr, crucifixion, and suffering implants to activate in a person’s energy field. These implants are embedded from birth as they are placed in the Planetary Logos, which I discuss further.

A statue or figurine of a person can operate the same way as a voodoo doll. The energy increases when the statue or figurine has an identity, and whatever you do to the statue or voodoo doll will transfer to the associated person.

Some religions symbolically eat Christ’s “body” and drink his “blood” through communion. This is a subtle program for cannibalism and energetically ingesting torture and suffering.

If humanity is one with Christ and his followers vow to be like him, Christ’s suffering and tortured life becomes the blueprint for the global and individual consciousness.

Maximising Spells, Curses or Rituals

To maximise spells, rituals or curses, incantations, roleplays, numerology, fear, trauma, words of power, stimulating the senses, use of symbols, hand signals, finger modes and opening portals are implemented.

These methods facilitate openings to a person’s energy field in which children are the easiest target to insert implants, codes and programs.

Churches magnify their intentions through mandalas, which are coloured stained glass windows. They also include music, singing, and burning oils such as myrrh to create transcendence or a hypnotic trance. Also, the use of incantations with rote responses and memorisation of words, symbols, rituals, confirmations, etc., are forms of programming.

Even more challenging is that these rituals, curses, or spells are transferred through each lifetime until removed. So, you are born with this coding. The more you apply religious rituals, the more you activate the suffering program in your life.

Removing these evil, sinister attacks can be easy or difficult. It depends on the targeted person’s level of consciousness, the amount of energy used to apply the curse, spell, or ritual, and the amount and type of energy used to remove it.

Sign of the Cross on Humans

The cross was the structure used to torture and kill Christ, and the sign of the cross ritual is used 51 times in a one-hour mass ceremony. In addition, many Christians utilise this symbol throughout their day, for example, to say their prayers before a meal, ask for help, say the rosary, or worship, etc. Christians also decorate their home with Christ on the cross in many symbolic forms.

When a baby is baptised, the priest places his thumb on the baby’s forehead and heart while making the sign of the cross.

The most important part of any human is in the middle of their forehead as it relates to the third eye and spiritual insight.

The third eye provides truth, guidance, and protection when fully activated. It allows people to see through the “veil” or the illusions of life.

The heart transports the body’s life force and houses every emotion.

Therefore, applying the symbol of “torture and suffering” to these fragile spiritual areas should be challenged and reversed.

As Above so Below

Crucifixion Implants are also called J-Seals (Jehovian Seals) and Death Seals and include Crown of Thorn Implants.

The Earth Magnetosphere is the Planetary Logos,  the area controlled by the planet’s magnetic field. It has twelve Axiatonal vertical energy lines that affect the human body’s twelve Axiational Lines.

This Planetary Logos was hijacked thousands of years ago by the Reptilian Controllers who corrupted humanity’s original blueprint.

The Controllers used bio-warfare technology to create mind control, siphon our energy and inflict mass suffering.

Their technology causes souls to recycle, past-life memory loss and emotional suppression from trauma and pain. Consequently, this disconnects from your Soul Matrix, your Divine blueprint that evolves you to reunite with the Eternal God Source or the Creator. This separation causes profound pain for humanity.

The Planetary Logos

The Planetary Logos, which operates as the planetary brain, serves as the collective mind, which projects or transmits to the individual mind. It relays message impulses to the Earth. The instructions for the Planetary Logos come from the 7D Violet Ray, which contains the future Earth timeline called Gaia.

The 7D violet frequency wave is transmitted through Gaia into our Crown chakra and the seventh-dimensional energy centres in our energetic field.

The Crown chakra connects to the Aurora, which comprises Rays, light, and consciousness units of the next Universe, enlightened beings, and Unity Intelligence.

The consciousness timelines simultaneously involve a 3D Earth called Terra, a 5D Earth called Tara, and a 7D Earth called Gaia.

Crucifixion Implants

Crucifixion implants are tangible control structures placed in the body’s 7th-dimensional logos. This connects to the circulatory system that forms the collective human crown chakra.

Therefore the implants are in your light body, crown chakra, complex, meridians, and the entire left side of your body.

When the 7th Seal (quarantine) is opened, the crucifixion implants can be removed. The Seal causes a recorded genetic dimensional frequency block in the planetary body’s holographic architecture, which affects every living being.

The Crucifixion Implants are located in seven main areas on the left-hand side of the body on the 7th Axiatonal line, as follows:

  • Top of the skull on left side
  • Heart, left lung, back of the left knee
  • Pineal Gland
  • The left side of the neck and lymphatics
  • Rear left thigh and buttocks
  • Alta major (where skull rests atop the spine), hypothalamus, and left shoulder
  • Aorta artery (left side of the neck)

Wounds of Christ

Quote from Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis:

One of the largest lies promoted to divide our race is the War over False Gods. The false archetypal story of a Crucified Christ figure is a mockery to further enslave humans into believing in a salvation model through a Crucified Christ.

It represents the tortured human being, as we are all the Christ, and we have been crucified and implanted as our planet was invaded.

The wounds of Christ are karmic blood miasms coded in the planetary and collective human bodies. These implants have been holographically inserted into the planetary brain, the Magnetosphere.

These Holographic Inserts misdirect and steal the planetary life force energy and body parts belonging to our spirit.”

Crown of Thorn implants

The Crown of Thorn implants are placed in the planetary body, which encodes humanity with an artificial blueprint. It causes every person to incarnate with these implants, overriding our Aurora Crown that connects us to the Aurora.

The Crown of Thorn implants suppresses the Pineal Gland with a Pineal Cage. This “energetic” cage blocks the connection to the Aurora and scrambles spiritual communication from higher dimensions.

When the Pineal Cage and Crucifixion Implants are removed, the 10th Axiatonal lines and Solar Star Chakra (Christ consciousness intelligence) can correct the crown pattern, so it merges with the Avatar matrix (Christ consciousness )and the Krystal Star (Unity Consciousness).

The awakening process includes the realization that we have been manipulated and controlled through our consciousness. To set ourselves free, we need to weed out evil by questioning everything and applying universal energy laws instead of belief systems and traditions. If you want the truth, you must remove all your programmed filters.

The following healing video will assist your DNA restoration and your crown chakra connection by removing the Crucifixion Implants. This removal will activate your connection to pure Source energy, remove the death and suffering cycle, and raise your consciousness. In addition, it will free you of physical, emotional, spiritual and financial burdens – as above so below.

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing or its representatives are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc., is for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Forensic Healing and its representatives make no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts, etc.