Unlock Your Energy Potential: Discover Your Positive and Negative Energy Rating

Energy is an omnipresent force that surrounds you and shapes your life in various ways. You often hear about the significance of positive energy and how it can uplift your spirits and improve your well-being. However, it’s equally important to understand negative energy and its impact on your life. Awareness is the first step to navigating the smorgasbord of energies you can encounter over the course of your life. The following calculators will reveal to you the importance of identifying and managing negative energy – the NEGATIVE Energy Calculator and the POSITIVE Energy Calculator. By taking these 40 and 10-question quizzes, you can uncover your energy indices and embrace a more balanced and harmonious life.

The Impact of Negative Energy

Negative energy is like a cloud that hovers over you, affecting your emotions, relationships, and overall outlook on life. It can be caused by unresolved traumas, stress, anxiety, and toxic environments or relationships. Recognising negative energy is the first step in addressing and preventing it from taking over your life. By understanding its presence and influence, you can take proactive steps to improve your energy field therefore what you create and attract in your life.

NEGATIVE Energy Calculator: Assessing Your Energy Field

This 40-question quiz is designed to rate your Negative Energy Index (NEI). By honestly answering these questions, you can identify areas of negativity and toxicity that may be affecting your life. Upon completion, the calculator provides insights into your NEI, revealing the level of negativity present in your energy field and making you aware of what is causing it.

The Impact of Positive Energy

Embracing Positivity: The POSITIVE Energy Calculator

The power of positivity is important to grow your consciousness, potential and abundance in all things. Positive energy has the ability to bring joy, fulfilment, and growth. It is not just about generating positivity within yourself; it is also about recognising how you influence others and how they also impact your life.

The POSITIVE Energy Calculator offers another 10-question quiz that enables you to rate your Positive Energy Index (PEI). Whether it pertains to self-awareness or assessing the energy dynamics within a relationship, this tool will help you uncover the impact of your positive energy.

how to know if you have negative energy

Benefits of Knowing Your Energy Indices

  1. Self-awareness: Understanding your NEI and PEI fosters self-awareness, allowing you to recognize patterns, triggers, and areas for personal growth.
  2. Improved relationships: By knowing how your energy influences others and vice versa, you can build healthier and more harmonious relationships.
  3. Emotional healing: Addressing negative energy leads to emotional healing and a better sense of well-being.
  4. Empowerment: Armed with knowledge about your energy indices, you can take proactive steps to balance your energy field and cultivate positivity.


Energy governs the essence of your existence, shaping the way you interact inwardly and with the environment. By acknowledging the presence of negative energy and harnessing the power of positivity, you can lead a more fulfilling life and create meaningful connections with others.

Take the NEGATIVE Energy Calculator and the POSITIVE Energy Calculator, and embrace the journey of self-discovery. Uncover your energy indices, and use this newfound knowledge to create a life filled with balance, harmony, and boundless positivity. Remember, the power to transform your energy field lies within your hands. Embrace it, and let your positive energy radiate to inspire yourself and those around you.

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