How to find self-love and self-worth

Have you taken an inventory of your relationships and can’t figure out why you’re not attracting everything you desire? If you feel weighed down with regrets, or shame of past actions, then it times to release those burdens and free up your soul that blocks your happiness. You can do this by upgrading your level of self-love. I know this is easier said than done, but self-love is one of the most important ways to achieve what you want in life.

Live and let live

The first step is to move to a place of self-forgiveness. This will be easier if you forgive others first, which will then make it is easier to forgive yourself.  Forgiving yourself is one of the hardest steps to take, but it releases all aspects of negativity and nurtures self-love.  When you genuinely love yourself, break free of your regrets and grudges against yourself, you experience pure unconditional love. Universal law then kicks into action and rewards you because you free yourself of negativity against yourself and others. If you hold yourself as being “guilty” or not forgiving yourself, then you are asking to be punished. It’s like giving yourself the community chest card in monopoly that says “do not pass go, do not collect $200 and go directly to jail”. Who needs that?

Find your past mistakes

The first step of self-forgiveness is to start with a list of past situations that you need to address. It may include things like “Bullying your younger sister, Sarah.” or stealing something that wasn’t yours or financing something that went wrong etc. Once you have created your list, think about how each situation affected your life. Have you withdrawn yourself from positive relationships out of remorse or unconsciously punished yourself?  Do you avoid checking your bank account out of fear of being reminded of your ‘regret’? Now, think about the freedom, love, and relief, you will feel once you no longer carry the weight of those situations.

Mirror images

The second step is to have a conversation as if you are talking to the person you hurt. Apologise for your behaviour as you look into the mirror. Say something like “I am sorry I hurt you, Sarah, for all the things I did – you did not deserve any of it. Apologise to Yourself I am also sorry, [your name], as I know you were in pain during the times you bullied your sister. You had a tough childhood riddled with abuse, and I want to forgive you for hurting Sarah. I forgive you as you need to release this burden. I forgive you, and you are free. I love you.” Inhale forgiveness, exhale self-love.

Give yourself the gift of love

Self-love is your birthright. You were born to be great, to be amazing and to shine bright! Give yourself this opportunity and freedom by forgiving yourself of your faults and mistakes. The power is within you move on from the past. Initiate self-love conversations – find things to admire about yourself. Remember that you are as powerful as you allow yourself to be! Are you lovin’ yourself crazy yet? Blessings always, Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.