How to respond to pain and suffering

Do you feel sorry for people or situations that causes you to spend hours worrying and recounting the story to others? When you connect to the pain and stress of others, it can leave you feeling disempowered and distraught.

There is so much media access to the unimaginable suffering in the world today that it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and depressed. Did you know that the learned behaviour of feeling sorry and connecting to other people’s pain can cause more harm than good?

Using the law of attraction or the concept of the exchange of energy you can see why you can help or hinder a person or situation. You can reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and sad in these challenging situations.

Getting Past the Emotions

I used to feel so overwhelmed by the abuse and suffering I would witness that it often left me in tears. Today, I still can’t witness cruelty on any level as I can feel the pain of another human being or animal all too clearly. My ability to connect to others is heightened since my profession involves channelling energy to heal others – to be a clear channel, I need to be personally connected and open to feeling everything.

Initially, I did not know what to do about this dilemma as I felt desperate to stop others’ pain, especially that of innocent victims such as animals and children. Over time, I have learned how to be more empowered and stay strong when I witness or hear debilitating stories recounted to me, thus allowing me to focus on what I do best – help and heal.

Like Attracts Like

If you analyse the law of attraction – like attracts like. This shows that worrying only adds more negative energy to a situation, and doing this expands into more problems, pain, and stress. This concept permits you to stop worrying and directing energy on the things you don’t want; it helps you to redirect energy and thoughts on the outcomes you want.

The ability to heal requires keeping your energy or vibration raised, which then increases the other person or situation’s energy to help change and heal it when you connect to others problems you place yourself in the “black hole” with them, which only compounds both your miseries.

It is the same universal rule that is applied to visualising the things you want or directing your emotions on the things you want to attract. If you see a suffering animal on Facebook or the internet, you can place your hand over the picture with the intention to send healing energy to them and visualise them rescued, healed and well. My two mammas boys (my kitties) get so much love and good energy as I use them as a surrogate to send the healing energy to the animals in need.

I realised that feeling sad for others reduces my power to heal and impairs my ability to stay focused on what my purpose and goals. When I keep my vibration positive, I can visualise others healed and happy, offering greater possibility for them to improve.

Helping not Harming

My own experience of childhood abuse caused me to feel like a victim. This attracted more pain and suffering as I grew older. Over time, I realised that recounting my struggles kept me stuck, and prevented me from moving forward and focusing on solutions instead. Now, I discipline myself to repeat stories that are uplifting. If there is a negative situation that arises, I focus more on the resolution and ways to move forward, rather than dwelling on the past.

9 Tips to Keep You Elevated

The most common statements from people are “I feel sorry for them” or “This is so unfair”. These statements help no-one involved. There are more constructive ways to move forward in challenging situations, so I have listed nine tips to keep you empowered in times of difficult challenges.

1. Focus and visualise the positive outcome

2. When you speak about the situation, tell others the outcome you want

3. Make a vision board of the situation already resolved and the solution manifested.

4. Place a picture of the person/animal with figurine angels around the picture (symbolic of protection and healing)

5. Eliminate worry and choose to surrender to the trust that everything will work out.

6. Heal yourself of pain and suffering as that attracts pain and suffering in your life.

7. Distract yourself when you feel sad and repeat a positive affirmation such as “I choose to let go and feel peace.”

8. Imagine sending positive energy to the person or animal that is intended for the situation

9. Get healing and meditate regularly to keep your emotions and energy calm

These steps give you some constructive ideas to assist you in your challenges of living in a world that can often feel painful and insensitive. When you feel good, you raise the vibration for others and the planet to heal and change.

What are the methods you use to keep calm in challenging times?

Blessings to you always,


Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.