In the Media: Interview with Richard Dugan

I was invited to be a guest of Richard Dugan’s “Tell Me Your Story” radio show to discuss if things are really changing for the better…You can read the transcript of the recording … Marisa ♥
Interviewer: Welcome to Tell Me Your Story – New Paradigms for a New World. I’m Richard Dugan, your host. Thank you so much for joining us on the program. It’s great to have you here and thank you for joining us every Sunday at 7am and 7 pm. Monday mornings at 1 am we stream live at We also archive these programs here on the radio shows page. We also link to our guest and we encourage you to go to their website and find out what they’re all about as we’re going to share a lot with you about our guest. But I think it’s important for you to do the research and find out what’s happening. We’re going to join a guest that we’ve had on before. It’s been a number of years since we’ve had her on the program and the last time we spoke it was down in, I want to say, Marina Del Rey on a yacht. Was very nice, great afternoon had by all and we had an opportunity to chat down below with Marisa Russo who is a Forensic Healer. Welcome to the program via Skype all the way from – am I correct – Australia? Marisa Russo: Yes, you are Richard. Thank you very much. Interviewer: It’s nice to have you back again. Marisa Russo: Thank you. Interviewer: I think that we’ll reintroduce you to our listeners by getting from you a bit of the background on what a Forensic Healer is. Because forensic, for most of us, we think of that in terms of ‘Oh, this is what the morgue does at autopsies and so forth’. Marisa Russo: Yes. Except we work on live people, they work on dead people (laughs). I founded it around 6 years ago. When I was healing and I would be working with somebody and I’d find that when I could get all the details of what had happened to the person to cause their condition or their circumstances. It then started to release whatever they had and then I applied a healing pathway so that’s sort of how it came about and how it was called Forensic Healing. Someone said ‘Oh you’re a Forensic Healer’, because I would always give all the detail and I would be excited about it so that’s what’s behind Forensic Healing. What we do is with biofeedback, I call it an energy shift or kinesiology. We’re testing on the body, the who, what, when and why of what something happened that was critical in their life or a period during their life that deteriorated their being, their spirit, their energy. Which then leads to, say cancers or it leads to financial stresses in a way that they could have been conditioned to not have money. So it’s just like being a detective and we are an accumulation of everything that has happened to us and we just work backwards. Interviewer: You didn’t start off choosing this as a career as it were, or a vocation is probably a better word for it. Actually, I’ve been coached on beginning the process of using the proper terminology when even discussing my own situation. You don’t want to do a job for the rest of your life. You want a career or a vocation, that kind of thing. So tell me, how did this begin for you? Marisa Russo: Well, I began in the office. I did have an office job and it began because I couldn’t sit in the office anymore. I had a lot of physical pain; I didn’t realize I had a lot of emotional pain because I was abused as a child by my father; physically, emotionally and sexually abused. I also had whiplash injuries but my whole body was shut down. It was frozen from the pain of what my father did and then the whiplash injuries just took me to a place that I just couldn’t bear the physical pain. I felt suicidal, it was really bad. I didn’t try alternative therapies at that time. I just tried the Western type of more conventional therapies and then I got to a point where I thought, ‘I don’t care what they do now, I don’t care who helps me if they can help me I don’t care.’ That was when I veered over to alternative healing and it did something to me, I thought, ‘My gosh, this is incredible. They’ve done things to my body that didn’t even touch my neck which is where most of my pain was and I feel very different. This is the path that I need to take.’ So that was the beginning and I was actually sitting in Anthony Robbins’ seminar when I couldn’t sit there for much longer and that was when I met the alternative therapist. It was many years ago. Interviewer: So this process that you are involved in now, this Forensic Healing. Are you channeling the information? Is this intuition? How does this information come to you or is it something that it just does and you don’t question where it comes from? Marisa Russo: Yes. Intuition is used, plus science. Now science is using biofeedback. Biofeedback is what doctor’s use: They analyze your blood, your pulse, heart rate, some look at pupils and that’s iridology. Chiropractors look at the spine. So there are these biofeedback mechanisms or signs in our body to show us something’s out of whack. We use something that kinesiology is based on, they call it muscle testing. But I call it an energy shift. For instance, when I was getting healed from all my stresses with alternative healing, I actually didn’t feel anything so when I was learning that process, I would use something called muscle tests. Which means you use an arm and then the arm will move to tell you; if you’re trying to find an age, a significant age in somebody, the arm will move down or it changes. There’s a shift in the strength of the arm. My body now physically moves like a polygraph machine. I can ask a question and then I get this physical shift in my body. Now, that might sound a little weird but we actually all do it. For instance, if someone’s really interested in something you move forward. It’s just a natural thing, you move forward. If something repels you, you naturally, without even thinking about it, you naturally move away. So it’s about fine-tuning your body because your body doesn’t lie and it might be a subtle shift but for me now it’s very clear and very obvious but I call it an energy shift and then our intuition can kick in as well so it’s both things. Interviewer: And you’ve been doing this for how many years? Marisa Russo: Well, I’ve been doing alternative healing for about 15 years, doing different modalities and Forensic Healing was launched just before I met you in 2011. Interviewer: I know, and it seems quite a long time ago and yet just yesterday I still remember the trip down and it was a beautiful day. We had a lot of folks on the yacht at that particular time and you did a great presentation and I believe you actually did, is the right word treatment on folks? Marisa Russo: Yes. You could call it treatments or sessions. Interviewer: What is, from your perspective, as the practitioner, the most profound aspect of this modality, if you will, of healing? Marisa Russo: What I find is quite profound, is how real emotions or energy are. Someone else’s emotions they have towards you can affect you in good or bad ways and your own emotions in yourself. That’s what I find the most incredible thing about this whole thing and this is not only from the client’s perspective but my own perspective. I know that if someone has some energy that’s negative on me, it can cause terrible things: it can cause me to have accidents; it can cause me to have back pain. I’ve actually been on the floor with incredible pain from someone else’s emotions on me. That is because I am a really good conduit. I’ve now got myself really open to feeling things and that’s what I need to have for my job, to channel energy, you need to be unblocked. Therefore, I say I’m very porous i.e. the energy seeps into me and then it becomes me. People are very similar to that and the most blocked people will have the most issues in life and they are not as affected by other people’s emotions. The more open and the more clear someone is and not shut down, the more connected they are, the more they’re susceptible to other people and their energy. So that would have to be my message, if you start connecting, you start feeling and thinking, ‘How am I feeling?’ Then you start seeing how other people’s energies affect you and also your own thoughts. Interviewer: When you are administering these energies to folks – I and my wife are both Reiki masters and so we understand this and I’ve read and read and read about the meridians and Chinese medicines and acupuncture, acupressure – that we are, I guess you might say biomagnetic or electrical machines, that happen to possess a soul, if you will, an essence. You know that there’s looking out of the eyes and there’s hearing through the ears and so forth. Then on the one hand, it is us because we’re the ones that are sending the energy but as we’ve been taught, it isn’t us. All we’re doing is sending it and they can use it for whatever they want. How does the individual utilize the energies that you send or do you send the energies for specific things? Marisa Russo: I say we’re conduits and a good conduit is an open clear channel. I call us a conduit and the reason why it’s so powerful is because it goes to specific areas so that’s when I find that information. If I find, for instance, let’s say child abuse. We can go to an age where a child was abused and then you name what happened, you get the details and then focus the energy to heal, and then it’s quite profound. It’s because we get specifics or sometimes I’ll take off the curse, I’ll name who put it on them. And curses can be sort of just like bad energy or negative energy. I also work holographically, which means past lives so I can see how our soul comes into this life and if something’s not healed or if there’s been a curse placed on them in past lives or if a ritualistic curse has been done on them then that carries on in this life and it becomes very apparent in this life. Then we get the specifics and channel the energy to those specifics. That’s why it’s so profound. I find that when you go general, it can be a general outcome and that’s just why I love forensics. I know in my own life I’ve had certain things with certain people and it wasn’t until I named their name and did a release from that connection with them that I had that freedom. Whereas I’d done other healing before in general, like bringing back soul fragments, which is part of your soul gone missing. But it’s not until I mention a person’s name to bring it back, is when I have the most profound release. Especially when they’re big. I’m not saying all healing isn’t good. I love all healing modalities. I just find Forensic Healing is specific; it is good for specific situations and to release them. Interviewer: Have you noticed any changes or shifts in individuals over the years as far as the types of issues that they are dealing with? Say from a certain period of time through a certain period of time. Maybe over a period of ten years or twenty years or is it all basically the same stuff? Marisa Russo: I’m big on law of attraction. Law of attraction is when you are attracting everything and I’ll even take credit, sometimes I don’t want to if something isn’t working. For everything I’m attracting, which includes my clients. I find that the clients that I’m attracting now are similar to me in a way so most of my stuff now is probably more spiritual and I find that it is a lot of the same stuff because I generally deal with women. I do healing on men and women but the workshops I teach are for women only. The general thing that I’m dealing with is they’re feeling unworthy, they feel they have put up with a lot of negativity. They are very sensitive and very giving and they over give and they just give until they’re worn out and have a breakdown or something. There are similar issues I have with women. Men, I think it’s probably not connecting and not feeling enough, therefore they’re not as sensitive or they don’t get as much joy in life. Those are the differences with the male and female. It’s very spiritual stuff that I deal with now, it’s just feeling blocked and they’re feeling suppressed. I will say I undo conditioning of religion on a lot of my clients because that seems to have had a big effect on them. Say they’re a Christian and I go, ‘Well if you’re going to follow Christianity, if you’re going to follow Jesus, then that means that you are following a man that had a lot of suffering, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of service, chastity, poverty and an unhappy ending.’ This law of attraction and I say you need to have a look at who are your idols or your mentors. Who have you agreed to follow, who have you bound yourself to? That’s often why some women or men stay in a relationship, a marriage that’s not good because they say, ‘Well, you know, death do us part.’ They bind themselves and they feel stuck so I undo a lot of these energetic connections that are unseen that then free someone up or frees them of feeling guilty and things like that. Interviewer: If someone wants to get in touch with you, they can go through your website, which is I’m going to spell that out for the folks. Interviewer: Absolutely, we’ll have people go there and I encourage people to do that because it seems as though nobody ever seems to reach the height of wellness, the peak. We’re all in the process of healing almost all the time. Marisa Russo: You’re right. Interviewer: Some of us who have been ailing in whatever areas, it seems like it’s been going on forever. We’d just like it to end. We would like to get to a place where I don’t have to do this anymore. Marisa Russo: Yes. Interviewer: But that’s kind of the nature of this world isn’t it? Marisa Russo: Yes, well you know what, I feel that this lifetime now, this time that we’re living. It’s the time, one – when we can heal ourselves from everything but two – it’s like our soul is crying out for freedom and for health and for happiness and just more. It’s like all our lifetimes if you believe that your soul is eternal. I see the soul is like now, addressing all of the blocks. It’s addressing everything that’s been done to us over the centuries. It’s been horrible, a lot of inhumanity that still happens today but the world is coming to a head where also, I see that you’ve got terrorism happening. For us, in Australia, it’s not such a big deal but it seems to be a big deal for everyone and now especially Americans. I look at those terrorists and I think, well, if the women were more empowered if the women were given back equality, one – they wouldn’t let their husbands do what they do, it’s insane stuff and they wouldn’t let their children be brainwashed. They are kind of forced into a situation if they don’t obey and allow their children to go to these schools. I see that now’s the time that terrorism shows us that it’s the end result of not having this equality and humanity for the planet and once we start giving women back some equality and power and respect, that shows respect to the planet. No woman in their own right mind will go ‘I want my husband to go blow himself up and my children to fight this war.’ This is insane and I think that’s what we’re heading for, bringing back equality, humanity and the soul is saying, ‘Enough is enough.’ I think that’s why changes have to happen. It’s when you say, ‘Enough is enough. I can’t do this any longer.’ You then start making some sort of change, you start meditating, you go to a healer or you do something because you go I can’t do this any longer. Interviewer: Yeah and we’re all making the effort in small ways. Even small ways are better than no ways at all, to release that pent-up energy. I know that for example, I think of acupuncture. What little I know of it is that when these filaments are used, they are designed to release or free up those blocks so that the energy can continue flowing through the body. Isn’t that really what we’re searching for, is a continual flow of energy, not just in our bodies but in our lives? Marisa Russo: Yes, you’re right and acupuncturists put needles along the meridians and the meridians are channels of energy that run through our body and six of those meridians come from the head and the face, so that you think about, when you get stressed and you stress daily, you start blocking that flow because your jaw gets tight, the muscles are tightened and then that starts blocking all that flow right down the body. You’re emotional and then that affects your body in a physical way. Flow is another thing that I teach people. I teach them to connect. I say, ‘You’ve got to feel and follow and that will protect you. I say, ‘You have no idea if you only connected more to that intuition, if you only realized that power that you have within you, it will keep you safe, it will tell you truth of who to trust, who not to, it will help your children. Because mothers are very connected to their children but it will help men be more connected too. Use the gift of intuition that will always guide you to the right place, to the right people. Especially, now you have terrorism. I mean, how do you feel safe? When your gut is kicked in, when that intuition is kicked in, you then can trust and that’s something I’ve highly tuned and highly developed and so everything’s transparent for me now. Before it wasn’t, before I was blocked and I didn’t know anything. I couldn’t see what other people would see; I couldn’t feel what other people would feel in an energetic sense. But now I’m so heightened to it and for me its freedom because then I always put that first and I say, ‘Well, if I don’t feel good about something or somebody, I won’t connect, it’s just not worth it.’ I make sure it’s the priority of my business, it’s the priority of how I operate but I also need to make sure that I keep my emotions in check. I think karma’s real. I don’t want to give out bad energy so I hang out with people that feel good and I do things that feel good and that brings me this flow that you talk about, this happiness. That’s also being able to live a mission that I feel I’m living that everyone wants to live. What they want to do is to be accepted for themselves and fortunately that’s happening a bit more but society or religion or whatever has deemed certain people or a certain type as wrong. Now is the time to say individualism and being different is actually a good thing and when you’ve got that freedom to be yourself, then you feel you can live more happily and to have humanity brought back. So that’s what I believe everyone’s looking for, the acceptance of being free to themselves and have humanity because when we are kind to others when we’re connected, we feel good. We love to see other people happy and that is why we’ve disconnected. We send too much inhumanity or too much suffering, we don’t want to feel that because we don’t want to feel bad. Interviewer: If you’ve just joined us we’re talking with Forensic Healer, Marisa Russo all the way from Australia and I appreciate the time that you’ve taken here on the program to talk with us, the time difference is just unbelievable, it’s almost half a day if I’m not mistaken. Marisa Russo: Yes, we’re ahead of you. Interviewer: I was going to ask you, ‘What’s tomorrow like?’ I just want a little heads up. But there’s no psychic prediction there. It’s going to be whatever we make it out to be. Marisa Russo: You’re so right. I love that. I was going to say, you’re going to have a beautiful, flowing, happy, peaceful day. Interviewer: We’re looking forward to that to say the very least. You’re on the road quite a bit, aren’t you? Marisa Russo: Yes, I travel a lot around Australia and I do travel overseas. I’m getting out there. Interviewer: So when you do go out on the road, what are some of the things that you do for yourself to prepare yourself so that when you eventually return home, you’re not completely wiped out or what is your regiment as you begin a given road trip, which I would venture could last a month or more sometimes? Marisa Russo: Sure. Interviewer: Because that’s rough on the body. Marisa Russo: I’ve changed a lot since you’ve seen me. What I do is, I always make sure that I put myself first and I make sure people around me are good, so then when it’s like that it’s not so much a job. When you love what you do, then it’s not hard work and you feel invigorated by it. This is the number one thing that I’ll tell everybody that I mentioned before, for me to have a good trip, I need good energy in my energy field. Then everything flows like I get on the plane and I sit next to the right person or I get spare seats or you know, it becomes easy for me. If I’m tired, I take time out. I eat well and I will have good conversations with people. I make sure that the energy, whatever I do is energy – like what you eat and who you talk to and what you spend your thoughts on is all energy. So I just make sure that it’s nurturing and good so therefore I never crash. I’m nurturing myself. I keep that balance; it’s really just a balance. I’d say that’s probably what I do and I don’t force myself to do anything I don’t want to do, so basically I run my own show but I do love what I do. Interviewer: It’s not nearly as taxing as it could be if you’re really slugging your way through it because this is my job as opposed to, again, this is what you love to do. That makes a lot of sense. I’m curious because you do travel around the world and you meet all kinds of different people and I’m sure the conditions that they’re faced with are quite similar to those from one side of the globe to the other. I’m always curious as to what phase, not that there’s any given name, because we don’t know as we go through time, but I’m always curious as to how we’re progressing as a species. To me, the best gauge is the healers who are out there doing the work to try to help those through as we’ve already described. Have you noticed any shifts or transitions over the years? I was asking that earlier but I want to go a little further with that because it seems like our world, a) – has gotten smaller and b) – it seems, although some say it’s no more violent today than it was a thousand years ago, the only difference is we are all aware of it because of the internet specifically. Can you address that for us? Marisa Russo: Yes, sure. I think definitely the vibrations have risen in the way that consciousness has raised. There’s a higher consciousness because you look at the children that come in today and I find that I can’t really teach them anything. I might talk about more spiritual things. They already have this knowing and understanding which is a benchmark of where we are. We’ve become the consciousness of the world so the children today, they’re highly gifted, they’re very spiritual, they’re very connected, that’s showing that there is a shift in the consciousness or this energy which used to be a lot thicker and denser. Which means law of attraction will work way faster, way better today, than it would in the past. In the past or the Dark Ages, you didn’t believe in alternative healing. It was deemed more as bad and evil, which is very religious conditioning that women are witches and they should be burnt at the stake and they’re evil and demonic but really that was just a way to take away their power. That is the big issue I find with healers they’re fearful of saying, ‘I’m a healer’, or ‘This is what I do’, and they get ridiculed and it’s not as valued and I find that is somewhat my experience, that what I do isn’t of value as another profession. Fortunately, I already know my past lives have been very much a warrior type or I very much stand in my truth and I was bought up with that conditioning not to care what other people think. That was my saving grace. Therefore, I do not listen to the opinions of others and I don’t get judged a lot because that is my conditioning. I love what I do but definitely, there is this shift and people getting more courage to say, ‘Hey I’m a healer’, or do what they want to do. Live their passions. There definitively is a shift and yes, the world is in a bad way but it’s also in a good way. There are bad things happening but there are also good things happening. I feel that’s probably because when it’s so bad and the world changes, people change. You don’t change when there’s not a lot of pain or suffering, people stay the same and I think we’re being forced to change. We’re being forced to look deeper and so I have a lot of hope and optimism for the world. I tell people that if you do start connecting more with yourself and getting that intuition, use that intuition, then you’ll be safer and guided through the terrible things that happen. Interviewer: We talk a lot on this program about intuition and I think that there will be those who say the most important element, if you will, for us as human beings, the most important thing is love. Ok, I won’t argue that. But at the same time, that intuition… I mean if you’re looking for guidance, if you’re looking for support; if you’re looking for pretty much anything, use your intuition, not someone else’s. Now that’s not to say that, for example, you Marisa, you use your intuition. Through the process of Forensic Healing, right? Marisa Russo: Yes. Sure. I use it every day. Interviewer: Sure. And so when you are tapping into someone else, you’re picking up on their energy and so forth. But it really behooves each one of us as individuals to tap into our own intuition and I think it’s a real critical thing and maybe have you elaborate more on that, especially under the subject of healing in terms of following our intuition. Marisa Russo: Sure. Well, again I’ll use universal laws. First of all, you need to heal yourself to have intuition. To have a clear intuition, heal yourself and understand yourself. Because sometimes, you know a lot of people say, ‘Oh I felt that he was the right one but he wasn’t.’ You know the wires can be crossed when we’re not balanced. Intuition is clearer and more in its integrity when you are clearer and balanced and I’ll just say, ‘You need to become balanced to be clear on what your intuition is telling you.’ The other thing is, I get led truth very easily, boy, incredible how I get shown the truth. If someone tries to betray me I’ll accidentally get an email or something like that. I get shown truth because I am truthful. I’m very much in my integrity. Therefore I get shown as a very much universal law. People that do not want to face the truth of things and hide things and it’s even in their face, the truth of someone that’s probably negative towards them. They don’t get led to real truth, they don’t get really led. Again, it’s universal law so they need to look at themselves to say, ‘You know what, I’ve got to be truthful with myself and I’m going to connect to know myself more.’ Then that gives them a great foundation for being led to the same. That’s what I’ve found. Intuition is just saying to yourself, ‘How am I feeling?’ and asking yourself that question twenty times a day. That trains you to then pay attention to what you’re feeling and then you’ll notice that you had a gut feeling not to do that and then when you go and do that you see the outcome was wrong, so, therefore, you start believing in that intuition, so it’s more like it’s a training. I’ll call intuition feelings, that’s as basic as that and some people do have gifts. They see they hear, they feel and all those sort of things and that’s great that we all have a natural, I call it a GPS and the more balanced we are, the more that can be used. Just like you need a good machine to operate the GPS so it’s like you just need to have that clarity in your own body. Then it becomes a way of life but it’s very much a skill that you learn. Interviewer: When you are traveling, and we’ve talked about your preparation. It’s what you have to do so it’s not as big an energy drain but I’m curious as to how you address folks who come to you and they want, and maybe need, to tell you their story. In a manner of speaking, not to be disrespectful, they just go on and on and on. And they’re really vested in that story and in that energy and so forth. How do you handle that? From your standpoint energetically as the healer, to keep yourself, I don’t know if I want to use the word, ‘protected’ because those kinds of people can be energy vampires as the term goes. Marisa Russo: Sure. Interviewer:  And the last thing that you need (laughs) is for somebody to zap you. I know you do certain things but then how do you kind of help to bring them down and say,  ‘Hey, calm down. It’s ok. I’ve heard your story and I understand it. Now let’s begin.’ Marisa Russo: Well, someone that’s going to tell me their story is either in one of my workshops or they’ve come as a client so they’re paying and then it’s an assist, I’m there for them. Whereas, if you have a friend that keeps doing that then that’s something else that you need to deal with, and that’s a reflection of you. What I would say to someone that is going to the story, some clients shall do that, say, ‘Ok’ and what has to happen which I find a step that’s neglected is I’ll say, ‘Right, you’re really hurt.’ And I’ll look at it, it’s usually in a relationship in their adulthood, it could be their partner or something like that. I’ll go, ‘Look, let’s go back to your childhood’ and that same hurt will be imprinted in their childhood. I’ll say, ‘We need to address this first, you need to address this with your mother, or your father’, or whoever hurt them the most and then I’ll get a pillow and then I’ll get them to swear and I’ll say, ‘Get that out’, and I will use profanity and I will punch the pillow with me saying, ‘Come on let’s get this toxicity out of us.’ So I pretty much say right off the table ‘Right, we’re doing this right now’ and then I will apologize. Because no one, I find that these people that are hurt a lot, no one actually says ‘God, I’m sorry.’ ‘Sorry that you had to endure abuse as a child, that you felt judged or whatever, I’m so sorry. You deserve something better.’ That might be the first apology they’ve ever had and in that moment it’s something completely different. In that moment, that is so healing to someone who apologized to that little child, you know talk as if for that child said ‘I’m sorry for you.’ That is the most healing thing so that they’ll listen to that. They’ll listen to an apology and that I find is profound. I will tell my students or my clients if they have a person that wants to go on and on with the story and they’re not a therapist, I say you can say, ‘I’m very sorry for your circumstance. What are you going to do about it?’ So that stops them and then it puts them into the solution. ‘All right so this is going on or you’re complaining about your partner so what are you going to do?’ And then if they’re a therapist, then I’ve trained them, they know what to do. I’ll get them hitting pillows and getting this out, a lot of pain. People that go on and on have pain stuck in them. Interviewer:  Well it’s without a doubt absolutely necessary to sort of vent and we kind of do it all the time. I will basically have to preface saying, ‘You know I’m just venting. I’m not saying these are the things I’m going to do, but I’m venting and this is how upset I am and I need to just kind of get it out.’ It’s like you say get the poison out. Marisa Russo: Yes. Interviewer:  Then you can start, sort of, more rationally dealing with what you need to deal with. Marisa Russo: Yes, again, I always say to myself, ‘If I’m feeling mad and upset or hurt or something like that, then I’m always looking back’ and I say, ‘Why did I create this situation for me to feel pissed off of something.’ I’ll look at, did I compromise myself and allow someone that’s negative, too close to me or I’ll say, ‘What is it in me that I need to heal?’, and that’s why I change a lot because I’m always saying, ‘I’m the creator of something that’s annoying and, you know, pissing me off or something and I say, ‘Right, I’m going to create better.’  I was in a relationship for many years and it wasn’t very good and after I created Forensic Healing, I would say to myself the opposite of what they made me feel like, ‘Thanks for reminding me to love and respect myself.’ I said that for many weeks, many months and many years. So that’s how I would put that anger, ‘You’re reminding me that I love myself and respect myself’, and so then after many years of doing that, I have a lot of self-love and self-respect. I just sort of had this feeling that at some point that we would be separated and I will move forward. But there is something that I’m learning from this and I could see what it was in hindsight. That’s what I say, I take the pain that I have and it’s constructive and I’ll be constructive with it. Speak it to showing my lessons, showing how I need to change, looking at how come I attracted it. I do also have conversations just as you said with people and if something didn’t go that well, because of course we’re human and life doesn’t flow as we’d like it to flow. I will speak a conversation out loud, not with them there, of how I really wanted it to go and energetically, that actually goes over there. It’s so crazy how what we say actually is an energy. I have to be careful with my words because if I’m doing a healing and I can say words to somebody that heals them then I’ve got to be mindful of what I speak. When I speak and what I say and what I think about people, I need to be mindful of that because we’ve all met people that are full of negativity and they have that down on life and they’ll bag everybody. They don’t feel good. So that’s another thing that we’re just becoming aware. I do agree with you, Richard. We do need to get it out and we need to cleanse that because holding in our energy field will just then go on to attract more of the same. Interviewer: We have had to deal with situations in our lives, all of us. And I use the term ‘we’ in a quite general sense. But even we specifically here in Santa Barbara. My family – my wife and I, with loss. Marisa Russo: Yes Interviewer: Loss of a loved one. But in our case it has been more the loss of a dear animal friend. This particular animal, this cat, was born in our home back in Phoenix and we brought him with us. He lived for sixteen years and has passed and he played a wonderful disappearing game with us throughout the years where we couldn’t find him and we’re living in a two-room cottage. Where can he go? They’re all indoor cats mind you and he was an indoor cat all his life and he would just disappear then all of a sudden we would find him. Now some would say, ‘Well yeah but you just didn’t look where he was’. Well, sometimes we did. That was what was so weird is we did look there and he wasn’t there – (laughs) and his name was Merlin. Marisa Russo: Laughs. Interviewer: There you go. And my wife refers to him as her familiar. Marisa Russo: Yes Interviewer: Very close, very close. Marisa Russo: Yes. Interviewer: But there’s an interesting aspect to the process that we went through that actually went on a lot longer than we expected it to. I think we can tie this into humans as well. We struggle with coming to grips with letting someone go and I don’t just mean, ‘They’ve passed, I’m going to grieve and I’m going to let them go and I’m going to go on with my life.’ I’m not talking about that, I mean literally with, they’re still here. They’re still breathing. They may not be viable or what have you, who knows? They could be on life support for all that matters and a decision has to be made, ‘How much longer are we going to leave this person or this animal in this state before we release them from the physical body?’ Now it has been said Marisa, that we can leave the physical body any time we want. I just haven’t found the release mechanism consciously to do that or to assist someone or a creature to do that, and I would think animals are probably closer to knowing how to do that and I’m wondering if the individual, the essence, is staying for some reason. In other words, we’ll tell them, through the body, we’ll say, ‘You can go anytime you want, it’s all right. We’ll go on, We will never forget you’, I mean we’ve got pictures galore of this cat and yet he hung on and hung on and hung on. And it’s like, ‘Ok, so should we put him to sleep or let him go of his own natural abilities or the natural course of things?’ Marisa Russo: That’s an interesting question. I find that I can’t answer that but I am pro humanity so I would actually just put it down, I actually put my own cat down that I had for eighteen years and because we can do this humanely, so why not? In my heart, I’m just humanity. I want humanity for everyone and everything so I can’t see something or somebody suffer. And, you know, so I can’t really answer that. I just look at humanity and I think, ‘Well if you’re suffering that much then you can leave this Earth as much as I’ve loved you’, and therefore my needs are gone but – yeah – I mean why they hang on and why they – I don’t know if they really do, I just don’t know if people really have an ability because I’m sure in times of suffering, like in Auschwitz and all of those horrible concentration camps where people could really leave this life if they had a choice, that they would go kill themselves. I just don’t know if we really have that ability. I know that over time we kill ourselves through emotional pain. Interviewer: Oh yeah Marisa Russo: That’s that’s a really deep question, Richard. Interviewer: Well I’ll tell you what. We’re going to take a quick break and we’re going to come back and wrap up the program. I thank you so much for taking so much time with us here on Tell Me Your Story- New Paradigms for a New World. I’m Richard Dugan. And we want you to stay right where you are. (Theme music) Interviewer: Welcome back to Tell Me Your Story- New Paradigms for a New World. We’re talking with Marisa Russo, she’s a Forensic Healer all the way from Australia and it’s already tomorrow there. It’ll always be tomorrow there if we’re here. Tomorrow is always looking good, I always think of that Annie song – The sun will come out tomorrow – well, it comes out today too. And it’s always good to dream and I’m wondering in that light Marisa, from your perspective, maybe this is something that you share with the people that you work with and work on and so forth. But what are some of the best steps that we can start to take now, let’s just say if we’re not able to connect with you, especially if you’re not going to be in the area? Although, I would venture more and more people are now utilizing Skype or other types of applications to connect with people from around the world. Let’s just say that those options aren’t available but they would really like to begin that or at least get the ball rolling so to speak and start to release some of the stuff that they’ve been hanging onto. What would your first, second and third steps be? Marisa Russo: Sure. Well, the first step is, you need to identify where your block is. Do you have your blocks in relationships; do you have your block in lacking self-worth, in finances? So you’re looking at where you’re at now so that you can work backward. Let’s say you want a better relationship. Say you struggle in having harmonious loving relationships; you pick the wrong person all the time. Then you need to have a look at your life. Look at your childhood, it is the blueprint of who you are today, it’s where people write on that blank slate. That’s what Dr. Phil would say, I love some of his quotes. He’d say, ‘You have a blank slate and then it gets written on and that becomes you until you change it.’ So you probably see how there was disrespect with your parents and so you see that relationship and then you play it out in adulthood. It is about really knowing myself so to speak and to analyze where you learned these thoughts and the conditioning that you have. And if you struggled with money in childhood or you were told, ‘We can’t afford that’, you would be conditioned to train yourself to think that you’re not deserving of money as you grow older. So it’s about really looking at yourself and then looking at what you’re actually saying to yourself on a daily basis. If we wrote down what you said to yourself during the whole day, what would that look like, how would that read? Because that is what you’re conditioning yourself, your training yourself to become more of. I would say, the first two steps are really important because if you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge you can’t address if you don’t understand why you are the way you are instead of just saying to somebody, ‘Fix me.’ This is about you getting real and then refocusing what you’ve been saying to yourself. You know some people say, ‘Why me?’, all the time. ‘This always happens to me’, so I’m really mindful or ‘I always forget names’, or whatever that is. I’m very mindful of what I repeat out loud and what I’m repeating to myself. Even if it seems to be true, I’ll say, ‘I’m learning to be more consistent with remembering names or I’m learning too – I’m choosing to love myself more.’ I say things that then take me in a different direction and that will change you. The way we’re trained to be really quite disconnected Richard, we’re trying to be unaware of what’s what, who we are and how we operate. We have been trained to let the outside influences dictate to us but the time is to take charge and go, ‘You know what? I can dictate to myself and I actually have the power within me.’ I always say to someone, ‘That’s the great news. You have no idea how much power you have within you to create the life that you want.’ Interviewer: Yeah. Marisa Russo: They just have no idea of that and so I say, ‘That’s the good news we can change this and when I said to someone, ‘I want you to be selfish or it’s actually self-care, love yourself more, put yourself first. Because the best version of you is the most empowered version and that changes the consciousness. When people are walking around giving to everybody else all the time and sacrificing themselves we’ll stay in this cycle. Whereas if you lead and be great and to take care of yourself and become the best you then you influence us, then you affect the consciousness. Then you lead and we need more powerful leaders. Powerful leaders that are connected, self-aware that it’s in their integrity, that’s spiritual, that shows us a different way. Interviewer: Do you find that people are becoming more cynical? I don’t know where I came up with this word and I didn’t make this up, I just mean, I don’t remember where I first heard it. But I find more people are being so self-deprecating, they’re putting themselves down. I have to watch myself on that as well and I mean in terms of if I don’t know something, there’s nothing wrong with not knowing something. But it’s when you start to put yourself down by saying you’re not good enough, you’re not smart enough, etc etc. Do you find that that’s growing? Or is it just more pronounced? Marisa Russo: Well, not in my line of work. It’s interesting that you see that more. I’m not sure what that is because I see the opposite because I’m very particular. I let everyone know this because I’m in workshops a lot. I hear it probably with some clients that might say it but in workshops, people need to watch their language. I say, ‘Hey, we’re in a big powerful group here and if you’re putting out crap, we’re going to create more crap for you’, so people are quite mindful in a workshop. They train themselves to speak differently. They’re actually on their best behavior. And that’s where the training happens when they’re challenged to make sure that they’re now repeating positive things that they want. It is very common for women, very common for them to have that internal dialogue because that’s what they’re trained. People are taught that they’re not good enough. I mean religion says, ‘You’re born in sin and you’re wrong and you’re bad’, and all that kind of thing. I was born a Catholic and I was also a Mormon so I know religion very well and I know what conditioning it can have on you. There are some good aspects to it but a lot of it tells you that, ‘The power is outside of you and that you are guilty and you’re sinful.’ And it actually says that about women as that’s the story of Eve. I attract a lot of non-religious people, I say to people, ‘If you’re religious, that’s fine but I need to challenge you on some of the ways that you’ve been thinking and if someone doesn’t want to, if someone’s not ok with that, they get upset with me and then they leave. Generally, I don’t attract them anymore and I’m trying to be mindful of religious people because being religious myself I was a very strict strong Mormon so I get that I need to be open about universal laws and I say, ‘Look, let’s just look at this on a universal level.’ Going back to your question, yes, this attraction, this thing that you see with people, they’re more degrading of themselves. It’s something that I can’t actually say yes to just because it’s not what I train and I’m mindful to be speaking in a different way. That’s why I’m kind of like, ‘Here are my boundaries and this is how we operate. Not saying that you don’t feel that way, we’re here to help people but I always say be mindful of what you say and everyone keeps everyone in check. Sort of this great thing but I live in a different world. Interviewer: Well that’s a good thing that you’re not seeing that and I think it’s pretty self-evident that you and I travel in little different circles and that’s ok, there’s nothing wrong with that. I think that my awareness of it, I mean I worked with a gentleman some years back who both on the air and off, he was just constantly self-critical and I mean extremely vocal about it. I mean very loud in terms of when he’d make a mistake, boy, you knew he made a mistake and of course, the rule in this business is; when you make a mistake the last thing you want to do is draw more attention to it, you just keep right on going. So that was an interesting situation. I want you to know that this has been a great deal of fun and I’ve enjoyed talking with you and I hope that when you’re back in the States and maybe here in the Santa Barbara area or in California – Central or Southern California – we might be able to get together again and do another interview maybe aboard a yacht. Maybe this time the yacht will be out on the open seas somewhere, you know, little cruise up and down the coast. Marisa Russo: Oh yes, I’m back in December so that would be great. Interviewer: Let’s try to stay in touch, work through your PR people. And then we’ll go ahead and continue this conversation because I think it’s important for people to try to understand how important healing is, because disease is, this is the best way I can put it, Marisa, it’s such a distraction to one’s life’s purpose. Marisa Russo: Yes, and the disease will match, I’ll always say to someone, their pain or their disease matches that emotion that they’ve held in their body from usually childhood. It’s like when I deal with pain – the people with pain – because it’s very tangible see the pain removed but if they’ve got an eight out of ten pain I usually say to the audience, ‘Watch this, we’ll go find a stress or an emotion that’s that same level will match their pain and since we release that emotion that they have from their past, the pain goes. Emotion is the most powerful form of energy. Interviewer: Yeah. Well again Marisa, thank you so much and before we let you go I did not ask these three questions of you back when we were talking the first time. But I’m going to ask them of you this time, I think it’s quite appropriate. The first of the three is, Who is Marisa Russo? Marisa Russo: Well, that’s an interesting question. I’ve never really, you know, been asked that one. I would say that I realize I wanted to die, I wanted to kill myself, I was very suicidal so then I didn’t know who I was back then but now I’ve realized as a leader and a conduit and assisting women and people, in general, to connect more to themselves and to be real. But I, first of all, become that myself so I just feel that I’m very much a woman on a mission. Interviewer: And what is it that you hope to or want to achieve with the work that you’re doing now? Marisa Russo: Oh I love this, see this makes me emotional. I’d love to achieve to get more humanity back to the planet. I feel that’s my calling, to help bring back humanity and I feel that when I give people more power and you know, elevate women more and connect people more. When people are connected, they see what they doing to others then they won’t allow it anymore. When we are connected then we feel others’ pain, we are actually all one. So my mission is to help bring back humanity. Interviewer: And what is your life’s purpose? Marisa Russo: Yeah well, sort of what I’ve kind of said. I think I first and foremost had to heal myself but I think that’s been a really difficult journey. But being so difficult that makes me really good at helping others. People need understanding. I understand pain and suffering very well and I understand it to the extent that you want to kill yourself. So, therefore, my life purpose is then to take these people that if they’re feeling like that and to assist them and lead them to create a better world. As small as that might be or as big as it might be, who knows where this all goes but I do feel that I can’t do this, I can’t not help other people and I can’t not help but lead. Interviewer: Well Marisa Russo, thank you so much, Forensic Healer and is the website, we’ll be linked to those sites on our website We thank you again for taking so much time on this day to share with us. Feel free to visit us at Forensic Healing and get your free course here. Marisa Russo: Thank you, Richard, have a lovely evening. Interviewer: I’m Richard Dugan, this has been Tell Me Your Story – New Paradigms for a New World, giving you choices and a knowledge of those choices to help make your dreams come true. Until next time. Love to all. Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”