Awakening from the Dreamspell and Emerging from the Cocoon

Emerging from the cacoon Overcoming obstacles

Awakening from the Dream Spell: Emerging as the Butterfly

I’ve Been MIA
You haven’t heard from me in a while, and I wanted to share why. I’ve been lying low, not just because of the book I’ve been writing, but because my mind and body have been in another transformation, and my health took a turn for the worst.

A New Version of Myself
Since the health challenges of Covid, combined with a body already compromised from my upbringing, this has felt like another layer peeling away—preparing me to emerge into a new place, a new reality, and a version of myself with far less fear than I’ve been used to. This transformation has also lightened my physical body, leading to more refined eating habits and a more intentional, harmonious environment. I’m sure you can relate—it’s not just about external changes, but a deep internal shift as well.

A Lifelong Journey of Healing
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been working on myself, peeling back layers, healing traumas, and learning from experiences. It’s been a long journey, and I’ve had periods where I felt healed, as though I’d reached the core of it all. But then, that feeling would slip away, and I’d find myself back in the cocoon. Have you ever felt that—those moments when you think you’re finally free, only to realise there are still more changes to make?

Sensitivity to Energy and Challenges
Being sensitive to energy has made this process more challenging, but it’s also shown to me what’s good for me and what isn’t. Each obstacle isn’t  something to fear—it is like weights at the gym, something to transform to grow stronger and evolve. Each time I hit a wall, I had to dig deeper within myself to find the strength to push through.

The Tipping Point
The past few months have been interesting. I’ve been taking various supplements, enzymes, and HCL to support my body, but it reached a tipping point and sent me into overwhelm. I’d been watching too many do it yourself health YouTube Videos.

One night, I found myself on the bathroom floor at 3 a.m., sweating as my body temperature soared. My body was expelling something black—not wanting to be graphic, but it felt like my body was physically purging negativity and toxins, possibly initiated from the increased supplements that a famous doctor on YouTube suggested.

Changing Directions and Finding New Solutions
After this physically draining event, I was left with very little energy and thought I should return to my go-to treatment—colonics. I contacted the clinic I’d been visiting for many years, but the owner never got back to me. The same thing had happened a year prior. I took it as a sign to try somewhere new, even though I thought all colonics were much the same.
After some research, I found a place that was 30% more expensive but booked it, anyway. While I was there, I learned how coffee depletes the body of minerals and HCL—stomach acid—which is why they don’t perform coffee enemas.

An Unexpected Help (do your own research)
At this clinic, there was a highly skilled homeopath who utilised a biofeedback energy machine that the TGA had banned. After having delt with the TGA myself, and considering how reversed the word has been run, I took this as a sign that the machine would help me a lot.

This machine could identify misalignments in the body and create remedies on the spot. The practitioner also offered non-synthetic supplements, which are quite rare. She explained that consistent use of synthetic supplements can lead to various health issues and toxicity build-up. I now believe this had happened to me as I also learned that approximately 90% of supplements on the market are synthetic.

The little nudge to try a different clinic ended up helping me make very positive changes to my health routine. Thank you, Universe.

A New Morning Routine
I’ve revamped my morning routine to include lemon water, fresh celery juice, and a probiotic organic fruit drink, along with organic minerals. I’ve also shifted my diet to incorporate more live foods and cut back on coffee, even though it was high quality. In just a week, I’ve noticed a 60% improvement in my energy and focus—something I couldn’t achieve before. It’s incredible how we continually refine ourselves, letting go of old habits that no longer serve us. This shift in energy naturally attracts lighter, freer experiences into our lives.

Cutting Ties with Negative Energy
Around the same time, a visit from a close family member felt unwanted, as if they were intent on dragging me down, wishing for my failure, and trying to control me. Although I’d already distanced myself from that relationship, it felt like it had finally reached a breaking point.

The universe sent me clear signs I was on the right path. One striking moment occurred when I was crossing the road with my little furry companion, Freedom. A car sped up, almost as if it intended to hit us. At that moment, I asked myself what it meant. The answer came—that toxic relationship I wanted to distance myself from was dangerous.

I’ve seen what negative intentions can do. I then delved a little deeper to remove old curses and negative energy which left me feeling lighter and clearer. Of course I end it with; I’m sorry, please forgive, thank you, I love you. I don’t judge the challenges, I only transform them.

The Importance of Raising Your Standards
Anthony Robbins recently released a short video titled “The One Thing You Need to Do to Change Your Life.” In it, he emphasised that the key to transformation is simple: raise your standards.

He explained that when you set higher expectations for yourself; you refuse to settle for less. This shift in mindset and action aligns your behaviour with your goals, ultimately driving meaningful change.

Raising your standards causes you to think more highly of yourself, fostering greater self-worth and motivating you to make choices that reflect your value and potential. These are important steps to upgrade your life.

remove negative energy energy healing

Emerging from the Cocoon
I’m still emerging, still breaking free from the cocoon. I can feel my wings forming—they’re delicate, but they’re there. I know that when I finally step out fully, I’ll be ready to fly. I’m not finished yet, but I can see the end in sight.

These experiences have taught me that every challenge, every detox, and every fear is like lifting a heavier weight in the gym. It’s not about avoiding the pain; it’s about transforming it to reach a deeper, better loving place.

Are You Ready to Soar?
Do you feel like the obstacles you’ve faced are just life’s way of helping you dig deeper, transform, and come out stronger? That’s what this journey has been for me—realising that every setback was actually setting me up for something greater and understanding how energy works and the part I play in my manifestations. It’s all based on science.

Without the cocoon, there would be no butterfly. Without the struggle, there would be no flight. As we emerge from the craziness or obstacles that seem to be amplified, more people are spreading love, releasing fear and focusing intentionally on what they want to create. We are all flying together to a place of unconditional love, empowerment, light, transformation, abundance, and creation. We remember who we really are as the creators and transformers of our lives.

✨🌱💖🔮 You are invited to join me on your personal journey toward light, love, and freedom. The key to navigating the awakening process is becoming a powerful manifestor of what you truly desire. My best-selling self-development course, Advanced Spiritual Protection: 14-Day Negative Energy Cleanse, is designed to help you release negative energy, raise your vibration, and shield yourself from external influences. It’s ideal for anyone ready to shed old patterns and align with their highest potential. 14 Day Advanced Spiritual Negative Energy Cleanse Course

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