Why do unfair or bad things happen?

Bad things happen to good people, and sometimes bad people get away with bad deeds; where is the justice and how can you believe in the law of attraction when some things seem so random and unfair? I can answer some of these questions, as I have learned in my healing practice, you can often find the reasons and causes as to why things happen.

I will admit that some things that occur in the world make no sense. My perspective to those unfathomable situations is that some people are so closed down to their feelings (or even soulless); they disconnect from the pain they inflict on others. The world will also make more sense when you understand that there is an agenda running on the planet.

However, for the majority of personal situations, these can be clarified why people attract their circumstances. The answers have come from years of trying to answer the “why” questions and learning universal laws – understanding that all choices have consequences – in ways other people don’t.

Judgement Day

People talk about the day of reckoning or “Judgement Day.” For most people, this can mean the coming of Christ, Armageddon or the Mayan calendar ending, etc. There has already been an end to old times and old energy that has made way for new beginnings and new energy. This new consciousness holds people accountable for their actions, intentions and, thoughts, and their past is catching up to them. The days of getting away with evil deeds and “energy” is no longer possible. In some shape or form, all your past and present deeds catch up much faster, so make sure that your deeds are “good.”

People Can See You

There is no more hiding who you are. The energy or consciousness in the world today has been raised so that thoughts become things, intentions manifest and beliefs are created. You are living in a world where you will be “judged” more fairly as the world has become more transparent, intuitive and more knowing than ever. This is the lifetime where you can access universal source energy and activate universal laws if you are living in your integrity. You are living in a world where the energy of who you are will manifest the same type of situations and circumstances more quickly than ever.

Breaking Free

For the energy within you to change, you must move on from your past trauma, stresses, resolve karma and relationship issues that have followed you for many lifetimes. The world has operated in a lower vibration with less integrity, which has ultimately caused a world of turmoil, pain, stress and, feeling trapped. This has caused you to want a different life and a different world.

Your desires and requests for something better are causing the change. If you ever wonder why you are not achieving the outcomes you want; the following list highlights the top 10 reasons that stop you from progressing:


  1. Hanging onto anger and resentment versus Letting go and choosing peace
  2. Blaming others, not taking responsibility that you are the creator of your life versus Acknowledging that you are the attractor and creator of your life and circumstance
  3. Lacking gratitude, being judgmental and living ignorantly of universal laws versus Showing appreciation and acceptance, and educating yourself about universal laws
  4. Building bad Karma (from this lifetime and past lifetimes) versus Build good karma and blessing others
  5. Thinking you are a victim, choosing to give without receiving versus Making choices from an empowered state and knowing you are already worthy without proving it through giving
  6. Disrespecting yourself; allowing toxic people and substances into your surroundings or body versus Creating a cleansing and uplifting environment
  7. Being negative, jealous, opposing others who are successful and repeating bad stories and gossip versus Being disciplined to be in a positive state
  8. Not living your life purpose, being fake and pleasing others versus Following your feelings, passion and, desires
  9. Being controlling and not trusting the universe (continual worrying) versus Surrender and demonstrate you can let go and trust that everything will work out
  10. Low self-worth; Ignoring your intuition and feelings; not being in your integrity versus Loving yourself and following your intuition and feelings, so you live in your integrity

Karmic Bank Account

You are now living off the energy in your karmic bank account. Is your bank account filled with good karma or are you living in the ‘red’ with bad karma? You have the power to build your bank account with good karma and energy, as the universe is responding to what you have accumulated. You now can decide how your life plays out, and your energy field needs to be your priority.

Spring Clean

Time for a spring clean! Choose a life plan that is fulfilling and energising so your bank account is full of the good stuff that manifests more of the same. Commit that you are responsible for your feelings and creations. Take proactive steps that give you access to the powerful source of energy that is continually guiding you to freedom and happiness.

Blessings always

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.