What was I thinking? Plead guilty on the grounds of temporary insanity!

Have you said to yourself “What the hell was I thinking?” Do you reflect on your life and shake your head in disbelief at the things you allowed? I do. That’s why I explain my past actions as pleading guilty on the grounds of “temporary insanity.” What is it that makes some of us so vulnerable to saying yes to a partner who is abusive, controlling or disrespectful? Maybe it’s a boss who is a bully or a friend who stabs you in the back. Why is it that we are sometimes not aware that we are allowing disrespectful behaviour or if we are, why do we continue to accept it? Today I can answer those questions as I feel I have ‘woken up’ to understanding myself. I believe I know why I allowed or attracted disrespect, and what it was doing to my life. I can say that I was unhappy or not living my full potential when I allowed these things. I was a hot mess! I realised the past abuse from my father (and my mother who allowed it) had programmed me to think my self-worth was nonexistent and that disrespectful or abusive behaviour was my ‘norm.’

Religion instils guilt

Religion also played a big part in my guilt. Nevertheless, I followed Christ and his teachings, so encountering suffering and hardship was a subliminal message to earn my place in heaven. I wanted to live a life just like Christ; after all, he was my role model. I wanted to live a life just like Christ; after all, he was my role model. Being labelled a “Christian” signed me up to live a suffering Christlike life. I was programmed I was born guilty and sinful; therefore, my punishment was enduring hardship or abuse. When I joined the Mormon church in my later years, I was continually quoted: “Where much is given, much is required”. Suffering seemed to be the price we had to pay for Christ’s atonement. On a subconscious level, there was always conflict, wanting freedom and happiness. I felt the best me was serving others – which I did to my detriment. I was exhausted from continually giving and not expecting to receive in return. I would reject compliments and people who treated me nicely. I was attracted to people who were abusive or betrayed me. It’s always difficult to undo the religious programming and childhood conditioning of tolerating abuse in its many forms. I have observed that the people who have created a troubled adult life are usually the ones who were most abused or had a negative environment throughout their childhood.

Childhood upbringing

When a parent is judgmental of others or themselves, a child is telling themselves that they are not good enough. The parent inadvertently teaches the child they are not enough as the child applies the same rules to themselves. I must say that I was fortunate my mother was very understanding of others and did not care too much about what others thought. This has been a gift to me.  My mind is not in a prison of trying to make others happy or being compelled to do the “right thing continually.” Despite the abuse I endured (and since healed), I also have the freedom of not caring about others opinions and judgments. My main criteria for a relationship with others now requires respect and honesty. The message I have for others is to wake them up to see they have been the product of their childhood and continual negative self-talk. It’s time to infuse a new program of feeling worthy and give up the need to please others. Imagine the freedom of feeling self-love and nothing else. When you are in this state, it is so much easier to love others. Please share your thoughts in the comments below. Sending you blessings and love so you can reach and exceed your full potential. You were born pure; you were born to be great!! Blessings and love, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.