How childhood conditioning and abuse affects your life

Your childhood plays a huge part in how your life pans out in adulthood. Watch as I explain in the video below:

Video Script

Today I am going to explain the concepts of energy exchange and how your childhood plays out in adulthood. Here you are, a lovely child, new to the world, everything is open to you, everything is an experience. You come in with a clean slate.

Let’s say you experience some good things and we will mark them with blue dots. The blue dots represent the love of an animal, your mum or dad saying they love you, you might have a good school friend. The blue dots represent the good things. But childhood does not always play out that way. There can be some red dots, and they serve the negative things. Your family may have had struggles with finances, so that becomes a red dot in your energy field, it tells you life is a struggle.  Your mum or dad says “We can’t afford that” therefore you are left feeling unworthy, or there may have been favouritism. If you have been abused, then the red dots increase, and you feel awful about yourself.

You create judgments about yourself, or you can experience bullying at school, when there is a chronic case of pain and suffering, you build up a wall so you don’t feel because children are highly sensitive. The walls can become very thick as the pain can be continuous. It can happen if you lose your friends and you go to a different school or a different country. All of these things can build a wall, so you don’t feel anymore because there are too many negative things in your life that are happening.

That stays the same unless it is healed or addressed. Then you move into adulthood, but unfortunately, the red dots in childhood get more significant because they are enforced in adulthood. You’ll still struggle with finances and self-worth, and you have done this for years and years, and life proves to you that life is all those things you experienced in your childhood. You’ll still have some good things in there, depending on what sort of balance you have.  But the red dots get thicker and thicker in adulthood because you keep repeating the same patterns and showing yourself that it is true that you are unworthy, true that life is a struggle, and true that you get judged and feel wrong. And this wall still comes with you because you have built up the wall to protect yourself in adulthood.

The older you are, the thicker the wall becomes, the longer you practice your patterns. What energy healing does, or in particular, Forensic Healing, is it identifies the red dots. There is one catch. You can wonder why you still struggle or things don’t work, and that is because you need to get past the wall and get in to get the red dots. What I aim to do is create and offer a safe place so you can feel more vulnerable I can break down the wall to get in.

Some people are hard to get in, and they disconnect very quickly and it is not their fault.  Once we can get in, we can start erasing and removing the red dots, and we remove the suffering in the body, remove the bullying and the sadness and the grief, the despair, and the loss. When we remove them, we create more blue dots which is more happiness, and we bring in better energy to the energy field.

Law of attraction is what is inside you, is what you attract outwardly. You can them be more kind and loving, and what goes out, comes back in.  What you are doing is pulling more happiness to you and you are sending out more happiness. That is how you become the creator of your life. When the red dots where there, you were pulling in more negative experiences. The concept of energy healing is to heal the red dots that you bring into adulthood and then get more blue dots and more great energy. When you have great energy, like attracts like and that is, in essence, the concept of Forensic Healing or energy healing. I hope you enjoyed it.

Blessings and love,

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”