No 1 Method To Get Back Your Power with Energy Healing

Einstein said it best when he said: “everything is energy…” Everything that created began as a thought, emotion or energy. You are the creator of your circumstances and the world you live. The messages and experiences in your life have limited your belief in thinking you are separate from everyone and the world. The truth is you are “energetically” connected to everyone and everything. In simple terms, what you do to another, you do to yourself.

The Most Powerful Form of Energy is Emotion

There’s a deliberate attempt to sabotage your freedom and cause separation and disempowerment in the world. Your power to create your reality is magnified exponentially when you unite with others and your environment, not by disconnecting, fighting, opposing, fearing or believing you are alone and separate. The most potent form of energy is emotion. The more positive people you connect with, the more power (and energy) you have to create the life and world you want. You can create peace, empowerment, and freedom if you connect with and apply this energy.


If the world’s governments only purpose was to create peace, health and unite people. Imagine if all you read were good news stories and witnessed feel-good moments. A world where you felt safe to visit another country, walk peacefully on the streets knowing that taking care of each other was a priority. If you united all the people in the world who desired peace, happiness, and freedom, you connect to most of the world’s population, of 7 billion people. Let’s take a moment to ponder. Seven billion souls uniting in thought and intent to connect with each other with love and compassion. What an indestructible force that would create, to empower and heal the world.

The emotional States that have Frequencies

Your emotions are supremely powerful. In David Hawkins book, Power V’s Force, he rates the levels of frequencies (megahertz) emitted from various emotional states. The lowest emotional state “shame” calibrates at 0-20 MHz and “enlightenment” calibrates at 700-1000 MHz. The emotions below the frequency of 200 (courage) use a low frequency and require force to maintain it, depleting energy from you. Anything above the emotion of “courage” has power behind it, which builds your energy.

Power = Experiencing emotional states above the frequency of 200

You are Deliberately Disempowered

What if I told you, you are drained of your power? You are being conditioned to feel you are a victim, to live in fear and to feel inadequate. You’re being made to believe your safety, power and, freedom comes from outside sources. This affects your health and leaves you vulnerable to being manipulated and controlled. The medical field constantly informs the masses that they will inevitably experience poor health through chronic illnesses and diseases that plague the planet. The media conveys messages of fear, separation, intolerance, and discrimination by focusing on terrorism, criminals, economic decline, suffering, and war.

The Consciousness of the World’s Beliefs are Affecting You

Religion has implanted mixed messages that include being born unworthy, sinful, not to question authority, and to put your power in another person to save you. What is more disturbing is that religion has coded the scriptures with the Fibonacci code to influence people’s psyche. This programs the masses to accept war, suffering, sacrifice, intolerance, discrimination, animal cruelty, sexism and the notion that living the life of a martyr makes you worthy.

A Disconnected World Creates Dysfunctional People

There is a common theme that runs in all abusers, hardened criminals, controllers, sociopaths or killers. They are disconnected, “soul-less”, souls. They lack empathy and have spent years suppressing their emotions, often engaging in addictive behaviours such as drugs and alcohol consumption. They can be socially awkward or create a false sense of security to gain trust. They lack the ability to “feel” what they do to others. This is why they commit the most horrendous acts without remorse or empathy for their victims.

Think and Feel for Yourself and You Will Know the Truth

If you spend your precious resources, emotions, and energy connecting to yourself and removing the negative conditioning that has programmed you, your body would become your guide. You can have your personal GPS set for a destination of power, freedom, and happiness.

You Are Constantly Receiving Messages and Signals

Your body is constantly receiving messages from outside sources. I have never met a person who doesn’t have some level of feeling other people’s energy. The more “connected” or sensitive a person is, the more their senses are heightened to the energy of their environment and others. Spiritually connected people can “read” the energy that is being emitted without speaking words. As Bruce Lipton once said, “Language was designed to hide feelings.” Animals do not need language; their senses allow them to know the intent of other animals and humans. You have the same ability.

Your Childhood is Paramount to Your Connection and Beliefs

Were you one of those children who sat in a classroom where your needs were neglected? Were you told to obey your elders while watching another child get caned or scolded, or even worse, you were the one humiliated and traumatised? Did you grow up in a household where you witnessed or experienced disrespect, abuse or chaos?

Your Conditioning Has Ignored Your Feelings and Spiritual Needs

Any negative conditioning that has programmed you to ignore your spiritual and emotional needs, disconnects you from your soul. The planet is full of broken, disconnected and shattered souls that need “spiritual food” and healing. In the past, the only form of spirituality permitted or accepted was religion. The churches controlled people’s spiritual exposure by killing and disempowering those who used alternative forms of spiritually (usually women). Even today alternative healers feel dismissed, undermined, and trivialised for the work they do. People don’t need more over the counter pills, they need healing for their wounded souls. Healers are the most important people on the planet as they hold the key to restoring and healing shattered souls.

Your Soul Needs “Soul” Food

The programmed beliefs in each person’s consciousness have ultimately created the disconnected, dysfunctional world that currently exists. When your soul is denied spiritual food, in the form of love, support and kindness, dysfunctions appear either physically, emotionally or energetically. Extreme cases can cause people to go insane, experience nervous breakdowns or literally lose the plot!

The Truth

The truth is, your spirit or soul is feeding your mind and cells, and your cells communicate with vibrations. Even so, the medical field is reluctant to acknowledge the science that proves your emotions influence the healing process and prevents illnesses. After spending decades healing myself from the effects of childhood abuse, I feel more connected than I ever knew was possible. Being an energy healer, and founder of Forensic Healing, this role has stretched my abilities, so that I am a clear conduit for energy to come through me to heal others. This connection has given me firsthand experience on how fragile and vulnerable a person can be to energy that is emitted from others and their environments. I have spent decades undoing and removing negative energy imposed by others and their environment so my clients can heal.

5 Top Reasons Your Soul Disconnects

  1. Religious Rituals (most damaging in childhood)
  2. Anger, Jealousy, and Competition from Others
  3. Abusive, Suppressive and Dysfunctional Childhood
  4. Poor Diet, Medications and Heavy Metal Toxicity
  5. Witnessing Shock, Violence, Abuse, Loss or Horror

5 Ways to Reverse the Conditioning

  1. Organic Diet and Physical Detoxing (including removal of heavy metals)
  2. Laughter, Meditation, Exercise, and Soul and Energy Healing Modalities
  3. Exposure to Nature and Positive Environments (including all media mediums ie, TV, Movies etc.)
  4. Supportive Loving Community, Family, and Friends
  5. Living Your Passion, Loving what You Do

Choose to Create Solutions and Offer Hope

If you are struggling to find joy, freedom or power in your life, don’t feel bad, this is not your fault. Choose to change and find solutions instead of fighting battles. This will energise you as you gather power, momentum and unite people (instead of separating them). Put your energy on creating solutions for the things you want. Most people on the planet want a better life. This can be achieved if it is done in unity and cooperation. If we all step up, one by one, we offer a new way forward, and the masses will unite and restore humanity to the planet. Join me in the dream that we can create compassion, power, and solutions for each soul to experience their full potential, happiness, and freedom. Blessings always, Marisa ♥ Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”

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