Great Awakening, Earth Changes and the Coronavirus Meaning.

The changes on the planet are now coming fast and furious. Get ready for the new world and great awakening. Fast change can cause grief as it produces a feeling of loss and stress. It’s not too late however to shift your energy so you can deal with the earth changes and challenges. You can create a peaceful transition into the new timeline by understanding what is taking place.

Numerology of Coronavirus


The numerology of the word Coronavirus is interesting. The name adds up to 11, which is a spiritual master number.

The Soul urge number is 7 which means “The desire for a rich inner life, even at the price of loneliness and ISOLATION.”

The Coronavirus is evolving humanity in positive ways which are understood by some, but others will see it as a disaster. 

Magenta Pixie

I have been following Magenta Pixie who channels the ‘The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine’. She is very genuine in her guidance and interpretations of navigating the global challenges.

Magenta’s readings seem very accurate when delivering the messages from the “nine”. Her recent reading stated that everything is on track for the great awakening even though many of us will feel we are being blocked and still stuck in 3D.

She said that it will seem like we are still living under a regime that wants to control us. Even so, we can rest assured, things are working to plan for the new timeline to evolve into 5D. It’s the final push to set us free.

Law of Attraction

If you believe in the law of attraction and the laws of energy, then you would have to consider that something great MUST be taking place. Consider the number of people who are awake to the truth that humanity has been manipulated and the number of people who live consciously to create a more compassionate and loving world. 

the great awakeningOpposition

People through their disappointments, opposition and betrayals have chosen to develop their spiritual side to help them through their pain. These changes result in people making different choices. They follow their instincts, study spiritual theories, protest against inhumane acts, become more conscious of choices, adopt new ways of thinking and embrace natural healing methods etc. Moving through opposition may seem like you are going through “Dark Night of the Soul.” This can be one of the most difficult processes you will ever go through.

Indigos, Lightworkers, Empaths and Starseeds

How many pure, spiritual souls bless our planet who promote unity, compassion and humanity? These new souls have introduced a new way of living that includes meditation, following your joy, spending time in nature, eating well and respecting the planet. 

I could go on and on with the evidence of people spiritually evolving and creating a new consciousness. The key is that all this new energy which is consciousness MUST translate into the physical world. This energy MUST by the law of attraction create something more humane and free.

3D, 4D and 5D Descriptions

The following lists can explain the shift occurring from our current 3D world to a 5D world. This list was created by Vicky Champion, a twin flame and life coach.

Delores Canon

A well-known thought leader Dolores Canon documented conversations over her fifty years of regression therapy with her clients. Under hypnosis, she would ask her clients to reveal the reason they came to earth. 

The overwhelming responses showed that their purpose was to help with the great awakening and the ascension process. She documented the results in the many books she has authored.

This awakening and ascension process is now in full swing and taking effect very quickly. The current lockdown has allowed thousands and thousands of lightworkers to unite and meditate together. 

A special meditation occurred on the 4th/5th of April, which was when Jupiter and Pluto were in conjunction.

It was the moment when the energy of the Age of Aquarius connected to the surface of the planet. This result and shift in energy after the global meditation was evident on the Schumann resonance chart.

Schumann Resonance

You can view the effects of the global meditation on Schumann resonance table that shows a huge spike in energy on the 4/5th April 2020;

Meditation and Visualisation

The following youtube meditation will realign your energy template to the new 5D timeline. The meditation will connect you to the powerful astrological configuration of Jupiter Pluto conjunction that occurred on April 4th/5th, 2020. This was the time when the energy of Age of Aquarius connected to the surface of the planet.

You can access the portal through your consciousness and activate the process for optimal Ascension timeline for you and the planet. The meditation/activation helps the light forces to ground the energy of light on the surface of the planet to expel corruption and fear of epidemics that attempts to control humanity. The meditation is 15 minutes of visuals, music, quotes and healing.

Keep connected as this is a time that we need to stay united. 

Blessings and love, Marisa xx


Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”