Words have power – use the laws of attraction

Words Have Power

Words hold power. Ask an adult haunted by painful words from their childhood they can’t shake off. Likewise, advertisers know the power of subliminal messages to persuade you to buy their merchandise. Words tell a story. They connect you with the author’s sentiments. Words can make you laugh, cry, feel happy or sad, open your mind, and shift your thinking. Words summon visuals and emotions. These visuals and emotions emit a vibration that manifest a physcial reality. It is a fundamental concept in the law of attraction. Like attracts like, thoughts become things. You can experience this while reading a person’s Facebook page. You get an impression about the owner as you read their comments, stories and view their pictures.  It’s probably the same impression and feeling you would get if you met them. Their page shows you what they focus on, what they are thinking and how they interact with others.

Words Put “SPELLS” on the Things You Say

It becomes easier to understand the Universal laws the more you become aware of them. For example, when I described how karma works using a story about a negative person from the past, a woman appeared on Facebook with the same name and the same negative behaviours as the person I had written about! So my story and my thoughts manifested the negative person instantly. Words stir up emotions, and emotions are a powerful source of energy. When thoughts and emotions are aligned, physical manifestations follow in due course. These experiences teach discipline to interact positively with people or avoid them if that isn’t possible. When I am teaching, I refrain from repeating adverse situations unless I am explaining a principle. I keep my thoughts, words, and intentions on things I want for myself and others. When you encounter a positive interaction with a person, they think positively about you, helping you manifest positive things. This concept also applies to the other person; they reap the benefit of good vibes and energy to manifest positive outcomes. Words hold energy, so speak of the things you want. Imagine how you will feel filled with positivity and energy. The accumulation of this process will create high energy flowing around you every day.  Each month your positive interactions are multiplied, and by the end of the year, the hundreds of people you engaged with have positive feelings about you. They will assist you in creating your desires and outcomes in your life. Albert Einstein “Imagination is more important the knowledge.” Imagination is the seed fertilised in the mind, whereby action is the flowering plant that blossoms. One needs the other to manifest your goals and dreams. It’s important to visualise a favourable future instead of focussing on circumstances you fear.  Some people act impulsively without giving any thought to what they want. Instead, they think about what they don’t want and become disheartened when things don’t go the way they expected. They fail to devote time or energy to get clear on their desires. Napoleon Hill, author of The Master Key to Riches said, “Mental attitude is important because it converts the brain into the equivalent of an electromagnet which attracts the counterpart of one’s dominating thoughts, aims, and purposes. It also attracts the counterpart of one’s fears, worries, and doubts.” Hebbian Theory describes the mechanism for synaptic plasticity stating: “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Brain cells that communicate frequently arestrengthened through their connection. As a result, messages along the same pathway in the brain become faster and more efficient. This is beneficial for several reasons. What you give attention to is reinforced in the brain through its cellular network. Therefore, if you give attention to what is unwanted in your life, those same cellular structures are strengthened and become efficient unless you change your thought patterns. “Any idea that is held in the mind, emphasised, feared or reverenced, begins at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical form that is available,” states Napoleon Hill. Ernest S. Holmes the founder of Science of Mind magazine wrote “While a certain amount of vision is necessary, on the other hand, it must be remembered that we are dealing with a power that is like the soil of the ground, which will produce the plant when we plant seed. It does not matter if we have never before seen a plant like the one that is to be made for us.  Our thought is the seed and mind is the soil. We are always planting and harvesting. All that we need to do is plant only what we want to harvest.” Many New Age authors of the early 20th century spoke of the importance of visualisation and imagination, including Ernest Holmes, Napoleon Hill, James Allen, Norman Vincent Peale, Wallace D Wattles, Neville Goddard, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Positive groups (especially energy healers) give you an amazing boost of energy

Forensic Healing Facebook group is intended to be positive and uplifting for those who join. If someone posts a negative story or complains, the post is deleted. This is because the Forensic Healing group members who read the comments will have the same energy placed upon them and negativity will increase for the person who wrote the post.

There have been times I’ve had to remove the negativity from some of the posts energetically. Fortunately now, there is so much positivity and support in the group; there are only supportive and inspiring posts. It is now a powerful place to bask in good vibrations.

As an alternative therapist, I have an obligation to myself and the people I treat to have clean, balanced and aligned energy. It would be irresponsible if I allowed negativity in my energy field when I am healing, teaching or interacting with others.

Since I started writing my book, it has been a challenge expressing the stories about the lessons I have learned without creating negative repercussions.

Blessings and love

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.