This is a very long article, enjoy reading. Thank you to Lynne for sharing her detailed, unedited diary notes and experiences of our first Forensic Healing Live training in Perth, Australia December 1-7, 2012.
Marisa xx
I had an amazing time on my course. I met some wonderful people. I learned heaps about this system and myself. I’ll not spoil things. Keep reading below to find out how things went.
Thank you for reading this blog. I look forward to reading your comments.
Lots of love and blessings to you all.
Lynne x
Posted January 20, 2013, at Lynne’s blog
Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.
Day 1
It was a great way to see how everyone comes together, and that we were all there on that course for a reason. This is the day where you learn the basics. The building blocks of this amazing system to find out how the Protocol works, and how to incorporate it into a healing session for your clients. We paired up with our fellow students to put this into practice. You score the person’s feelings, emotions or pain out of 10 to give you an idea where to begin. This also allows the pathways to open up for the healing process to begin. Bearing in mind, we are only beginning the things that were coming up were amazing. We are just scratching the surface of this on day 1. To get the answers that we are getting, and to get the energy shifts are just spot on. A couple of girls were lucky enough to get a healing session with Marisa. Already you can see the difference in them, and the stuff that got lifted from them is amazing. You actually have to be on this course to see it. For this Protocol to have so many healing corrections just in one system, you get to the source of everything. At the end of day 1, I am feeling great. Starting to see the system work is just wonderful.Day 2
We are all eager to go and to see where to go next, we continue to learn the building blocks in the Principles of this system. We had to complete the healing we started the previous day and closed everything down safely. My colleague I was working with had an age come up for her. She was racking her brains to see what happened at this age. She couldn’t remember anything, so we asked and the Protocol helped re-connect that memory from the age of 6. Then 1 word came up, and the whole story came rushing back and she actually remembered. It was something that happened to her at school. I have to point out that we do not spoon feed the answers, this was 1 word that triggered a whole stream of memories at that age, and that’s where all this issue stemmed from. Then it was my turn. My issues stemmed from birth. Which my mother confirmed to me a few weeks ago (during my hospital visit). I know nothing of this as obviously I was a baby at the time. So my colleague tried her best with the building blocks that we have in the little bit that we have learned to get to the bottom of my healing. My body was making her go round and round in circles, so she decided to close down my case and ask for more help. When Marisa came to help, we found out the reason why she couldn’t close down the case was because we hadn’t learned what I needed to heal my body. So, I jumped up on the table and Marisa started off, and “bloomin heck” is all I can say. Where did all that stuff come from? I actually felt it release from my body. I started to shake, and my muscles went into shock. I couldn’t breathe. It was like my body didn’t want to let this go. Eventually, it did, but this issue had been built up in my body for 42 years, so it wasn’t too keen to go without a struggle. It was like trying to get rid of a security blanket. So, when it went, my body went into even more shock. Some of my fellow students were a bit taken aback with the reaction I had. Then, I just had to roll over and I cried and I cried. I am sure that everyone in that building heard me cry. It was so loud. It felt like it was coming from my toes up! After the crying stopped, I felt better. I felt I had colour in my face for the first time in a long time. If this is what we are learning after 1.5 days, and this is how I feel already, what is going to happen in the next 5.5 days? In the afternoon, we started to learn about Energy Systems. This incorporated the Meridians, Acupressure points, and Muscle Release techniques. Well, Marisa got a hold of me again. My Large Intestine Meridian was blocked. Boy oh Boy, could I feel the blockages. They felt like dried peas under my skin. When Marisa moved them along, you could feel these peas dissolve. With that also comes the clearing, you wee, you burp, you fart and you yawn. This all ways to know that you are healing and this is how it comes out. When I went home, I felt a completely different person. I felt like the person I should be is coming to the surface. It is WOW. I have been hidden for 42 years and now the real me is coming to the surface. I was full of the joys of spring. I feel wonderful. Again, after 2 days, remember, we are just scratching the surface of what the Protocol can do, I can’t wait to see what happens after 7 days. If I make one person feel how different I feel, then it has been well worth it. If I can make 100 people feel like this, can you imagine the knock-on effect. Those 100 will then reflect on their family and friends, and 500 people may feel the benefit. Just changing one person can have a knock on effect with the way they are, they way they feel, their attitudes and they way they speak. The possibilities using this Protocol are endless. The sky is no longer the limit, there is a whole Universe beyond the sky waiting to feel better. To feel HAPPY.Day 3
I fell asleep last night with a huge smile on my face. I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face. I have been driving for 1.5 hours and I still have a smile on my face. I cannot thank the Universe enough for showing me where to go, and Marisa for this amazing system to allow me to be the best I can be, and how I can help other people be the best they can be. We completed the Energy Systems and then moved onto the Physics. Marisa goes through Protocol and shows us some examples. I keep having to state. This is a fail-proof system. As long as you can gain access to the client and close down at the end, this system will work every time. Whatever you do in the middle will have an effect on your client. We practiced what we learned on our fellow students. I managed to do a healing on the lady I worked with yesterday. All was good. Then it was her time to do a healing on me. Well, I wouldn’t let her in. She tried every which way. Up ways, down ways, back ways, front ways. No way was she getting in. She called on Marisa. Before Marisa came into the room my body kept saying “NO”. At one point, I even saw some big heavy ‘draw bridges’ coming up over my body to protect it from finding out the truth. I just felt whatever was going on within my body was quite happy being in there. It’s been quite happy just floating about in there for the past 42 years, having my body all to its self-doing goodness knows what and it was having a jolly old time and it was staying put. Marisa came and tried. She couldn’t get in either. She went to the ‘More Assistance’ box to see where that would lead her. It was….. hmmmmm, not going to let you in. She went to the index to see what was going on and it turns out I had 2 lost souls attached to me. She managed to move them onto towards the light, which was good. Then she found out that I had something called a ‘Golden Baby’ in me. Seriously? I don’t want this in me (not knowing what it was at that time, thank goodness!). Again, this thing had been in me for years, and it took a hell of a lot to get out of me. I had my eyes closed, allowing things to happen. I was shaking it out, telling it to go away and move on. I didn’t want it. The next thing I hear was the window flying open and Marisa coughing her guts up as it was having an effect on her too. This thing then started to move, reluctantly. Eventually, it went and it was hanging onto my toes. All of a sudden, I felt it release. Then she asked if we can do a healing. Straight away it said NO. I was fine with that. I thought I would just leave it, I would go down to the beach, realign, reconnect and tune in to see what happens. It was lovely down there. Just what I needed. I felt some layers get peeled off, which was good. When we went back, we went back to Physics, and it was quite hands on. It was good. Again, amazed to see the shifts in other people. We are all there for different reasons, but our reasons are quite similar in some way. There is almost the same significant factor in each of our stories. We have lots of releasing and healing to do. The other great thing to see is how the pain in some people can go from an 8/10 to a 5/10 in just a few minutes. Also, emotions can go from a 10/10 to a 5/10. If we are only practicing and are just using a 3rd of the systems and we are getting these sorts of shifts, what can we do when we have all the tools to use? I honestly feel I will never have to do another course again. I also feel that when we have the full training to use this Protocol, I will find out that this is a complete the way to healing. Not just putting your hands on someone and masking it for a few days. This gets to the root of it. The Protocol won’t let you out until you have got it. If you haven’t done what you have gone in to do, then you won’t get to close the case..
Day 4
We start the Emotions section today. In a classroom full of 14 women the there will be lots of emotions today! Being girls, we are pre-programmed to run ourselves ragged, take on the woes of the world. Sorry for my language, but the shit that gets put onto women is unbelievable. No wonder so many of us have weight issues, pain, depression, anxiety, etc. It is programmed into us, it’s in our DNA. It’s time for that to change. We get to practice on each other. It’s good. Well, actually, it’s bloody amazing to see just what goes on and how the same issues or the same ages keep coming up for the same people. We may have released one part of the scenario but one situation doesn’t just affect you in one way, it can affect you in 10 different ways. So, to see the release in these people was very good. Then it came to me again. All full of enthusiasm and the best intentions, could we get in. NO is the easy answer. Please note, I am not always this difficult. Before that, there was one girl that had terrible, terrible migraines Honestly, she couldn’t remember a time in her life when she was pain free. She has lived with pain most of her life. She puts her hands up and said “This is my life. I live with pain” As part of her healing, Marisa had to play the surrogate. So this girl had to say to Marisa (pretending that she was talking to the person she had the emotional attachments to), this is how I feel about you. This is how you make me feel. Then, she had to get angry to release all this tension. Marisa got a pillow and said “Go ahead, punch this pillow. Pretend it is *******. Scream, yell and let that person know how they have affected your life. Oh Gosh. I just put my hands over my ears, scrunched my eyes closed really tightly and I just wanted to go and hide in a corner. I could not deal with that lady screaming and punching, and shouting. Don’t ask me why, it just had an affect on me and I didn’t like it. However, when she finished doing this, she felt so much lighter. She still had pain, obviously there is more digging to do with her to get to the bottom of it so it could be healed, but she said that her body felt much lighter. So screaming, punching and kicking that cushion had done her the world of good. So, going back, Marisa had to come and try to open my case. I was ready to open up. I knew that this was for my greater good. I said to my Guides and Angels, “if you want me to go ahead and do your work to help heal people, heal animals and heal the planet, then this has to happen. The more I was relaxing and breathing and surrendering, the more my body was going NO NO NO. My body knew what was coming up. Marisa decided that this had to go. She couldn’t get in the way we had been taught, she knew shortcuts to get into me. She tested for an age. My body responded. Then she asked what was going on in my life at that time. I said I was just a school kid going through the usual school kid stuff. She asked about my school, my siblings, my parents and asking how I felt. Then she said, “Right, it is now time for you to punch and kick and scream into the cushion”. Nope. I couldn’t do that. She asked why. Well, that’s just not me I replied. ”Oh, ok then”. We were starting to open up this issue. It turns out I had a sacrifice vow on me. It had to be released. It was simple. Just by talking to me, Marisa had opened up all these channels and pathways so that healing could take place. All I had to do was repeat a statement to say how I released myself and how I was of Divine Worth and Divine Blessing, all these lovely feelings. Well, my mouth just clamped shut. I stopped breathing. Nope. I felt like I wasn’t worthy of all these beautiful things. I thought – pull yourself together Lynne, these are only words – but obviously, my soul and my body knew differently. The tears came. Tears are cleansing. Eventually, I calmed down. So I thought I would try these words again. I got them out and as I was getting healing on my DNA and RNA, that was good. Then as my colleague started to close the case, I had to throw up. I jumped off that bed, run to the bathroom, and I honestly felt that days and days and days, and years and years and years of stuff was going to come out of my mouth and get flushed down that toilet. Well, it didn’t. My breathing changed. It was very weird. I couldn’t alter it back into normal rythm. Then my body started heating up. I had to go and put my pulse points under cold water as I felt my blood get hotter and hotter. So was my head and my body. I know if I didn’t deal with this, I would be in big trouble. As we live Perth, and the temperature was scratching 40 degrees outside, the water coming from the ground was warm. I then got some paper towel and wet it to place on my forehead. It wasn’t cold enough either. I stood up and looked in the mirror. Oh My Goodness. Who was THAT looking back at me? I didn’t recognise myself. I looked horrible. I was pale, and grey. I looked like death. You would have thought that if my blood was that hot, I would have been red. No. I looked horrible and dead. I fumbled my way through to the kitchen. I needed ice. I grabbed heaps of ice from the freezer, wrapped it in a towel to try to cool my head and pulse points down, and I had to do it quickly. However, it was too slow. Marisa said, “sit in front of the AC unit”. This unit was like a blast freezer. I just sat there for ages. I had to cool down my head. I had to cool down my carotid pulse points, I had to cool down my torso round my heart. I just had to cool everything down. I knew I was in trouble. Eventually, I got my temperature down. My breathing was still quite erratic. I got up and walked over to the balcony. I looked over to the ocean, got up onto my tiptoes and I wanted to shout from the top of my voice “I AM FREE” because that’s how I felt. I felt free. Then my humanness kicked in and I thought about all the people that were walking along the beach. They would have thought I was absolutely nuts, so I didn’t bother. But that’s how I felt. I was free for the first time in my life. Then as Marisa calls it, my mojo was back. The rest of the day I was a completely different person. I was feeling things. For the first time for as long as I can remember, everywhere I go, I have to go towards people and strike up a conversation and try hard to get communication and interaction with people started. However, today I sat down, and the next thing I knew, I was surrounded by people. Because of my vibration, energy and aura had changed, it was like come and speak to me now. All those barriers were down. I am in awe of this system. Absolutely in awe of it. We carried on with the rest of the emotions course and the client that Marisa that had helped earlier, she needed more healing. She needed to get to the root of all this pain and why she felt guilty. What we ended up doing was Soul Fragment Reconnection These are words I have never heard of. I had no idea that part of our soul could be stolen. I didn’t know that we could steal some from other people. It’s funny that when we start doing these healings everyone in the room feels something. They feel whole, complete and also feel complete. If they have stolen a fragment from someone, they have to return it. It is amazing how this one person returned this fragment. She was only on the table for around 3 mins, and the difference with her because she no longer had that fragment with her was amazing. She was her whole person now. It was WOW.Day 5
A whole day of emotions. I am really looking forward to opening this bag of goodies. Then we have 2 days of spirit. As much as I am looking forward to working on the spiritual side, I am looking forward to the emotional side to see what today brings up because we are all becoming the people we deserve to be. WE are becoming the people we were born to be. That is such a powerful feeling. To feel yourself be who you are born to be for the first time in 42 years. It’s amazing. Just amazing. I know I keep saying it. Thank you, Marisa, for creating this Forensic Healing system. I know this is the only thing I will ever need to do now. Where that takes me, I don’t know. I look forward to it. Whether it takes me to different parts of Australia or different parts of the world, or …… I don’t know. It is out there in the Universe. This is what I want I want to do. This is what I was born to do. I am finally, Finally doing my life’s purpose. THANK YOU. OK, back to business. Today was a whole day of emotions. At the end of the day, you may guess that it was AMAZING. It was a full day of emotions, Yet again, being a group of females, you can actually see all the emotions that we’ve kept up (the youngest in our group is 35, and the eldest it 71) so cumulatively that is a massive amount of emotions we’ve got stored up and being stuck in our bodies. One of our girls ended up being out of the group for 5 hours, just letting go of the emotions she had stored up in her body, relating to one person, for over 58 years. It sparked her out. She couldn’t cope with life. She just had to lie down and heal from releasing that emotion. So the pattern continued one girl by one. We were all getting sparked out. It was good. We were releasing negative emotions. Everything has gone. We have created good foundations and created positive steps for us to move forward. There was not one person in that room that wasn’t effected ins some huge way by letting go of their emotions, ready to reclaim our lives and reclaim our power. Reclaim our birthright to be the most beautiful, most powerful women that we can be and that is a perfect way to end another day’s training. It also crossed my mind we are getting the chance to release all these things during our training to help ourselves. Most of us want to go forward and help other people. Forgiving people and receiving forgiveness is such a powerful thing. How many people end up going to their grave not being able to pass on their forgiveness or not being able to receive forgiveness or not even knowing that they were loved. Perhaps it was just circumstance that got in the way of letting go of all these emotions. Oh, I don’t know what I’m trying to say, my head is back to front at the moment as I have let so many emotions go today. I have got back that little girl that was lost, finding out what happened when I was 3, the emotions I held from when I was 12 and things happen. They have been brought up to the surface. I have opened the window and sent all that negativity out to the ocean. Fingers crossed I didn’t sink any ships!Day 6
Two whole days of spirit. Bring it on! This morning we turned up and one of the girls knew straight away she had more to release. I ended up giving her an impromptu reading and was told by her grandmother that she had to let it go as there was more to come and not suppress it. Lo and behold. Up it came and she had to let it go. She now looks a squillion times better for it. Today was really good. It was very enlightening. Especially when you are dealing with curses, karma and negative energies. It was great to find out how to release all these things. It was my turn again. We were working on releasing these contracts that have been taken into this life. I couldn’t shut down, surprise surprise. The girl that was working on me went through the protocol and it came up that I needed a past life regression. Hmm. Ok. Past life regression it was. As soon as she mentioned it, I started letting go. I started crying. I have no idea why I was crying but just knew that something was coming to the surface. As I was taken to a safe place in this regression, where I was to open a door. Behind this door was a past life that was about to be shown to me. As I was standing at this door I felt my legs go, as in not there. I felt like a big blade of energy came and took my legs away. I went through the door, even though I didn’t want too. It took me lots of courage to open this door. As soon as I did, it was BLACK. It was thick, black, dark energy. Yuk. If you can think of the thickest, blackest darkest energy you can think of, then multiply it by 100, then multiply that by 100, then you may be somewhere close. This was vile. It scared me. I was asked what language we were speaking. It turned out we spoke telepathically. I was asked to look at my feet to see what was in my environment. It was just black. I didn’t have feet, as I was not human. My abdomen got very very painful. They wanted to take my energy away. They didn’t want to take a little bit. They wanted to take ALL my energy and I would shrivel up and I would die. That was such a horrible feeling. I think I remember asking for something to cut them off. I didn’t like it, I didn’t want it. I’m not quite sure what happened next, but I knew that this had to go. This black energy was so black and powerful, it was disgusting. It had to go, it had to be released. That wasn’t me. That wasn’t what I stood for. Eventually, Marisa had to step in and help release this energy. After a while, I felt they had gone. Before I went to the door, I had to check I had my arms and my legs back as I was still a ball of energy. I still couldn’t leave there because it didn’t feel right to leave. I tried to leave with white light there. Angels came in to make it safe. Eventually, I got out the door. (Remember this is the abbreviated version). I started to feel safe. However, that feeling didn’t last for long. I felt there was someone sitting on my chest. It was YUK. This energy had to go. I had to take them and I had to push them off. There was even more energies there that had come back to get my energy. With all my might, I had to shout at them. I swore at them. Told them where to go. Told them they did not belong in my world. They did not belong in my Universe. They did not belong here at all. They had to go back to the deepest darkest hole where they came from. We had to make sure that the hole was sealed after they had left. I then locked up that seal with bolts, locks, sticks and whatever I had to lock on that door as that energy did not belong in our Universe. I had to tell them that as we are too powerful for them. We work for the highest good. We work for love and light and this was just pure evil. It was horrible and dark. They blasted themselves out of our Universe, out of our Galaxy and out of our pure light energy. I have no idea where they came from, or where they went back to, but they have gone. I am not kidding you, I buzzed. I have never vibrated or felt energy like that before. I was absolutely buzzing. I had to get everyone in that room to come and feel it. I was amazed. It was fantastic. That had to be the lowest and highest point of my day all in one. Then the cool stuff. We found out if we had Karma attached to us. I had 2. I found out who they were from and why. One was a Spiritual Slave Contract and the other one was Black Magic. I was shocked who had put them on, but I wasn’t shocked to find out why they had put it on. It was because my power was too strong. We have released that. That contract has gone. Seeing other people release their Contracts was a biggie for a few people. To see how the body deals with that and how they changed once all those negative energies had gone was very inspiring. It re-charges you. All is good. I’m happy. We then did a Power Reactivation. We accessed the Akashic records and downloaded them. We did a Kundalini Activation and finally an Environmental Cleanse. I am exhausted and I have an hour and a half to drive home. I have my question papers to answer and I am absolutely goosed. Tomorrow, the final day. Can’t wait. Bring it on.Day 7
Final day. I wish I had taken a picture of the group on day one because the group I saw today wasn’t the same as the group. Looking forward to seeing the group pictures that were taken today. We went through the question papers we had to do. It was good seeing how much had actually sunk in considering that we went about like space cadets for most of the week. We went through a full Protocol with one of our fellow students. It was great to see that we could actually do it from start to end. It fairly gives your confidence a boost. There was still some major releasing going on which was good. I wonder if we will ever get to the bottom of all the things that need to be healed. We then had time to reflect and laugh. We gave Marisa some video testimonials. Wow. These ladies are the best they can be. They have reclaimed their power and they are living their true lives now. I can honestly say that we are all blessed. We are all empowered and we are all happy. I have had such an amazing 7 days. Even though I did the online study (which you should know about if you have been following my blog), I am so glad that I had the opportunity to do the live training. It just seems to be the icing on the cake. If you are thinking about doing the live course, I have only a few words to say to you: “STOP THINKING AND BOOK IT NOW.”
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