9 Steps on How to Protect Yourself Spiritually

The most common question asked by sensitive people is, “How do I protect my energy or what are some powerful spiritual protection techniques or prayers?” It was a question I never considered until I began the journey of healing myself with alternative healing methods.

I became aware of the devastating and damaging effects of negative energy from others when I connected my energy field. This connection was necessary to heal my abused, tortured body and soul which I reference in my book Freeing the Unloved Girl.

The journey to become more spiritually aligned, heighten the need to defend myself from unseen forces such as negative entities, black magic, psychic attacks, evil eye and curses etc. These types of harmful energies can enter your energy field and affect many aspects of your life.

Protecting Yourself from Negative, Bad, Evil or Dark Energy

The importance of protecting myself became evident after receiving energetic attacks the more I grew spiritually. It was this journey that taught me that people who are closest to you, or on a spiritual path could be hazardous if they’re emotionally unbalanced or place blame on others for their problems.

The power others have over you comes from the strong personal ties they build with you, or their ability to access energy through their spiritual knowledge and practice. Negative energy and attacks can intensify if there is more than one or a group of people against you. The worst-case scenario is when they use black magic rituals that bind the negativity to you.

People who are disconnected can’t feel empathy

Spiritual attackers will ignore the fact that their negative emotions and feelings harm others and cause bad karma for themselves. They fail to see that the same energy they send out will come back to them.

Experience in these situations has come from overcoming negative energy from the decades of addressing my own, my client’s, and students’ conditions. It has revealed that negative energy from others plays a big part in causing unwanted conditions, blocks, and pain. It can cause devastatingly life-changing effects, even death.

Emotions are the Most Powerful Source of Energy

Almost every adverse condition can be traced to another person. There is no such thing as accidents, random blocks, bad luck, pain, disease, financial problems, etc.

Most of the time, problems come from people directing harmful energy. Negative energy can also be sent unintentionally such as a person stressing over another person. This places bad energy on the person as the thoughts, which are energy, are negative.

This entire concept became clear when things would go wrong in my life. I would receive an image of the person who wished me harm. It was a catch-twenty-two situation as when you heal yourself from trauma and stress, you reconnect and awaken your spirit, soul, and intuitive abilities.  This process heightens your senses and opens you up to being vulnerable to the energy of people, places, and things around you.

protect yourself from curses and negativity

The Spiritual World Operates the Same as the Physical World

The most important concept to understand is that the spiritual world operates exactly as the physical world. If other people easily disempower you, then spiritually you will be disempowered by others’ energy or “spiritual forces.”

This influence can be very detrimental and felt intensely by those who are sensitive or spiritually connected. The people who come to me often know that negative energy is coming from a specific person.

As the founder of Forensic Healing, understanding these concepts has been my mission. I have seen thousands of cases of how a person’s life can heal and change once you remove, or disconnect the negative energy and attacks.

Being open to energy is a great asset, especially to grow and connect yourself spiritually. So how do you keep yourself balanced and protected from harmful energies?

Feeling Safe as a Baby Wrapped in Swaddling

Forget the white light, burning sage, or making a crystal grid to protect yourself.  Start with the basics and address the root cause of the negativity. See yourself as part of the creation as like attracts like. There will be something inside you that has matched the frequency that’s sent to you. Low vibrational emotions can include feelings of guilt, jealousy, unworthiness, anger, hurt, depression, etc.

Just as Forensic Healing demonstrates that each person attracts their circumstances, it has educated me on how to keep myself protected from these outside, unseen forces. If I didn’t apply these principles, my healing path would have been halted years ago, as the energy sent to me was incredibly destructive.

In this article, I will share the steps and concepts to keep you feeling safe as a baby wrapped in swaddling on your spiritual journey.

Common Protection Methods

Some of the most common protection methods and items people use include crystals, smudge sticks, mirrors, sprays, oils, rituals, chants, affirmations, Epsom salt, spiritual protection prayers, candles, invoking spiritual protection angels, and amulets. All these things are useful – however, only temporary if you are not energetically and emotionally balanced.

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9 Steps to Spiritually Protect Yourself and Spiritual Protection Techniques

The following nine steps are the most powerful ways to keep the energy around you positive and protected against any negativity that comes your way. The more uplifted, clean, and powerful your energy feels, the less influence any negativity will have on you. This includes spiritual forces such as psychic attacks, curses, spells, etc., which are all formed from the negative energy and thoughts of others.

1. Meditate.

Meditation reverses chaos and brings peace to your mind. Meditate with the intention to harmonise the vibrations of your heart outwardly with your environment. When you meditate, you create stillness to tune into your surroundings and feel guided on a path that keeps you protected. When you meditate it becomes a powerful protection spiritual and angel prayer that surrounds your energy with light.

2. Withdraw Your Energy.

Avoid looking at people in the eyes, shaking hands or speaking with people whose vibrations or energy are negative. Delete all connections from your Facebook, phone, and email of those you consider negative or jealous. If you compromise these steps, you jeopardize your energy.

Use the Facebook block settings for very toxic connections and remove your connections with their friends as they become a weak link to your energy. Disconnected, unfeeling people are unaware of people’s toxicity, so they tend to carry the toxic energy of their toxic associations.

Remove any items or gifts that you received from the person targeting you. The items carry energy which keeps you connected to them. The aim is to reduce any connection they have with you, therefore, reduce their influence and effect on you.

3. Listen to Uplifting Music.

Any easy way to change the mood or energy is by listening to uplifting and positive music. Or better yet, play some fun music that will get your booty-shakin’ and heart singing! You are feeding your energy field with the contents of what is around you so ensure it is the right vibrations.

4. Spend time with Nature.

Immerse yourself in nature, go for a swim or stand in front of the ocean. Become a crazy tree hugger, or give some heartfelt affection to an animal. All these activities are calming, healing, and will keep you strengthened and aligned. The objective of this exercise is to create a robust auric field so others bad energy can’t penetrate it.

5. Maintain a Healthy Body.

The more physically fit you become, the stronger you build a barrier against harmful energy entering your energy field. This is one of the most important aspects of keeping yourself protected as an unhealthy body becomes an easy target and conduit for negative energy to enter. Exercise regularly and develop positive eating habits. The state of your health plays a big part in your “energetic” defence.

6. Cleanse your Energy.

Another powerful method to avoid and dispel negativity is to align your energy. Cleanse and clear your negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, hate, fear, guilt, hurt, shame, unworthiness, and disrespect directed at others, as well as yourself. Visit an energy healer or attend an energy healing workshop to learn the skills to remove the negative cords and attachments.

7. Refrain from Negativity.

Resist speaking about negative stories, bad news, gossip, or blaming. Turn off the TV or change the channel when watching shows that are draining and instil fear. (Yes, that includes those gory CSI crime shows as well as the daily news.) Focus on the things you want, and repeat stories that are positive.

8. Follow Your Instincts.

You have a personal GPS system called your intuition which is guiding you away from danger. Develop and use it as it the most potent, innate, protection system you have.

When you follow the guidance, you may feel as if you are the odd one out, or uncomfortable going against the grain. Keeping moving through these feelings as it is essential you place your energy as a priority otherwise you will be compromised.

9. Build a Fortress and Create Good Karma.

The leaders who prevail in war surround themselves with a strong fortress and army. Surround yourself with people who are genuine, loving, and supportive. You are welcome to join our women’s only Forensic Healing Facebook Group for positive support and for your opportunity to support others (based on the law of giving and receiving.) The group’s positive energy will emotionally support you and act as a line of defence against negative energy.

Create a positive network of energy that is difficult to penetrate by outsiders trying to tear you down. When possible, build good karma (which also strengthens your fortress) and bless others at any opportunity you have. This concept also translates in the spiritual realms, and you will attract enlightened beings/angels who protect you from others’ attacks and negative energy.

Quotes from Thought Leaders

Neale Donald Walsch

Every human thought, word, or deed is based on fear or love. Fear is the energy that contracts, closes down, draws in, hides, hoards, and harms. Love is the energy that expands, opens up, sends out, reveals, shares, and heals. You have free choice about which of these to select.

Mahatma Gandhi

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive because it becomes your habit. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

Anais Nin

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.

Life is Your Benchmark

I have noticed that the more I cleanse and change myself, the less negativity is attracted to me. I teach Universal Laws in the workshop “Get the Universe Working For You” so I am very conscious of the messages I am sending to the Universe. I send messages to attract harmony and flow in my life deliberately.

The practice of becoming aware takes time, and life is your benchmark of how you are progressing. You can gauge your level of success by the amount of peace, flow, and freedom you feel.

Continually look for signs of flow in your life to confirm you are on the right path. When the blocks show up, take time to make positive shifts that diminish the negativity. If you build a strong fortress inside and outside yourself by practising the nine steps listed, you will keep progressing on your spiritual path.

This essential path you can take as it affects every aspect of your life. I personally use the opening and closing of the case from the Forensic Healing system to increase my protection. This is because, in the world of energy healing, it can be hazardous!

Blessings and positivity to you always,

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.

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