Are the people you admire changing you?

When you admire or love someone, you make unconscious and conscious decisions to be like them. This admiration influences your everyday attractions and decisions on many levels that you may not be aware of. Each day, you make decisions that mould you to become more like the people you admire, love, or have committed to follow. Unfortunately, this can have detrimental effects, as you most likely neglected to look closely at their beliefs, actions, and the consequences of their beliefs. Some of their views may work for you, but some may not. Let’s take a closer look …

Your Biggest Influencers

Your parents are the biggest influencers in your life. They taught you about life and how to respond to it when you were a child. If you had a closer relationship with one parent, you would become more like them than the other.

Sacrificial Mothers

One of the recurring problems I encounter in my practice is with women whose mothers endured a problematic life and sacrificed for them. These women know their mothers loved them and acknowledge their sacrifice as a noble and selfless act.  This becomes the yardstick to live by and causes them to emulate this behaviour. They learn to ignore their own needs and feelings. They unconsciously believe that struggling through a difficult life makes them worthy, noble, selfless, and ultimately they become like the people they most love.


Mother Teresa, a noble and caring woman, would pray to God that she would always experience suffering, so she would always know God. Today, suffering and hardship is not the way forward. Life has been hard enough for many people; a new way needs to be created and emulated. When I was very religious, I agreed to follow Jesus. He was my saviour and the ultimate role model. Unfortunately, when I followed his teachings (turn the other cheek, always forgive, be selfless, and serve my fellow man) I created a martyr’s life. I now understand how I unconsciously attracted a life of hardship and physical and emotional suffering. The Christlike life I was attempting to live was unbalanced, and I felt exhausted in every way possible.

Analyse Why You Do What You Do

You can analyse your current beliefs by looking at your life right now. Which areas aren’t working for you? Think about who has influenced your life, and look closely at their experiences and the type of life they lived. Did they also struggle in areas that don’t work for you? It’s essential to separate the areas which empower you from those which do not.

Create New Beliefs

Once you have analysed and discerned what and where your negative beliefs came from, you can replace them with new and empowering beliefs. This will improve the areas that aren’t working. It’s a well known universal law that what you believe you attract and create. Blessings and love, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.