Why feeling resentment blocks energy healing

Recently, a distressed women came in for a consultation. She was of European descent, in her mid 50’s and appeared very tired and void of happiness. She was teary and very upset. “Women don’t like me, and people take advantage of me,” she said. Beneath the pains throughout her body were curses and negative energies.

I had an immediate sense of the reasons behind her hard life. She did not desire to change. She was not monitoring her behaviour and wanted to blame others for her misery. Feeling this energy around her, I suggested that she be open to change… or nobody could help her.

For the healing energy to penetrate, there need to be openness

She responded with “I just want you to work on my pain and nothing else.” I said it would be better for her to go home than for me to move her pain as I’m only interested in bringing about permanent transformation. From my experience, I knew with her attitude that changing the pain would be like pushing through a cement wall! She would take my energy, waste her money and time. She pleaded and said she would try a little to change. I began the session, trusting what she said.

As I read her energy field, she tried to control the healing. She was not open to the information I found and was playing ‘victim’ and still putting the blame on others. I explained that she was making the healing difficult and she needed to let go of the control. She admitted she tried to control her son and her husband. Her husband was negative and treated her disrespectfully, so did her son. She kept in contact with her son every day by phone.

Her 30 years of anger towards her husband, son and others had accumulated a lot of negative karma.  I wanted her to know there was a message in her pain and suffering. You are not getting the message!! I could not have said it more plainly. I was communicating to her openly and she did not want to hear it.

It was hard work. The pain reduced while she was on the table but when she got up, her pain increased. When pain increases in a session I have found there is a lot of negative emotion stored in a person’s body. She needed to ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness for blaming others. Forgiveness for sending psychic attacks to them. I worked through a forgiveness exercise. The pain receded. When she left, she said, “please don’t be angry with me.” I said, “I’m not angry at all. I am the creator of my life as well, and I attracted you into my life.” I always ponder that after experiences that are not uplifting. I think about it and plan how to create better into the future.

Since I regularly ‘move mountains’ for people and bring about life-changing healings, I contemplated why I had attracted this woman. The answers came to me. Another person’s face came to me, someone that had sent negative energy because she associated with others who were negative and blaming. I realised I was still connected into that energy. There was a match to the energy of this previous association. Energy is like a magnet. Like always attracts like. It seemed that I had a ‘leak’ in my energy field and I needed to find my message.

You can’t make everyone like you

No matter how hard we try, we can’t win every popularity contest. I have now no tolerance for negativity in my life, my work and the people around me. I let people know my standards. Some people don’t want to change and want to blame others, and that is fine with me, I choose to not be connected with them as the energy affects my life.

I know too well what it does to people’s health, finances, relationships, and life. I also know that I have to become the energy of the people and things I want to attract.

My forthcoming book ‘Feel and Follow’* is about ‘feeling’ for what’s important to us. Writing this book and practicing the principles has given me access to energy, thoughts, and solutions like never before.

I have become a sponge for energy, and that can cause problems if I compromise my feelings and energy. If I don’t feel calm, I disconnect from situations and people. I welcome in people and situations that help me feel light and supportive. This protects me, Forensic Healing, my writing, my healings and allows me to expand.

There is a message for all of us. If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. Time to see the messages, embrace change and have more awareness of the energies around us. The universe is sending you messages, offering opportunities for you to be even more inspirational. Go and be GREAT!!

Video of a woman who spent her entire life with resentment

Blessings and love,

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.