Healing Video To Stop Your Energy Getting Stolen

You may have read my recent blog posts called Tired, is your energy getting stolen? Which also refers to an earlier blog post called Truth, Disclosure, Aliens, and Ascension. If you resonated with my message, then you will enjoy this video to stop your energy from being stolen.

After digging deep and being guided to some powerful information including one source from Lisa Renee, everything is now in perspective.

There is a devised plan to stop humanity from spiritually advancing by creating a complex, and seemingly inescapable corrupted matrix. Humanity has been caught up in this destruction, and each soul has been affected. We need to return our organic source connection.

If I were to impart one message to anyone, it would be the necessity to recognise that your energy, soul, and spirit are the most important aspect of yourself. It is the “blueprint” of what you attract and experience. It is how you create the life you are living.

Global Consciousness Creates the World

Change your “energetic blueprint,” and you change your life. Humanity, which is the universal, energetic consciousness, is now waking up to the control, suffering, and manipulations that have been created to fuel a higher, inhumane agenda.

Many have gone against the grain, endured opposition, and persecution to stay true to themselves or speak the truth. Your time has come to experience real freedom and peace in spite of the tumultuous and unstable world that exists. Freedom is available for those who have decided that their spirituality is a priority for them.

Keep following your feelings and stay true to yourself. Many are leading in integrity and are not afraid to show who they are. Some of these people are powerful women who reside in our Forensic Healing Facebook group that you are welcome to join.

The following healing video blocks the siphoning of your energy from the negative alien agenda or Cabal. The statements that I mention for you to repeat located below the video.

Healing Statements

Client repeats: I (your name) choose to release the related cause at (time of a significant trauma/stress) giving access to my life force energy. I choose to reclaim full access to my energy through the clearing and deletion of all harmful portholes, gateways, golums, and channels siphoning my life force from any person, place or thing including the negative alien agenda and Cabal.

I choose to release all imposed ownership, debts, and agreements from any person, place or organisation. I confirm the activation and access to the positive energy portholes and gateways to the organic life force source energy to be fully functioning, sovereign, free and live in oneness with humanity from this point forward.

I would love to know of any changes or shifts that you experience in the comments section below.

Blessings always

Marisa ♥

Disclaimer: Forensic Healing, Marisa Russo and Spiritual Development for women are not a professional medical body. Any information contained in any videos/publications/comments/blog posts etc are for entertainment purposes only. All information is intended for general guidance and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Marisa Russo or Forensic Healing makes no warranties or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel, websites, videos, social media pages, blog posts etc.”