Welcome to the Forensic Healing Module 7, the Awakening Module
This course is an add-on course for all Forensic Healing Training Students (6 Modules). The following pathways are included plus an updated protocol:
The Awakening course includes the following ONLINE content:
- Recording of the 1-Day Awakening Zoom workshop
- Content of the Awakening Module, Videos, Manual
- 20 NEW Awakening Pathways and Awakening Pathways Guide (modules 1-7) and Resources
Purchase includes a complimentary physical copy of the Healing Pathways Guide (Modules 1-7) mailed to your nominated address.
7.1 Pathway: Aurora Crown Activation and Connection to the Next Universe
The Aurora Crown Connection Healing Pathway connects to the organic Planetary Logos, which functions as the planetary brain and serves as the collective mind that transmits to the individual mind. It relays message impulses to the Earth. The instructions for the Planetary Logos come from the 7D Violet Ray, which contains the future Earth timeline called Gaia.
The crown chakra connects to the Aurora, which is Rays, light, and consciousness units of the next Universe, enlightened beings, and Unity Intelligence. This pathway removes the blocks, crucifixion, and crown of thorn implants to connect to the new 5D/7D timeline via the Aurora Crown. It includes reversal and removal of the pineal cage and crucifixion implant.
7.2 Pathway: Awaken from the Dream Spell, Cognitive Dissonance and Denial
Awaken from the Dream Spell and Denial Healing Pathway removes the unconscious and conscious AI mind control, symbols, spells, black magic, neuro-linguistic programming, ego-mind and personality splitting perpetrated through systems, media, symbols, organisations and rituals.
Restoration of freethinking, purification of mind, body and soul to awaken from the dream spell placed over humanity to control behaviours, thoughts, beliefs and actions. Includes mind control program wipe and cleanse.
7.3 Pathway: Black Goo, Dark Matter, and Graphene Oxide Transmutation
Black Goo/Graphene Oxide and Dark Matter Removal Pathway removes artificial realities, timelines, conscious mind control, physical control, energy syphoning, and damage created by Black Goo. When connected to EMFs, 5 G, entities, and AI, it cancels its power to replicate, overtake the human genome, and hijack consciousness.
The process accesses the Aurora light, consciousness units and the Rays of the next Universe to transmute its energetic imprints and control. Removes the Dark Force’s access to carbon elements that control matter forms, including control over the genetic expression of the human body. Removes false timelines and artificial realities, replication abilities that overtake consciousness by removing the God code. Includes Black Goo transmutation extraction.
7.4 Pathway: Covid-19 Vaccination, Mark of the Beast, Shedding and PCR Reversal
The COVID-19, Mark of the Beast Vaccines, Shedding, and PCR Reversal Pathway is aimed at reverse the side effects caused by 5G activation and the nefarious vaccine ingredients such as the enzyme Luciferase, nanoparticles, DNA, RNA mutilation, spike proteins, God code removal, graphene oxide, Sterile Ethylene Oxide, and carcinogens.
Realigns the DNA/RNA to its original blueprint for reversing inflammatory disorders and auto-immune diseases.
7.5 Pathway: MK Ultra Splitting and Programming Reversal Healing
MK Ultra Splitting reversal pathway addresses the systematic abuse and programming developed by the CIA to control people en masse. It includes identification and reversal of splitting, compartmentalisation, created alters, cognitive dissonance, PTSD, and fight or flight states.
The pathway balances brain functions involved in the MK Ultra programming/PTSD, i.e., the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, mid anterior cingulate cortex, hippocampus, right Inferior frontal cortex gamma-aminobutyric acid, and the sympathetic nervous system. It includes PTSD/Fear/Trauma Release.
7.6 Pathway: Crystal Rose Heart Opening & Diamond Sun Body Activation
The Crystal Rose Heart-Opening and Diamond Sun Body Activation upgrades the DNA, merges the chakras, heart and mind, connects the Paliadorian Activation in the Tribal Shield, Trinity Consciousness, and Cosmic Christos Unity Consciousness to transcend to the next Universe.
This pathway upgrades the consciousness connection to the pure Source energy to activate the Ascension process, spiritual gifts, 5D and beyond consciousness for the full embodiment of Soular Consciousness and Oversoul embodiment activation. Includes Crystal Rose Heart Restoration and Opening.
7.7 Pathway: Reclaiming Manipulated, Stolen DNA, and Genetic Data
The Reclaiming Manipulated, Stolen DNA, and Genetic Data Pathway aligns and reverses the damaged and unplugged, digressed DNA caused by the Anunnaki Hybrid’s interference and interbreeding.
The pathway advances the 12 DNA strand matrix, original instruction set, to counteract the checkerboard mutation. Addresses the DNA anomalies created by alien races i.e. Rh-Negative interference, and stolen/manipulated DNA stored by sinister organisations and systems. Includes DNA Retrieval and Restoration to Divine Blueprint
7.8 Pathway: Freemasonry and Knights Templar Blackmagic Reversal
The Freemasonry and Knights Templar Blackmagic Reversal Healing Pathway reverses the nefarious dark symbols, spells, incantations, blood sacrifice rituals, 666 numerology, and Monarch Butterfly infiltrated in every medium and system of society.
Removes the Phantom Matrix fallen earth replica, Black Magic, Masonic Witchcraft, Triangle Powers, All-Seeing Eye creation by the Luciferian that removes sovereignty and lowers consciousness. Returns the Ruby Sun DNA, opens the Golden Gate to eternal life, and transmits the Silver-Gold frequencies. Includes Blackmagic and Masonic Symbols Reversal Mudra Pathway.
7.9 Pathway: Acoustic Devices and UltraSonic and Energy Weapons Reversal
The Acoustic Devices, Ultra Sonic and Energy Weapons (LRAD) reversal pathway addresses the adverse effects of harmful ultra-high frequency sonic energy and microwave weapons (120 decibels) used by governments to harm and repel non-conforming innocent citizens.
Side effects include auditory shifts, vibrotactile sensitivity change, muscle contraction, cardiovascular function change, central nervous system effects, vestibular (inner ear) effects, and chest wall/lung tissue effects were among the extra-aural (non-hearing) bioeffects on various internal organs and the central nervous system. Includes Energy and Sonic Weapons reversal healing
7.10 Pathway: Autism Spectrum Damage and Bio-neurological Diseases Reversal
Reversing Autism Spectrum Damage and Bio-neurological Diseases Healing Pathway reverses damage from various sources such as vaccine ingredients, medications, heavy metals, and substances that damage the central nervous systems and immune system, resulting in Autism Spectrum Damage, Bio-neurological Diseases and Neuroplasticity function. Includes Autism Spectrum Damage and Bio-neurological Diseases Reversal
7.11 Pathway: Restoration of Unplugged DNA, Soul Parts and Universal Spiritual Connection
The Restoration of Unplugged DNA, Soul Parts and Universal Spiritual Connection restores the nine soul features and soul facets, removes the checkerboard DNA mutation that blocks spiritual language and connection to other frequencies and beings, and removes Egypt’s Luciferian rebellion stargate takeover effects.
It activates the Kundalini and DNA to their full potential and spiritual connections, restores pre-birth and Galactic soul memories by removing Glandular System Implants, and unscrambles DNA fire letters. Includes Unplugged DNA and Soul Parts Restoration
7.12 Pathway: Download Your Desires and Dreams in the Organic Matrix
Download Your Desires and Dreams to the Organic Matrix is a process that creates a direct connection and opens to the pure, organic matrix to present specific desires and dreams for fast manifestation. The process invokes enlightened beings and new energies assisting the evolution of the 5D world and beyond. It creates a download of the requested manifestations to shift timelines and paradigms.
The pathway contains a checklist to ensure all universal laws have been addressed to achieve a successful outcome. The client repeats their desires and dreams in the present tense, positive belief systems, and statements of how they would feel living their dreams and desires. It includes a block checklist and preparation statements to ensure Dreams/Desires, Beliefs, and Feelings/Emotions are congruent with the desired outcome.
7.13 Pathway: Phantom Matrix Extraction, Supersoldiers Deactivation, Lotus of Life Activation
The Phantom Matrix Extraction, Deactivation of Supersoldiers and Lotus of Life Activation removes the replica of the fallen earth timelines (Phantom Matrix) used to blend with the organic earth body. It removes the body from the black hole system, deactivates supersoldier threats, and restores the Silicate Matrix and organic creator codes. It includes Unified Eternal Consciousness, Lotus of Life Activation.
7.14 Pathway: Identify Causes for Problems, Blocks, and Negativity List Release
Identify Causes for Problems, Blocks, and Negativity List Release Pathway covers 25 reasons for attracting negativity/blocks in a person’s life. It gives deeper insights into the Universal Laws and highlights truths that otherwise may not be found or addressed to set them free.
The list can reveal hidden experiences, situations, attacks or spiritual trauma for resolution and healing to ascend to the next level of consciousness. It gives purpose to all things to transcend karmic cycles. Includes 25 Reasons for Blocks Scan List
7.15 Pathway: Open Contact with Higher Spiritual Sources and Guardians Request
Open Contact with Higher Spiritual Sources and Guardians Request Pathway opens communication channels with the Guardian hosts and the Emerald Order to fulfil predestined agreements to assist with humanity’s Ascension and Awakening process. This includes the removal of density locks on the DNA to advance planetary liberation.
7.16 Pathway: Unity and Blessing for the Galactic Families and Zero Point Trinity Wave Field
Unity and Blessings for the Galactic Families of Humanity and Zero Point Trinity Wave Field Pathway restores connection to the Galactic Families, removes the Bi-wave field and merges the Trinity Wave field into one zero-point field to cancel polarities by creating balance, unity and a neutral field. Includes Unity Vow Prayer/Request
7.17 Pathway: Cosmic Clock Reuche Initiation and Universal Time Matrix Synchronisation
Cosmic Clock Reuche Initiation and Universal Time Matrix Synchronisation Pathway begins a global awakening of the eukatharistic body and purges foreign material, parasites, shadow forms, clones, and artificial intelligence from humanity.
It returns planetary consciousness access to the 1st God World Creation. The interdimensional portal corrects the Universal Time Matrix of the Cosmic Clock to awaken the Eukachristic spiritual body flame codes and angelic human DNA. Includes Universal Time Matrix Progression and Synchronisation.
7.18 Pathways: The Canvas: Accountability, Self-Awareness and Self-Growth
The Canvas, Accountability, Self-Awareness and Self-Growth Pathway finds information from the past and past lives that block a person’s progress. Energy fields function like antennas to attract experiences. To attract optimal experiences, creating a blank canvas (neutralising the energy field) is necessary to obtain a direct connection to God/Source for creation purposes. This pathway highlights the exact information obstructing a person’s full potential.
7.19 Pathway: Restoration of the Female Christos Lineages and Christos-Sophianic Template
Restoration of the Female Christos Lineages and Christos-Sophianic Template Pathways assist with the Krystal Guardian Host’s Christos Mission to reclaim Solar Feminine Christ. Includes the retrieval of Solar Feminine Melchizedek aspects from the black hole system.
Repairs Mother’s code language through the reassembly of planetary Cathar architecture, instruction set corrections to embody the Sophianic template and mass spiritual healing of the true female principle on Earth. Includes Activation of the Golden Child of Christ.
7.20 Pathway: Tree of Life, Kryst Code Activation and Realities
The Tree of Life, Kryst Code Activation and Realities Pathway removes the distorted, false Tree of Life. It transfers from an inverted Fibonacci Spiral that feeds off itself to the Krystal Spiral that produces an unlimited source of energy. It realigns to the Human Kathara tree of life template that regulates DNA coding and holds the realities of your experience.
This process stops human decay as it moves from the host matrix to the original soul matrix. It includes removing the Anti-HG Technology, a gender splitter weapon, from the Light body of targeted individuals who support planetary liberation for Ascension. It also includes activating the three levels of Kathara Grid.
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