Getting off the “life” roller coaster ride and heal

Have you ever compared your life to a roller coaster ride? It’s those periods when you experience extreme joy and happiness, but then you go down a deep emotional slope, wondering if you will ever get to climb back up again and experience the highs. Have you asked yourself, “How do I make my life consistently abundant, peaceful and exciting?” I have been searching for this answer my whole life. Experiencing a very abusive upbringing, unfortunately programmed me for more of the same. I thought that negative experiences were all I would ever attract and deserved. It wasn’t until I discovered that I needed to re-wire my mind and soul for things to change for the better permanently.

Waking Up and Getting Connected Shows You Truths

I only started to see consistent results when I began writing the Forensic Healing course. It showed me that the negative programs from my childhood (codes your soul and becomes your blueprint). These would remain until I deleted the program and inserted a new one. I found that the answer was simple in theory; however, it was much more challenging to implement in real life. Among other things, I discovered that not only was I programmed for a completely dysfunctional life. My soul had also been corrupted by religious rituals that kept me bound in suffering and worthlessness. As if that was not enough to deal with, my soul was manifesting past life dysfunction of lost soul fragments, curses, and other bizarre reasons. This would’ve warranted authorities to lock me up in a psych ward had I been born a few decades earlier.

We’re Programmed To Fail and Be Sick

It wasn’t just my abusive past that had an impact. During my formative years, some of my school teachers (including nuns) showed no consideration or kindness while molding and programming precious childhood souls, therefore inflicting more harm. To top it off, I served unhealthy food full of artificial additives and toxins. My teeth were unnecessarily filled with mercury, one of the most poisonous toxins on the planet. Included, I was injected within the first years of my life, toxic vaccinations. My mother obediently fed me fluoride tablets, another neurotoxin, thinking it would aid in preventing tooth decay. It was no wonder I felt I was going insane and couldn’t see a way out of a life that bore more misery than happiness. I masked the pain with alcohol and drugs, which made matters worse. In spite of this, and after some unsuccessful attempts to end my life, I survived what I felt was a hellhole. It is only now that I have finally gotten off the roller coaster ride completely, gaining full control of my life and breaking the cycle of misery. Getting off the ride has taken decades of hard work and a willingness to go deep into my soul, which has prompted me to create deeper healing pathways in Forensic Healing.

When There is No Stress, You Are Off the “Ride”

You may wonder how I knew I was completely off the “roller coaster ride.” Early last year, when we launched the new Forensic Healing website, none of the new apps and plug-ins worked for months on end, and no emails were coming through to our inbox. It was as if the Forensic Healing site did not exist and my work and the message was silenced so that I would eventually throw in the towel and give up. I had no idea what to do, as I had very limited knowledge in the field of technology. Despite the disastrous launch with the Forensic Healing site, I did not go back to my old patterns of being stressed and panic. It seemed like a huge, invisible block was hovering over me and Forensic Healing. Even so, I was not stressed by it. I have trained myself not to put energy into things I don’t want to manifest. It was interesting that this time, I did not have to refocus my energy. My mind just accepted the dire situation we were in, and I dug deep to understand the messages the universe was telling me.

Get Used to Change and Growth

I continued to work on myself energetically and make every conceivable change I thought was needed. This included receiving professional help from outside experts in the spiritual field. I also sought the assistance of capable people to re-work the website issues, and thankfully the problems were eventually rectified. The same time the launch of the new website occurred, I had moved residence, and while moving, I brought with me a beautiful goddess picture. I used to hang this picture on the wall of the home where I first created Forensic Healing. While I was moving into my new apartment, the picture fell out of my car and the glass shattered. I stopped to ponder why such a thing would happen. I can often trace an incident that occurs to me to an energy source, or person.

The Universe is Always Talking to You

This incident appeared to have no negative energy attached to it, and the picture looked brighter and better without the glass covering it. It was not until I was teaching the Personalised Transformation Program (PTP) that one of the insightful students commented that the glass broke on my picture because I was breaking through the glass ceiling. This resonated with me, as it did seem I was overcoming an invisible force that was trying to block my progress. Picture of the Golden Goddess without the glass covering that broke. During this time of working through the technical issues, I continued to move forward, creating powerful blog posts. I also created the Religious Fibonacci Code Reprogramming. I posted in the Forensic Healing Facebook group mid last year, which produced the biggest response from anyone post at that time.

Keep Focus on Outcomes and Not the Problems

Following that, I was inspired to write the sixth module in Forensic Healing called “Soul.” The very first Forensic Healing module I ever wrote in 2010 was “Principles,” second “Energy,” third “Physics,” fourth “Emotions,” and the fifth was “Spirit.” The other day, while I was researching and developing the new “Soul Pathways,” the glass panel of an apartment balcony a couple of floors directly above me spontaneously shattered. Picture of the fallen glass panel from the above balcony when it spontaneously shattered while I was writing the soul manual.  Fortunately, the glass was tempered, so it broke into tiny pieces. A lot of the pieces fell on the rooftop of the area next to my bedroom. There was no reason for the glass to break; the owners were not even home! To me, it felt like another sign that I was busting through the glass ceiling. The new pathways I was creating was going to free many people’s souls on a level that has not previously occurred.

My Cells Tingle at the New Soul Manual Currently Being Created

I want to share my excitement of what I have created up to this point. Following is a sneak peek of the descriptions of the first ten soul healing pathways that I have written. I will be offering all 20 healing pathways (of what I have written up to the time of the workshop) in the Forensic Healing 7 day live trainings, and a new advanced protocol, included free this year until October 10, 2017. I have Forensic Healing Essentials 1 day classes coming up in Melbourne and Sydney in February, where you will be able to experience a few of them also. So far, based my own and other’s experience, these pathways are extremely profound and life-changing (yes more than what is already in Forensic Healing). They access new energies, new parts of the soul, quote the actual names of the words of power from the Kabala and so much more. I can’t wait to finish writing the remaining 10 and integrate them into the full Forensic Healing System. My cells are tingling with excitement.

The first 10 Soul Pathways (descriptions only)

1: Spiritual Soul Life Force Activation

Removes Daemonium energy of the dark force of death and destruction embedded into the soul. Particularly useful for suicide tendencies, depression, and hopelessness.

2. Spiritual Soul Wealth Storage Opening” title_color

Activates and opens wealth storage centers in the soul (the majority of people have them closed down) to gain consistent abundance and freedom, using the words of power. Includes invocation of wealth/abundance blessings from spiritual guides renowned for increasing abundance.

3. Soul Healer Advanced Powers Reconnection

Accesses the new Angelic realm and consciousness to open the healing powers and spiritual gifts stored in the “junk” DNA, (activation of the 12 DNA strands), and complete pineal activation in the soul and consciousness. Includes removal of fears and vows, blocking progress, healing, and purpose.

4. Removing Negative Soul Karmic Seeds

This pathway accesses the specific frequencies and advanced consciousness to remove and destroy negative karmic seeds embedded in the soul from others that blocks happiness and freedom. Removes bad karma that no longer serves the higher purpose or consciousness. Amazingly powerful to remove the karmic seeds planted from others who are competitive and jealous.

5. Soul Cleanse Pathway” title_color

Deep Spiritual Soul and DNA cleanse from embedded psychic attacks, negative entities, unseen influences destructive forces and energies on all levels, dimensions and lifetimes. Rewrites the blueprint removing the past/past life spiritual conditioning and attacks.

6. Spiritual Soul Peace Activation

Accesses the Primordium energy from the Solar Body of Light to restore deep soul peace to remove chaos and dysfunctional conditioning and programming stored in the cells and soul. Includes soul connection to the Celestial Birth Chart. Rewrites the soul blueprint for peace

7. Spiritual Soul Belief Reprogramming

Removal of identified negative belief/programming created in childhood (Theta state) and stored in the subconsciousness mind. Reprogramming/downloading of the positive belief and inserted in the subconsciousness mind for a new soul identity. Life changing as it re-codes you for success and removes the failure programs.

8. Spiritual Soul Protection” title_color

Removal of New World Order and Anunnaki inbred programming that causes disempowerment, separation and negative mediums and conduits. Restoration of light frequencies and humanity reprogramming in the soul for full advance Angelus consciousness protection. Powerful for lightworkers who feel the invisible force stopping them.

9. Religious Fibonacci Programming Removal

Removal of religious programming through the embedded Fibonacci (exists in the global consciousness) code to suffering, sacrifice (personal, human and animal), poverty, chastity, bondage, guilt, shame, war, discrimination, and disempowerment in global and individual consciousness. Reprogramming of consciousness for humanity using the Fibonacci code. Helps the world return humanity.

10. Soul Cell Health and Healing Re-coding

Using epigenetics to recode each cell signal to receive and infuse frequencies of pure love, joy, and peace to activate healing for cell health and vitality. Removal of any toxic mediums in the cells that hinders cell health and cell restoration. Particularly suitable for cancer cells, poor cell health, low immune systems etc. And now there are 10 more soul healing pathways that I will create… Thank you for being part of this journey in assisting me to heal, healing yourself and healing others. Please let me know what you would like included in the final ten Soul Pathways or if you have research information regarding aspects of the soul. Wishing you true “Soul” freedom and happiness always Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”