How to Recognize the Signs and Effects of a Curse

Title: The Journey Beyond Pain and into Freedom

The Adelaide Essentials workshop was powered by an incredible group of women, all eager to take their healing journeys to the next level. One of the most unforgettable moments came when I worked with Rosanna, a woman who had suffered through 18 months of unrelenting pain. She had endured painful mouth blisters and severe throat pain that no doctor could seem to alleviate. It was as if every solution only led to more frustration. I had only a few minutes to uncover the root cause of her suffering. After some digging, the pieces fell into place when Rosanna revealed a long-standing conflict with her estranged sister.

When Pain Has a Hidden Source: The Power of Energy

Rosanna had shared a close, loving relationship with her mother, who tragically passed away due to medical mismanagement. This was a major clue. The deeper I looked, the more it became clear that Rosanna’s sister harbored jealousy over their bond—a jealousy that had festered for years. The energy surrounding this unresolved resentment was manifesting in Rosanna’s physical body, causing her intense pain.

The moment the energetic curse was lifted, Rosanna’s pain instantly began to fade. This experience serves as a powerful reminder that the energy we allow around us can deeply impact our well-being. When people become aware of the energy being directed toward them—whether positive or negative—they regain control over their lives. It’s essential to cultivate an environment filled with good, healing energy to maintain health, both physically and emotionally. After all, energy is the driving force behind everything on this planet.

Breaking Free from the Matrix: Following Your Inner Guidance

Now that I’ve freed myself from the “Matrix” through intense research, releasing implants, and removing mind control influences, I can see how many people are set up for failure from birth. The journey to true freedom is not an easy one, especially for those who have experienced dysfunctional upbringings. But here’s the good news: it is possible to liberate your soul and break free from the constraints of the Matrix.

This path to freedom requires deep healing, conscious awareness of your thoughts and intentions, and most importantly, following your intuition. Think of your intuition as your personal GPS, always guiding you toward freedom, success, and your true purpose.

Thank You for Your Support

I’m keeping this short because my life and mission have intensified, and this month has been non-stop! I’m so grateful for your continued support on this wild and transformative journey, both for myself and Forensic Healing. Together, we’re not just creating personal change, but helping others find their freedom, too.

Sending you all my love and blessings,

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”