Get the Universe to Work for You
Do you accept it’s normal for things to go wrong? For life to dish up difficult circumstances where you lose control? Do you think that physical pain, your computer crashing, or a car accident happens by pure chance?
I used to think it did until I began reading energy fields. I learned that a person’s life is defined by their intentions and feelings, and the intentions and feelings of other people with whom they associate.
Others’ Energy Heals or Harms
If people can heal others with their energy and people can heal life-threatening diseases for themselves with their own intent and thoughts, then the opposite can happen with negative thoughts and intentions. You can correlate the good and bad things in your life with your own and others’ thoughts and intentions.
Jealousy Is a Curse
Remember the adage that jealousy is a curse? In my experience, it is exactly that. Some people wonder why they feel stuck when they consistently work on themselves to be better. If they analysed their life, they most likely find a person connected with them who was ‘green with envy’.
A jealous person wants to see people fail so they don’t feel bad about themselves. They feel resentful of successful people. When this energy is transferred to someone, their life becomes blocked, and they cannot move forward, this is because emotion is the most potent source of energy!
Does Bad Luck Exist?
When there is a lack of flow, and things go wrong, I ponder to find the reason and get an image of a person who has been negative or resentful towards me. I feel their energy is affecting me and when I remove it, I see dramatic changes and flow come back. A recent situation was with a person who was angry with me, and she would blame everyone for her problems. She sent me a negative email and one hour after I received it, the volume on the TV went up to the maximum level on its own accord.
The mute button would not work, and I could only get the volume down a couple of notches. It was like someone kept pushing the volume up! I turned off the TV and the next day it was back to normal and has been ever since. Other bizarre things or even seemingly normal bad things have always happened after there has been interaction with someone very negative.
It’s All in Your Energy Field
When I look back at special moments in my life, I see what occurred before them. When Reverend Michael Beckwith spontaneously called me up on stage, this was only hours before receiving a spiritual healing from a very genuine and gifted healer.
When I was in Uluru, the most spiritual place on the planet (well, according to me anyway). I had spent hours sitting outdoors in its incredible energy, soaking it up, two hours before running into Oprah (or she ran into me instead as I was there first)! Today, In hindsight, I wouldn’t have “Meeting Oprah” on my vision board (quite the reverse) but the moral is that you get what you ask for if you align yourself.
Show Enthusiasm
Having an attitude of intense interest and enjoyment of your experience will go a long way in getting the universe on your side. To achieve any dream, you must open a layer in the universe so your request is considered.
It is with a positive and enthusiastic outlook can you pry the hand of the universe open to get what you desire. A good attitude coupled with sincere excitement about life makes the world go around.
Have Clear Goals
The universe will work for you only when your goals clear enough. Before you ask the universe for something, you must identify what it is you want. If your goals and language are unclear, the universe will get a mixed signal.
“I want to meet someone to deliberate on something at a future date” is neither clear nor specific. The source of your goals is also essential. A request from a place of ego or one facing resistance will be difficult to manifest.
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Connect and Act
When people get out of their way to help you towards your goal, appreciate their effort by showing commitment to your goals. This will help you attract more help from the universe. When you get inspiration or an opportunity, take action at once, the longer you wait, the less chance of success you will have.
Even if you have a bucket load of things to do, find ways to respond to the universe’ signs. If you forget to say yes, you will be sending the wrong message to the universe, and the implications will manifest.
Spread Goodwill
It is good to spread favors around. If you pass on the good things that happen to you, there will be a cascade of good deeds spreading throughout the universe.
It will stop to focus on the positives and work for you to get more. Whether it is helping a senior to walk or giving out extra tickets, giving back favors is a powerful way of setting the universe in motion to help you reach your goals.
Deal with Underlying Issues
We all need to feel good and upbeat about ourselves especially when we feel bad. However, this could lead you to ignore traumatic and painful memories within you.
You need to deal with your feelings of grief, pain and fear because they will not stay suppressed for long if not addressed. Spend time to acknowledge and process such feelings to get rid of their attachment. Doing this will make you more aligned with the universe.
Align Your Body, Mind, and Soul
According to John Ashraf, positive results are unachievable if a person’s positive conscious thoughts do not align with their unconscious beliefs, habits, and values.
if you don’t align them, your subconscious mind will block your conscious thoughts from manifesting.“Your conscious mind is your chooser and your subconscious mind your implementer” – John Ashraf.
Crave Goal Achievement
When you set clear goals, the universe takes note and set off energies in motion for it. To achieve the goals, different energy is sent out. You need to understand how to work with the different energies so the universe can maintain the momentum of your desires.
Power of Words
“Your words are powerful” is a common but often ignored advice. You should speak words that universe to conspire to help you achieve your goal. Pay close attention to the words you utter, so you don’t end up getting the unintended result.
For instance, if you keep saying you don’t want your current job, the universe may cause you to lose it. But this may happen sooner than you could find another job. Though the loss of your paycheck isn’t what you wanted. It is, however, the consequence of your desire. You should have asked for a fulfilling job instead!
With your desire in mind, close your eyes and begin to visualize the actualization of your intention. Visualize what your fulfilled goals will look, sound, and feels like. Where would be and who would be present? Emotion and feelings are powerful; they can help you notify the universe of your desire in a loud and clear voice.
Take Steps
Show your seriousness to the universe by taking practical steps towards achieving your goal think may include drafting a CV for a job seeker or reaching out to a friend for networking opportunity.
Show Self-love and Gratitude
Be kind to yourself to attract the things you desire and sync with the universe. If your ideal job or advancement presents itself you will miss it if you are emitting the “I am not worthy or good enough” vibration to the universe.
Use your preferred mantra to keep up your positive vibe. Self-love should combine with gratitude for what you want. For example, say “I am grateful for having this business provide me with adequate income” even when you haven’t gotten your desired income. When your desire gets fulfilled, thank the universe for all you have received to encourage more manifestation of your goals.
Trust the Universe
Patient and faith in the universe is a good way of putting it to work for you. You should sincerely believe that all you are asking for will come in due time. Don’t succumb to worry to avoid empowering your fears.
The universe works with divine timing which you must believe will work out to your favor. Keep trusting the process and make your emotional connection strong to get your required result.
Understand How the Universe Works
Understanding the working process of a system will give you control over its operations. It is the same thing with the universe. The more you know the working principles, the easier you can get the universe to work for you.
12 universal laws are governing the physical emotional and spiritual aspect of the universe some of these laws may influence you in specific scenarios more than the others. When you understand these laws, you would recognize when they are at work.
We will look at the laws and what they mean below:
- The Law of Divine Oneness – This means you are one with everything and everyone and your actions will affect both you and others.
- The Law of Vibration – States that everything has vibration and you will attract similar vibration to the one you emit.
- The Law of Action – You can manifest physical results by engaging in actions that align with your energy, emotions, and dreams …
- The Law of Correspondence – Deals with your attitude toward your desired goals. A positive attitude will induce manifestation.
- The Law of Cause and Effect – Nothing happens by chance, and everything that occurs is as a result of past actions and thoughts.
- Law of Compensation – You get what you give out.
- Law of Attraction – Is about creating everything in your life; people and opportunities through the energy you send out.
- Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – You can change the condition of your life through the power of choice.
- Law of Relativity – You have a series of situations to compare with others through which you can see opportunities for gratitude.
- Law of Polarity – There are opposites to everything; light and darkness, yin and yang.
- Law of Rhythm – The vibration of things moves in specific rhythm and pattern not random
- Law of Gender – There is a masculine and feminine side to things which creates balance in the universe.
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Take Responsibility
Blaming and complaining achieves nothing positive. They only serve to bring you and others down. Being around a person who wallows in complaints will drain you of energy because they only talk problems and not solutions.
Whenever you are about to complain about an issue replace your complaint with something positive. It is not easy dealing with consequences, but it is a great way to learn. When you take responsibility even if it is not entirely your fault, you will feel empowered by the universe, and you will know that your destiny is in your own hands.
“I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul” – William Henley
Remove Judgement
Being judgmental seems to come to us naturally. Learning not to judge is challenging and is also a great way of getting the universe on your side. While it is easy to judge others, doing an honest self-assessment is not. Be more self-aware of your bias and direct any criticism towards yourself first.
Commit to Action
It is an action that drives progress. You must break every habit of procreation and commit to action so you can move toward your goals. Instead of telling your friend about a skill you like to acquire, get out there and register for it!
Work Towards the Future
Everyone has a past; it can teach us about dealing with the now and future. However, getting stuck in the past will let life slide pass you. It will take your focus away and drain your energy while preventing you from seeing the opportunities that the universe throws your way. You can only make progress in the future not the past, so embrace it!
Keep an Open Mind
If you are just learning about the workings of the universe. It is good to first develop a relationship so you can experience the process of universe operation. Universal laws are best experienced. To aid understanding you may ask for a sign for a start.
Once you ask for a wish, the next thing is to release and surrender control to the universe. Keep your mind open that your request will manifest.
Emotional Resonance
You can ask for anything but things that have real meaning to you are best. You may be thinking of getting a new job, more money or free time. But your real desire is what these goals can get you.
For instance, more time would translate to doing more of what you love such as spending time with friends or family. A new job may be a proxy for fulfillment, better relationships, and greater purpose. Put the emotional aspect of the goals into your request to draw the power of the universe.
Focus on “What” You Want
You know what you want but if you get fixated on how to get it, you will miss the guidance and clues from the universe. The universe sees the big picture that you can’t. It knows the best and efficient way to get you what you want. Your concern should be about taking the next obvious action. Let the universe complement you with the “how”.
Seek the Good Things in Life
There have been many beautiful, simple moments such as the time I held a newborn baby and cried with the feeling of overwhelming love. This occurred not long after I sat on the fresh green grass playing with my mamma’s boys (my kitty cats). I refer to them as my children as I love them just the same.
Looking back, it was the energy that cultivated those special moments. My intention in life is to have great connections with people, take accountability for what I attract and that gives me so much more power in determining the amount of flow I have in my life. I am genuinely grateful for the people who have supported and loved me because without them I wouldn’t have come so far.
So, this article is for you and I wish you all the joy and happiness that your heart desires!
Blessing and love always,
Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.
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